Peerless God Lord

Chapter 3341: The ambition to swallow up the human race

"Hahaha, the people from Taichu Mountain are very confident!"

"In this case, let's have a good exchange and discussion with everyone from Taichu Mountain!"


The geniuses of the major forces saw that Ye Chen was full of confidence and that many of the people from Taichu Mountain were well-known figures in the human race, so they did not refuse.

They also wanted to learn how the geniuses of Taichu Mountain have made progress in recent years.

Immediately, Ye Chen and others also entered the reception mountain. The two parties gathered in a square to exchange experiences first.

After finishing, find a place to discuss.

In the human realm, although there is competition between the various forces, overall the relationship is pretty good.

Basically, there will be no tragedy where the two major forces go to war or the family is wiped out.

Because in the human race realm, there is a consensus, that is, to unite and fight against foreign races.

This is racially correct!

This is the will of the three human emperors.

Therefore, in general, the atmosphere in the human realm is much better than that in the original world.

On the reception mountain peak, the exchanges between the two parties also continued to attract other people from the Taichu Holy Mountain.

From time to time, groups of Taichu Shenshan disciples came, more and more, and the scene became more and more lively.

This exchange lasted for five days, and then they started to learn from each other.

The process of discussion was even longer and lasted for more than ten days.

During the whole process, the old antiques and superpowers from Taichu Mountain were silently watching.

I have to say that Ye Chen is really powerful. Among the many geniuses of the same level, no one from Taichu Mountain or from other forces can defeat him, and only two or three people can tie with him. .

The people who can compete with Ye Chen are the top geniuses among all the forces, and they have long been famous in the human race world.

Honglian's strength has also improved rapidly. He is only more than twenty places behind Ye Chen in the strongest list in history. This competition also shined.

Of course, in addition to Ye Chen and Hong Lian, there are also many talented people who have shown strong combat power, which makes many old antiques from Taichu Mountain who are silently paying attention secretly happy.

"Ye Chen, this son, is expected to become a supreme elder within five hundred thousand years, and to reach the realm of creation and heaven within a million years!"

"Guren is not that bad either."

"Vana is not a very talented boy, but he has made great progress in the past few years. I heard that this boy often fishes in troubled waters and likes to dig up the ancestral graves of aliens. Many aliens surrounded and killed him in the battlefield of gods and demons!"

"It's a pity it's still not enough!"


A group of old antiques from the Taichu Divine Mountain communicated secretly with their spiritual thoughts. They were also very happy to see that the human race was constantly having geniuses born.

However, the words were also filled with unbreakable sorrow.

Among the human race, the three emperors of the Dinghai Divine Needle have not appeared for a long, long time.

The Taichu Human Emperor has not appeared for four million years.

The Kaitian Human Emperor has not appeared for more than three million years.

The Human Emperor of Haotian last appeared 1.2 million years ago.

This time has been too long.

It's been so long that people wonder, did something happen to the three human emperors?

This also led to some alien races being ready to take action and eyeing the human race with covetousness.

No, even the Yuan clan, which is an ally of the human race, is becoming more and more powerful and excessive.

The Canghai Clan, which both the Human Race and the Yuan Clan depended on, not only ignored them, but also oppressed the Human Race more and more.

Some of the top powers of the human race have no doubt that if something happens to the three human emperors, the human race will immediately fall into an existential crisis.

The Hai Clan and the Yuan Clan will be the first to swallow the entire human race, leaving no trace behind.

Three human emperors, three great sea-fixing needles!

Among them, even if something happens to only one of the Human Emperors, the human race will be in a lot of trouble.

If something happens to two human emperors, a crisis will ensue.

The situation of the three human emperors is the highest secret of the human race.

In the Taichu Sacred Mountain, none of the Supreme Elders knew the specific situation of the Taichu Human Emperor.

Perhaps only those three decision-makers, the three Supreme Human Kings, know the specific situation of the Human Emperor in Taichu.


This exchange and discussion event attracted the attention of many people. At the beginning, it was still attracting people.

At the beginning, there were only some geniuses from the Pitian Realm and a few strong men from the Creation Realm, but as time went by, many geniuses and monsters from the Creation Realm came one after another.

This matter has turned into a grand exchange event in the human realm, and Taichu Shenshan specially publicized it.

All of a sudden, the geniuses of the creation realm from all the major human forces were arriving one after another.

