Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1351: Ling Secret Stone Mine (33)

Chapter 1351 Ling Secret Quarry (33)

Chapter 1349 Spirit Secret Stone Mine


Ding Hao smiled slightly, and did not blame the little fox Xiaoxue.

This is the area where the life of the fairy clan is the most dense, surrounded by the fairy clan, and the Shenxing Taoist palace is so large, how easy is it to avoid all eyes and ears?

"Then you go in and rest." Ding Hao took out the Jade Control Talisman of the Shenxingdao Palace.

The little fox Xiaoxue got into the jade talisman and disappeared.

In the next second, Ding Hao also walked out of the Shenxingdao Palace. With a thought, he shrank the Shenxingdao Palace and put it in the storage ring.

Then, Ding Hao's figure also disappeared.

Then, a small stone flew down from mid-air and flew close to the ground.

The star-attracting stone is very small and cannot be found, so it is much easier to use in this kind of place than the Shenxingdao Palace.

Although, the fairy clan also has some powerful lives, and the spirit power sweeps the mountains back and forth.

But after all, the star-absorbing stone is very small, and flying close to the ground, it is still not easy to be discovered.

In this way, two months later, the star-absorbing stone finally came to a barren land.

"This is it, the Secret Stone Mine?"

The little stone stopped quietly on the cliff, and Ding Hao and Ding Xiaokong inside looked down.

Although thousands of years have passed, it seems that this place still maintains its original appearance.

The huge mine is like a big mouth in the loess land. This mine is not one, but there are many, mutual communication, like a complex maze!

The most amazing thing is that after thousands of years, there is still nothing here, not even weeds growing!

"This place is weird." The Space Monkey frowned, "The vicissitudes of life, ten million years have passed! How could there not even be a weed growing?"

Ding Hao said, "This has something to do with the spiritual secret stone. The precious secret gold and myth silver can be extracted from the spiritual secret stone! However, the characteristic of the spiritual secret stone is that it is poisonous to the life of living creatures. Therefore, whether it is an animal or a plant, this spirit Nothing can grow near the secret stone! It is not surprising that it hasn't changed its appearance for ten million years."

Space Monkey said, "You have some truth, but I still think it's weird. It's like a ghost town here, and even the immortals won't be near here."

"Are we cultivators still afraid of ghosts?" Ding Hao smiled, "Go down and take a look."

The star-absorbing stone flew down against the cliff, and soon came to the surface and got into a huge hole.


Among these huge holes, there was a violent wind whistling from nowhere, and the bitter wind went from one cave to another, making a terrifying noise.

Ding Haoyi was bold and flew against the wind against the star-absorbing stone.

"Over there!" The Space Monkey suddenly pointed to a certain place in the cave space.

"That's..." Ding Hao looked out from the star-absorbing stone. He didn't feel wrong at first, but when he took a closer look, his face was shocked.

Because he saw the space scene there, it turned out to be a bit misplaced!

If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see the dislocation of space at all, but if you look carefully, it is really a dislocation of space. It's like a picture is cut in half and joined together, but it doesn't feel like it's completely aligned!

"What is that?" Ding Hao frowned.

"It's a space rift!"

"It turned out to be a space rift!" Ding Hao was shocked.

Space cracks and space gaps are not the same.

What Ding Hao has seen before are all gaps in space! It is a space split into a single area, in this area, it seems to be a self-contained space, which can be inhabited and can live.

But the space rift is different, it is a dislocation space, a torn space!

This is the greatest danger for monks!

This kind of crack can be discovered by the naked eye, and some of it is hard to find with the naked eye. When a person walks over and passes over the space crack, it will be divided into two spaces! In other words, it will be cut in half!

"Be careful, ahead!" Space Monkey reminded again.

The star-absorbing stone stopped quickly, and Ding Hao looked in front of him for a long time before he could see that there was such a slight difference!

"My God, this rift in space is too difficult to find. If it were me, I would definitely hit it." Ding Hao took a breath, even if he had a star-absorbing stone, he didn't dare to hit the rift in space!

Ding Xiaokong said, "Fortunately, when the Real Demon King built me, it gave me the power of the Space System, making it easier for me to find space cracks."

"Unexpectedly you are so useful." Ding Hao touched Space Monkey's monkey head.

Ding Xiaokong chuckled, "This is my instinct."

After discovering the space cracks, it was even more difficult to walk here. Ding Hao had long heard that the biggest danger in the last three days was the space cracks. Now that he finally saw it, he was quite frightened.

Yes, it is panic.

Ding Hao has been on Xian Road for so many years, and there are not many things that scare him.

But this rift in space really frightened him, it was too dangerous to guard against! Even if he is not dead, he has fewer arms and legs!

