Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1325: Faeries are ferocious (7)

Chapter 1325 The Fierce Spirit Clan (7)

Chapter 1323 Immortal Spirit Race Fierce

On the night of the seventh heaven, the cold wind was bitter.

The protective light curtain of the base city is like an oval dome, under the bright light of the dome, hundreds of gods are busy working.

At the end of the day, although it was pretending to work, there were many results.

The array eyes have already begun to be laid.

The metal base for building the city wall has already taken shape.

The materials used to carve runes in the future have also been moved in place.

However, in the darkness, there are some black shadows approaching.

The fairy spirit tribe has fairy light all over the body, but the adult fairy spirit family can control the color of the fairy light. At this moment, they are all covered with a layer of black, moving in the dark night, and there is no shadow at all!

A pair of bloodthirsty eyes were looking at the human monks in the realm of transforming gods.

Suddenly, there was a howl of a wolf, and the attack of the fairy clan was launched!

All kinds of giant wolves and giant apes, tentacle monsters, there are as many as tens of thousands, all over the mountains, crazy!

Just now, the surrounding area of ​​the base city was only quiet, but almost in a blink of an eye, it was densely packed, like a colony of ants.

"Sure enough!"

Standing in the darkness, Ying Zheng looked firm, and there was a hint of optimism in his firmness.

He opened the mouth and said, "Everyone has been waiting for a day today. People who want to eat some meat, apply to the mad alliance, triple the battle exploits!"

"Okay, triple the battle exploits, everyone kill me!"

When those tens of thousands of immortal spirits killed in front of the 610 base city, the gods of the gods had all escaped into the safe zone! At the same time, what was killed was the menacing human being Taiyi!

However, the Fairy Spirit Clan has always been intrepid and fearless of death, and there is no such thing as escape.

"Humanity, death!" The fairy clan shouted frantically, as the tide came over!

It's just a pity that these Faerie Spirit Races are not high-level, and the harm done to Human Taiyi is very small.

And humans are slaughtering them unilaterally!

"Haha, this is the so-called sneak attack plan of the fairy clan, but so!" The cultivator of the five big families laughed loudly.

This kind of sneak attack plan is simply to give away the exploits for nothing!

The Kuangmeng has agreed that they have tripled their combat exploits, and they have killed it so cool!

Soon, all the appraisal cultivators from other base cities who got the news came over.

"Here is triple the battle exploits, and the level of the fairy clan is low, haha, grab the battle exploits!"

"These immortals are really extremely stupid!"

"Yes, they had to come to die during their spiritual practice, haha, how can they be worthy of not killing a few?"

Crazy slaughter is ongoing.

The offensive of the fairy clan is also very crazy, the massacre has been going on for a few hours, and there is still a steady stream of fairy clan rushing over.

The human monks are getting more excited as they kill.

"Haha, what Ding Hao said is really right. This is a large-scale sneak attack. It's just a pity that all the lives of the immortal spirits are sent to death! Haha, kill!"

Ying Zheng looked at the scene outside with joy.

Seeing all the monks, all accumulating military exploits crazily, he was also very happy. Everyone who has won the battle, is more concerned about the construction of the 610 base city, the two complement each other, and everyone is happy!

"Haha, our 610 base city is really famous this time. There are more than 4,500 monks who participated in the three-stage assessment. I am afraid that 4,000 of them are attracted here! In addition, with the gods who are preparing to work here, our base city has Nearly 5,000 monks are massacring the fairy clan! Everyone's military exploits are soaring!"

When Ying Zheng heard the news, his expression was joyful. The more people who came, the more it proved that the 610 base city was cohesive, and it was entirely possible to become an exploration camp for the Seventh Heaven in the future!

"Let everyone kill unlimited and get more combat exploits!"

"As for those gods, you can go to the battlefield to collect the corpses of the fairy clan so that they can also earn some spirit stones! Well, pay attention to safety!"

Ying Zheng was very open, saying that after the massacre today, the immortal clan behind will not come over, and then he can build the city with peace of mind.

OK! The development of the Seventh Heaven, the prosperity of the human race, is here!

But when his mood was at its strongest, a monk suddenly came to report, "Big Brother Yingzheng, nine teleportation arrays are broken."

Ying Zheng didn't take it too seriously, "If it breaks, it will be broken. Anyway, everyone has already come over. The other base city people have run out, so no one will come over again."

The monk said, "No, Brother Yingzheng. The broken teleportation formations are all teleportation formations leaving the 610 base city! None of the teleportation formations entering the base city are broken!"

"What?" Ying Zheng's expression suddenly changed when he heard this sentence.

Because of the 610 base, there are nine teleportation arrays sent outward!

