Peerless God Lord

Chapter 651 Being a Guest

At this moment, Su Mo defeated Hua Yuanhan. Although many people lost their bets, no one was resentful or unwilling.

Because they witnessed a miracle and the counterattack of an eternal evildoer.

At this time, everyone was in awe and respected Su Mo.

Most of the people in the Death Row Arena are people who have been in the Demonic Land all year round. Although these people are more bloodthirsty and more cruel than the warriors outside, they are more respectful than the outsiders. Strong.

In the past, although Su Mo entered the Thousand Talents List with his Zhen Gang Realm cultivation and became famous in the East Continent, people did not see Su Mo's defiance with their own eyes, and they only marveled in their hearts.

But today's battle between Su Mo and Hua Yuanhan made these warriors respect Su Mo from the bottom of their hearts.

This is respect for the strong, this is respect for true genius.

It can be said that Hua Yuanhan's death completely established Su Mo's reputation as a monster forever.

Li Feng and Hong Qingxuan both showed happy smiles on their faces. Su Mo will always be the same Su Mo. He will only become more powerful and will not be defeated.

On the battlefield.

Su Mo searched for a while and found Hua Yuanhan's storage ring. The other party's storage ring and his broken palm were wrapped in a small piece of ice.

With a wave of his hand, Su Mo put away the piece of ice.

After Shao Qing opened the formation shield on the fighting platform, Su Mo strode off the fighting platform.

In five battles, he has won a large amount of spiritual stones, and there is no need to fight anymore. Moreover, if he continues to fight, he will really have no confidence if he encounters a strong person again.

"Su Mo, I admire your talent!" A figure flashed, and Mr. Lin appeared in front of Su Mo.

"Senior, thank you!" Su Mo hugged Mr. Lin with a fist.

Mr. Lin pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "You have won five games in a row and received a total of 1.55 million spiritual stones as a reward. Come with me!"

Mr. Lin was in a good mood. Although he had to pay Su Mo a large sum of spiritual stones, Su Mo's counterattack in the last battle also saved a huge loss for the Prison Arena.

"Yes!" Su Mo nodded.

Immediately, Su Mo signaled to Li Feng and Hong Qingxuan in the stands, and followed Mr. Lin out of the prison arena.

Li Feng and Hong Qingxuan hurriedly walked down from the stands and followed them.

Everyone looked at Su Mo's leaving figure and sighed. It was not until a long time later that many people began to leave the prison arena.

After several battles with Su Mo, the subsequent battles with others were boring.

In the attic, in a small living room.

"Su Mo, this is the 1.57 million spiritual stones you won!"

Elder Lin took out a storage bag and handed it to Su Mo.

The amount of spiritual stones Su Mo won in the battle was 1.55 million. Adding in the 20,000 spiritual stones he had won previously, the amount was exactly 1.57 million.

"Thank you, senior!" Su Mo took the storage bag, checked it briefly, and then thanked Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin waved his hand, then took out two more storage bags and handed them to Li Feng and Hong Qingxuan respectively.

"This is the bet you two won." Old Lin said.

"Thank you, senior!" Li Feng and Hong Qingxuan also thanked Mr. Lin. Each of them won 490,000 spiritual stones.

This is a huge amount of wealth, which is quite huge for any Zhenxuan realm warrior. If converted into medium-level spiritual stones, it would amount to nearly 500 million.

"Senior, since the spirit stones have been paid, let's take our leave!" Su Mo said, clasping his fists to Mr. Lin. He couldn't wait to leave here.

Because at this moment, he felt a weak feeling in his body like a tide, making his whole body feel exhausted.

This feeling is just like that of an ordinary mortal who has not slept for several days and nights, extremely tired.

Su Mo hated this feeling because this was when he was at his weakest and he couldn't even exert 20% of his strength.

At this time, if a powerful enemy came to kill him, he would almost certainly die.

"Little friend, wait a minute!" Mr. Lin waved his hand.

Su Mo looked puzzled and didn't know what the other party meant.

At this moment, a young man walked in from the door of the living room. Su Mo turned around and saw that this man was really evil.

"Su Mo, would you like to stay as a guest in the City Lord's Mansion?" Yin Tianqiu walked up to Su Mo and said with a smile.

"Being a guest?" Su Mo was startled when he heard this. He was extremely weak now. The most important thing was to find a place to retreat and recover his energy. He had no time to be a guest!

Moreover, he is not familiar with Yin Tianqiu. If the other party has any evil intentions again, it will be over!

Su Mo was about to refuse, but Yin Tianqiu continued: "I also watched the battle between you and Hua Yuanhan. If my prediction is correct, you used some powerful secret method, and now it's you The weakest time!"

When Su Mo heard this, he frowned and narrowed his eyes slightly. His details were clearly seen by the other party, which made him immediately vigilant.


Seeing Su Mo's wary expression, Yin Tianqiu shook his head and chuckled, "Su Mo, don't worry, I don't mean any harm, I just want to make friends with you!"

Su Mo remained silent and stared at the other person.

Seeing that Su Mo was still vigilant, Yin Tianqiu smiled and said, "Besides, if I want to deal with you, why bother? As long as I give my order, no one in Tiansha City can resist!"

When Su Mo heard this, he let out a sigh of relief. What the other party said was indeed reasonable. As the Young Lord of Tiansha City, he really didn't need to use tricks to deal with him.

At the very least, this Mr. Lin is not something the three of them can deal with.

"I need to rest for a while now, so I'm sorry!" After thinking for a while, Su Mo still shook his head and declined politely.

Yin Tianqiu was not angry, and said in a deep voice: "Su Mo, in fact, in your current state, you will be in danger if you leave Tiansha City. If you don't mind, just rest in the City Lord's Mansion. After you recover your strength, you will be in danger again." It’s not too late to leave Tiansha City.”

"This...!" Su Mo hesitated. This was indeed a good idea. It would be safer to stay here to rest and recover his energy before leaving.

Moreover, the other party repeatedly invited him, and it was difficult for him to refuse.

After pondering for a moment, Su Mo nodded and said, "Then I'll stay and bother you for a few days!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Yin Tianqiu let out a hearty laugh and said, "What's wrong with you? I can't ask for anything more! Come on, I'll take you to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Then, Yin Tianqiu turned around and left the living room. Su Mo chuckled lightly and followed him with Li Feng.

The City Lord's Mansion and the Death Prison Arena were built next to each other. After a while, Su Mo and the other two arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord's palace is very large, even larger than the imperial palace of Tianyue Kingdom. There are countless palaces, attics, rockeries, and pavilions in the vast mansion.

Originally from \u0026 # http:///


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