When a person hits it, the person will split in half; if the treasure hits, the treasure hits in half; the star-absorbing stone hits it... Ding Hao didn't dare to try!

"Let's come out." Ding Hao took a breath and walked out with Space Monkey.

The two landed at the bottom of the huge cave, and a loud gust of wind passed over their heads.

Ding Hao flew up a little, came to a space crack, and took out his own mind.

With a thought, the mind-shen soldier turned into a saber shape.

Then, Ding Hao took a silver saber and cut through the space crack.

It was silent at all, and I saw the Yishen Soldier, and it broke in two at once!

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao took a breath.

The sharpness of Yi Shenbing can be said to be no one.

But such a sharp mind weapon was cut off easily!

Fortunately, it was a mental weapon, Ding Hao moved his mind and withdrew the silver ball of light.

"If it were other treasures, it would be ruined! This space crack is terrible!" Ding Hao felt a chill behind his back.

Space Monkey said, "Of course, this is a space crack! On both sides of the crack, it is equivalent to different spaces! You are a whole, if you can separate two different spaces? So you can only cut! This is the law of space No matter how sharp the Yishen weapon is, it cannot violate the law of space, otherwise it will be cut off!"

Ding Hao thought, and fell to the ground, and exhorted, "Stare, don't let me run into it."

After all, the space monkey has the ability of the space system. It perceives for a while and nods, "We don’t need to worry for the time being. It seems that all the space cracks in front of us are in the air above two meters. Walking on the ground should not encounter Space rift."

Ding Haoqi said, "Why is this?"

Space Monkey said, "I don't know either."

The two moved slowly on the ground, the ground is not flat, and there are high and low hard rocks everywhere.

After walking for a long time, I walked from one cave to another huge cave, just like that cave. The wind roared and it was pitch black.

"These caves are really weird." Space Monkey frowned.

"Go in and take a look."

The two walked into the dark cave and walked deeper and deeper, feeling that they were already out of sight.

Ding Hao said, "My mental power has been released, but those spatial cracks can't be perceived by mental power at all. It could have been seen with the naked eye, but now it is invisible!"

The Space Monkey laughed and said, "Master, come with me, here is still the same, there are space cracks above two meters, and there are no space cracks below two meters."

Ding Hao said, "It is very likely that these cracks existed in ancient times! Those who mine mines deliberately set aside a height of two meters. As long as they don't fly, there is no problem."

Ding Xiaokong said, "Master, your guess is correct."

The two continued to move forward, and after walking for a long time, they finally came to the deepest part of this cave.

In the deepest part of this cave, there is a huge hole, and the strong wind blows out of the hole.

And under this huge hole, there is a row of stone houses.

"The corpse demon!"

In such a place, no one comes in all year round, and it is very common for corpses to become corpses.

However, with Ding Hao's cultivation base, killing these corpse demons was easy.

"Real fire, burn!"

Ding Hao didn't use any weapons, he spit out real fire, and directly burned these mummy-like things to ashes.

In the raging fire, these corpses were still twisting vigorously, making rat-like squeaks in their mouths.

In this row of stone houses, about a hundred corpses were all turned into torches by Ding Hao.

In the flames, Ding Hao walked into these stone houses.

During the battle, the space monkey also picked up a few corpse demons with the star and meteor rod. He liked to pick the corpse demons into the air, let them throw them through the space gap in the sky, and cut them in half.

"Master, this is probably a resting place for these miners."

Ding Hao nodded, "It looks like this now, these miners' cultivation bases are not high, this is their residence, not even the cave mansion."

With the help of the blazing fire outside, you can see many objects scattered in the messy stone house.

"Space ring!" Ding Xiaokong picked the star meteor rod in his hand, the space ring flew up, and then he sent it to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao took it. The owner of this spatial ring had been dead for many years, and was already an unowned thing. Ding Hao put on the divine consciousness and swept it away with his mind.

"Some clothes, some exercises of the Yuan Ying period, and some worthless treasures."

Ding Hao took out a jade ribbon from it and swept it away with his heart. It was an invaluable technique.

"Continue to find something valuable." Space Monkey continued to search.

But after searching for a while, there was nothing good about the space ring found.

Ding Hao frowned, shook his head and said, "I'm not looking for it anymore."

"Why?" Space Monkey wondered.

Ding Hao said, "This place should have been searched for! Look, it's too messy here! Even if Jiuzhongtian fell, everyone was shaken to death, but the scene shouldn't be like this! Look, it's obvious The traces and precious clues that have been searched for have been taken away!"

"It seems like this." Space Monkey nodded, "Master, you are really observant." Having said that, Space Monkey asked again, "Then this person who has been here, is it Yan Lingkang?"

Ding Hao frowned, "It's possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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