If all nine teleportation formations are broken, it means that no one will be able to leave the 610 base city!

610 base city has become an isolated island, desperate!

Just when Ying Zheng's face changed drastically, the outside suddenly blasted bright, large swathes of bright light and shadow, with an unprecedented speed, crazy approach!

Almost instantly, the light and shadow stopped in front of the base city.

"My God, is that the flying palace of the fairy tribe?"

In the past, humans didn’t know that the fairy clan had flying palaces, but now they know that it is a large piece of jade with a reflective film, with holes on it, and in each hole, there is one Powerful fairy clan life!

These fairy spirit clan beings are all very advanced, with cold eyes.

Ying Zheng glanced over, and saw more than a dozen humanoid fairy clans jumping off the flying palace!

"My God, a real celestial attack! A real sneak attack! A lot of humanoid celestials!"

While she was talking, the largest flying palace of the fairy clan cracked open, and a female fairy with dazzling light jumped out. Her eyes were cold and murderous, and she held a The long sword of phantom light directly penetrated the protection formation of the 610 base city, watching Ying Zheng inside, she shouted mercilessly, "Humanity, death!"

"This is a mutated humanoid life of the fairy spirit race. Generally true immortals are not opponents, my God!"

Ying Zheng's heart sank into the ice water. "Ding Hao is right. This is a super attack plan! They are not to harass us to build the city, but to kill us all! And I didn't pay attention to it at all. , And even released the triple combat mission, which attracted all the human examiners...I am so stupid!"

At this time, Ying Zheng finally found his mistake!

The fairy clan, this time it really launched an unexpected attack, this is a war!

When these humanoid fairy spirit clan powerhouses appeared, the situation in front of them was suddenly reversed.

"End!" Amidst the roar of human beings, several Taiyi released their divine realm space.

This is a special formation of human beings, using several special divine realm spaces to cover each other, and finally form a powerful suppression formation!

These humans wanted to suppress a lord of the fairy clan with this kind of divine formation.

But suddenly...

"Humanity, death!" The mutated female lord of the fairy clan waved a long knife in her hand!

Only a few people in the fairy clan possess weapons, and the phoenix feathers are rare. This mutant female lord is one of them. Their weapons are also very peculiar. They are polished with the same fairy jade as the flying palace. They have very thin blades and the surface is covered with a long knife with a magnificent light film!


When the mutant female lord gritted her teeth and roared, that long knife had already cut a terrifying crack!

"My God, this kind of weapon can actually cut through space!"

Cutting through the space, this is something that human monks can't imagine!

The creation of space cracks will cut all objects in this world!

Any of your armor, no matter how strong it is, it is meaningless!

When the space is cut, the space is divided into two halves, and everything in the space will also be cut!


Bright light bursts from the cracks in the cracked space! The reason for this light is the turbulence of time and space behind the space!


The Taiyi real person who formed the formation, two of them, happened to be on this straight line!

This knife passed, their armor, their flesh, their world's tripod, their divine space... all were split in half!

"My God, this kind of attack, run away!"


Human beings are crazy. Facing this kind of attack, even ordinary real immortals can't beat them, let alone a group of Taiyi real people?

"Escape to the 610 base city!"

The human monks finally knew how powerful they were, and they all fled back to the base city, taking advantage of the protection of the formation light curtain to take a short breath.

"Everyone, it's not something we can solve now!" a human being said too loudly, "The Fairy Spirit Race has dispatched so many lords, and two mutant lords! We can't beat them at all, and quickly notify the crazy alliance! Please be true! Come here!"

However, there followed a monk crying, "It's useless! It's useless! All my communication cards are invalid! We can't communicate with the outside world at all!"

"What? My communication jade card is also invalid!" The human monks were all panicked.

Especially those who rushed over to take triple combat merits, they quickly shouted, "Quickly open the teleportation array, we are going to leave this ghost place!"

Only when they rushed to the teleportation array out of the city did they know, "It's useless, the teleportation array is broken and can't be lit!"

"Broken? Are they all broken? Why not fix it?"

"I don't know, we don't know, after repairing it, it still can't light up!"

"My God, are we going to be wiped out this time?"

Despair, complete despair!

At this time, Ying Zheng, who has always been open-minded and hearty, was also dumbfounded and desperate!

"It's all my fault! I'm so self-righteous!" Ding Hao's expression that constantly appeared before Ying Zheng's eyes. He whispered, "I think about it now, Ding Hao was really earnest in his words that day, but I thought he was bragging! He risked his life to come back to deliver the letter, and I didn't take it seriously!"

A cultivator said anxiously, "Brother Yingzheng, let alone these useless things, what should I do now!"

(End of this chapter)

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