For a time, the eyes of everyone in the human race were drawn to the Taichu Divine Mountain.

At this moment, Su Mo had walked out of the Advanced Tibetan Scripture Temple and returned to Su Feng.

He already understood clearly the specific method of warming and nourishing the artifact.

In fact, it is also very simple.

That is to create an artifact, be completely bound to the small world, and grow together with the small world.

Use the power of the small world to nourish the creation artifact and continue to become stronger.

This was another problem for Su Mo.

That is, other people's small world is unchanging, while his small world is a flowing mat.

For example, Su Mo now binds the creation artifact to a certain small world. However, he may have to abandon this small world after a while, so there are some problems in this.

However, it's not a big problem. After all, creating an artifact does not mean that it can only be bound to a certain small world. After he has a new small world, he can then bind it to a new small world.

However, constant changes would affect the growth of the artifact, but this was not a big problem for Su Mo.

After all, his strength mainly lies in himself, and creating an artifact is just the icing on the cake.

"After the small world of the four-armed alien race is refined, the Chaos Thunder Bell will be directly bound to the small world of the Creation Realm."

Su Mo thought to himself.

When he stepped onto Su Feng and looked around the entire Su Feng, Su Mo felt particularly comfortable.

The entire peerless divine sect, among the millions, was settled on Su Feng, and everything was in order.

Moreover, some people have already left the Taichu Divine Mountain and gone out to explore the human realm.

"Father, many human geniuses have come to the Taichu Holy Mountain and they are competing. Aren't you going to watch?"

A figure flashed and came to Su Mo. It was Su Xiaomo.

"You can go and have a look!" Su Mo waved his hand.

"Okay! I'm going now!"

Su Xiaomo bowed and saluted, then flashed away.

Su Mo returned to the secret room alone and continued to retreat.

Now, he feels out of place in Taichu Mountain.

Perhaps it's because he has practiced in a lot of small worlds and has strong combat power, but in the eyes of others, he has gone astray, so there are no eyes on him in Taichu Mountain.

Even though he was rumored to have killed Sheng Ku, a powerful creature in the Creation Realm of the Ancient Holy Clan.

Perhaps, although this is a bit surprising to the people of Taichu Holy Mountain, it is not worth publicizing.

After all, if other disciples follow Su Mo's example and open up a large number of small worlds, causing their cultivation to stagnate, then the foundation of the entire Taichu Mountain will be shaken.

Therefore, the Taichu Divine Mountain basically kept a secret about Su Mo, an alien like him, and let him go.

After telling Mr. Lin not to be disturbed, Su Mo went into a secret room to retreat.

His soul immediately entered the small world and tried to refine the four-armed alien race.

Without any unnecessary nonsense, the refining started directly.

In a moment, the four-armed alien body turned into nothingness, leaving only a small world as bright as a gem.

However, the four-armed alien race has not died, and its soul has hidden in the small world.

Next, to completely refine the small world, Su Mo's soul needs to invade the opponent's small world, kill the opponent's soul first, and then control the opponent's small world for refining.

This step is still somewhat difficult for Su Mo today.

Because, after all, he only has the cultivation level of the Heavenly Realm, and the power of his soul is difficult to compete with the strong ones in the Creation Realm.

He refined other alien races in the Pitian Realm. Even if the opponent's soul hid in the small world, Su Mo's soul power, coupled with the majestic and endless power of the world, could kill them in an instant.

However, you must be cautious when dealing with strong people in the Creation Realm.

Because the power of Su Mo's soul was not strong enough, even if his soul enveloped the world power of fifteen small worlds of the Heavenly Realm and Heavenly Realm, it poured into the small world of the Four-Armed Alien Race. It is also difficult to kill the opponent quickly.

At this time, the opponent facing a desperate situation may explode the small world at any time, which will also pose a huge threat to Su Mo.


Su Mo's soul power, carrying the earth-shattering power of the world, poured into the small world of the Four-Armed Alien Race.

This small world is huge, full of mountains and forests, with many wild beasts.

"How can it be?"

"How could you...?"

At this moment, the roar of the four-armed alien race resounded throughout the small world, and the sound was full of horror and panic.

Because he was really frightened by Su Mo's world power.

He tightly defended and controlled his little world, but he only felt an unstoppable force that was shattering the world, so he broke through his blockade and rushed into his little world unscrupulously.

It was hard for him to imagine how a human race in the Pitian Realm could possess such terrifying power?

