Within a few days of this happy day, the bad luck began.

First, on the same day, it was rumored that the old patriarch of the Jade Rabbit clan, Zha Yue, and the old patriarchs of several small tribes passed away. The next day, the old people of the tribes began to die one by one, without any warning or foreshadowing.

On the third day, children under the age of ten from the major tribes began to die without warning, and when everyone went to ask the new emperor in fear, the new emperor told them that the catastrophe had begun.

The catastrophe of the heavens is a racial catastrophe of the fittest.

It's something that all races have to go through.

The Heavenly Tribulation is unstoppable, and no one can help. Only rely on your own strength to protect yourself. There is no such thing as who will protect whom.

According to the new emperor, there are a total of eight days of the Haotian Tribulation, and as long as you survive these eight days, you can do it.

People of all races, all of them are experiencing this catastrophe, and only the strong can stay. Every day, the list of many deceased clansmen will be reported to the main hall, and every day, thousands of little demons will die.

It's a pity that the Duke of the Wind Country and the Duke of the North have also passed away.

Jin Guogong and Yun Guogong seem to want to... There is still a breath left.

Persisted until the last afternoon of the Hao Tiancalamity, and bad news came from the palace, the emperor was going to die! Xuan the patriarchs of all ethnic groups and entered the palace to listen to the holy relics.

When everyone arrived, Changqing stood outside the curtain and pretended to accompany her in the inner room. You can feel that her breath is very weak.

You can hear her saying, "Ying'er... Ying'er... Ying'er... "

"Lan'er, they're all here. If you have anything to say, just say it" With tears in his eyes, he looked at her on the bed.

"Come all ... Finish? "

"Yes, they're all here."

"Tea. . . What about smoke? Zhan Lan asked weakly, only to hear Mingyan outside and say, "Mingyan is here, Your Majesty, please command." "

"Yan'er,,, Zha Yue is gone, you have to ,,, well, take good care of Qianqian, change the Jade Rabbit Clan, change back, Mochizuki Clan."

"Yes, Mingyan knows."

"Evil ,,,, want,,,,Take care of Langyu." Xiaotian, too, take care of ,,,, her. I'm so tired, so tired. Ying'er, hasn't Ying'er come back yet? "

"Ying'er, there is no news yet."

"Brother Xichao,,, you want to teach Ying'er. If he loses a man, he ,,, and kills him. "

"Okay, I will."

"Ying'er,,Boy,,,," Zhan Lan has gradually blurred his senses, and his pupils are dilating...

False words grabbed her hand tightly, wanting her to feel that she was beside her when she parted.

Suddenly, he felt a familiar breath, and suddenly turned around, only to see a jade fox rushing in, turning into a human form, and kneeling in front of the collapse.

"Mother!" Yinghu arrived in time!

"Ying'er, is that you?" When Zhan Lan heard his voice, she felt a little more strength.

"Mother, it's me, it's me, I'm back." Yinghu took her hand.

"Man, are you here?"

"No, my son is not filial, and I didn't see Ling Nan. When he heard that his mother was seriously ill, he rushed back. "

"You ,,,, you, do you really want to, are you mad at me!" Zhan Lan's mood was fluctuating, and she was excited.

"Mother! I really tried my best, I really had no choice, she wouldn't even see me, I didn't have a chance to explain. Mother, I, I ,,,


After the three words "let's go,,,, let's go, let's go,,," three times, her strength gradually disappeared, and the remaining qi dissipated. The hand that was held hung down. At this moment, her aura disappeared completely.

Azure, left.

"Lan'er! ——"

"Mother! ——"

Outside the curtain and others, they knelt down one after another... You know, she's gone.

"Mother! ——————" called out, only to see a golden firebird, flying into the main hall.

Transformed into a human form, she knelt outside the bamboo curtain.

“! Man! Changqing was shocked, why did her daughter come?!

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