"Are you willing to surrender?"

Su Mo's voice also sounded in the small world, trying to stabilize the opponent and buy time for him to seize the small world.

"Hahahaha, our Nine Heavens Divine Arm Clan only has clan members who died in battle, and no clan members who surrendered to it...!"

The four-armed alien laughed crazily, and the sound shook the entire small world for millions of miles: "Exit immediately, otherwise... I will die with you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire small world began to become unstable. The space was chaotic and the earth was shaking, as if it would explode at any time.

"as you wish!"

Su Mo was also very decisive and retreated immediately.

Because if you continue to forcibly refine it, it will only cause the other party to self-destruct, and the gain outweighs the loss.

Since it can't be refined now, let's put it on hold for now.

Abyss world.

This is the origin world of the Yuan clan, and it is also part of the origin world.

The vast and boundless abyss realm is completely different from the human realm.

On the vast and endless land, there are no living creatures or vegetation, only endless desolation and countless sands.

Here, it seems to be a dead world. Even if you walk hundreds of millions of miles, you will not see even a blade of grass.

However, this land is covered with abyss after another. In the abyss, ninety thousand miles below the earth, there is a huge world, an endless underground world.

In the underground world, there are rivers, forests, and countless creatures.

Somewhere in a magnificent and solemn palace.

There are dozens of tall figures, all of them are about ten feet tall. Their whole bodies are dark green, their skin is as hard as stone, and their faces are rough.

"According to the calculations of our wise men and the combined information from various sources, the human race's Kaitian God Emperor has most likely fallen in the process of reincarnation and reconstruction, and the Haotian God Emperor should not have recovered to its peak yet. The human race is currently weaker than ever before. !”

On the high throne of the main hall, there was a powerful being with an aura as deep as the sea, and his voice rang out in the main hall.

"Lord Ancient Ancestor, do you want to take action against the human race?" asked a Yuan Clan great master.

"The human race is weak. If other races take advantage of it, or the sea race takes action, we will have no chance."

The superior ancestor of the Yuan Clan, with a voice like Hong Lu, continued: "Now, the only thing that needs to be confirmed is the situation of the Taichu Human Emperor. If the Taichu Human Emperor is not at his peak, this is our chance to swallow up the human realm!"

"Lord Guzu, the Sea Clan will not sit back and watch us swallow up the entire human realm!"

"It doesn't matter, after the whale swallows the entire human realm, half of the benefits will be handed over to you!" Gu Ancestor sighed and said.

There is no way, the Canghai clan has immortal existences in the Creation realm, which is a huge mountain pressing on their heads, insurmountable, and their appetite must be satisfied.

Of course, they are attached to the Hai Clan, and the Hai Clan will naturally protect them. Otherwise, in this crisis-ridden world of origin, the Yuan Clan might have been wiped out long ago.

"Next, we need to send people to the Taichu Holy Mountain in the human realm to test it out!" the ancient ancestor said in a deep voice.

Upon hearing this, the powerful men from the Yuan Clan all looked around, with infinite desire flashing in their eyes.

If it can swallow the entire human race, then the Yuan clan's strength will grow tremendously.

"Lord Ancestor, according to the information we bribed about the human race's rape, the Human Race's genius exchange event is currently being held in the Taichu Divine Mountain, and it will continue for some time. We use this as an excuse to enter the Taichu Divine Mountain to explore the situation of the Taichu Human Emperor. , maybe you can detect clues." A top expert from the Yuan Clan said.

When the ancient ancestor heard the words, he slightly chinned his head, and then he looked at the Yuan Clan powerful man who was speaking, and said: "Polun, your cultivation strength is second only to my ancestor in our Yuan Clan. You can take people there!"

"Don't worry, Guzu!"

The top powerhouse of the Yuan clan named Po Lun immediately stood up with an infinitely solemn expression on his face.

This task is very heavy!

He needs extremely detailed planning.

After all, the situation of Taichu Human Emperor must be the most important secret of Taichu Mountain, and few people know it.

Therefore, it was not easy for him to detect clues.

However, he already had a solution.

In fact, there is no need to get any clear information or meet the Emperor Taichu.

You only need to confirm it from the side, and you will gain something.

"This is a serious matter! Be careful!"

The ancient ancestor couldn't help but warn him. Obviously, swallowing human beings is also a dangerous move. If you are not careful, there will be huge risks.

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