Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1425: Tianxin's plan

Chapter 1425 Tianxin's True Immortal Plan

Chapter 1423 Tianxin's Plan

The so-called complete Taoism, this is extraordinary, there must be a complete set of cultivation techniques, a complete set of prescriptions, and all the inheritance of the techniques from Fei Sheng!

And more importantly, there is this ancient monk's cultivation experience!

Cultivation perception is too important. What level a monk is at, what opinions and understandings he has about the laws of heaven and the details of cultivation, as his cultivation level increases and his horizons broaden, what changes will he have.

The insights and essays of these cultivation practices are really important. Many cultivators should avoid detours and practice twice with half the effort!

For cultivators at the true immortal level, these records are even more important!

Because the true immortal level, whether it is ancient or modern, the number of people is very small, and even fewer can leave written records!

If you have these experiences, Uncle Ding will enter the second stage of true immortality, and there is a good chance!

"That's it, it's amazing, Uncle Ding is so powerful." Ding Hao secretly admired in his heart, if Uncle Ding succeeded in his cultivation, he would become the second true immortal of the Ding family firm!

Xiao Ancestor said, "When Uncle Ding leaves the customs, Ding's Zhengmai doesn't have to be a sneaky person. Then, that's when you meet your parents."

"Okay." Ding Hao could only nod his head.

Hearing that his parents are still living safely in the world, Ding Hao is still quite relieved. What he has to do now is to work hard to improve himself and wait until the day he meets to make his parents proud of himself!

"In this case, I hope that Uncle Ding can practice and leave the customs as soon as possible."

Ding Hao exchanged a few words with Xiaozu, then brought up another matter.

"I don't know if there is a way to repair the Shinto Palace that my teacher gave me."

The Shenxingdao Palace was built by the Ding's house, and you can also spend money to repair it when you take it back.

However, Ding Hao didn't worry about the Ding family business. People like Ding Tianchou did everything they could. They had no credibility at all. Who knew they would secretly get some private goods in Dao Palace.

Xiaozu is well-connected at the Ding's house, and nodded, "Don't worry, leave it to me, I will find a few teachers from the Ding's family to do private work and help you repair it, so you don't need to disturb the Dings. "

In this way, Ding Hao handed the broken Shenxingdao Palace to Xiaozu.

Xiaozu looked surprised and said, "I'm a good boy, the damage is so severe, what magic weapon is this?"

Ding Hao smiled bitterly, "If I say it was taken by a puppet with two palms, do you believe it?"

"What kind of puppet can have this kind of strength, is there a true immortal level puppet that can't be made?" Xiao Zu was stunned.

Ding Haoxin said, this is a fairy-level puppet, and the two palms have not been shot, otherwise this Shenxingdao Palace will definitely fall apart!

At the moment, the conversation between the two is over.

Ding Hao got up and said, "I'll leave first. I will stay in Ji Changshan in the past few months. You can go there to find me if you have anything to do."

"Okay." Xiaozu also stood up.

Ding Hao said again, "Oh, you have a better path. If you see the refining light, buy it for me, as many spirit stones as you like."

"Good." Xiaozu has a way in the Ding's house. The Ding's house has a variety of goods. Although the refining light is scarce, it is not a treasure that cannot be found.

"Do not worry."

After parting with Xiaozu, Ding Hao left the tavern, left Feiyang City, and went straight to Ji Changshan.

Without the Shenxing Taoist Palace, Ding Hao released the Shadow Pirate Shuttle, and at the same time, released his own mind and wings!

This kind of cooperation is no less speedy than the Shrine of God!

The silver wings of the spirit soldier behind and the shadow thief shuttle under his feet made Ding Hao fast as a silver meteor in the sky.

"Really fast!"

Ding Hao's heart was dark.

"This is only half of the mind's transformation!"

"If I refine all my minds, the silver wings will be bigger and thicker, and the speed will be twice as fast when I fly!"

Ding Hao thought of this with anticipation in his eyes.

If it really reaches that speed, even if it is the second stage, it will not catch up with him!

In the sky, a group of guards from the Ding family was patrolling.

Suddenly a silver light flew in the sky!

"Who is bold enough to fly in the exploratory camp?"

The captain of the Ding family's guard gave a violent shout, but he could only helplessly watch the silver light fly away.

"This speed..." These people only shook their heads, and the captain replied, "We might as well tell the real fairy on duty..."

"Captain, forget it, those who can have this kind of speed are not true immortals but also true immortal disciples. Now our Sixth Heaven Exploration Camp is no longer seen by others, don't toss."

The guard next to him persuaded him, and the captain also sighed with emotion, “The Seventh Heavenly Exploration Camp will be officially opened soon. Now many people are selling the Sixth Heaven’s cave and settle down in the Seventh Heaven! The decline of the Sixth Heaven Exploration Camp lies Right now!"


"Ding Hao is back!"

When Ding Hao returned to Ji Changshan, Ji's house was full of excitement!

"Haha, Ding Hao, you are finally back, I know you will be fine." Ji Boyang greeted him and said with a smile, "These old ancestors have thought of a lot of ways and went to the Secret Stone Mining area several times. I helped the third stage real fairy. But unfortunately, even the third stage real fairy can’t get in that ghost place!"

"The teacher really didn't say anything to me." Ding Hao also sighed in his heart.

Tianxin Zhenxian is the second true immortal. How easy is it to invite the third true immortal?

Although he didn't help much, Ding Hao still remembered the feeling of master and apprentice.

"The teacher said, when you come back, I will take you to his virtual realm."

"it is good."

The two walked into the virtual realm, and soon Ding Hao stood in front of the huge figure of Tianxin Zhenxian.

Seeing Ding Hao coming back alive, Tian Xin nodded and said, "You are finally back, okay, okay!"

When Ji Boyang saw their master and apprentice talking, he also accused him of a crime and left first.

Ding Hao said, "Teacher, thank you for your concern, but the void is the seal of human ancestors. Only by relying on his own strength can he get out. Fortunately, the disciple is lucky and finally got out."

Tianxin Zhenxian nodded and said, "I also guessed that it was the seal of the human ancestors. Everyone said that the nine layers of heaven were brought by the human ancestors from the Kongkong clan. Presumably that space seals some powerful things left by the Kongkong clan."

"Teacher Mingjian." Ding Hao nodded, "That piece of space is where the human ancestors used the power of a rune planet to suppress the Nine Heavens Artifacts."

While speaking, Ding Hao used his own thoughts to project the scene of the real spirit green basket that he saw in front of him.

"It's spectacular."

Looking at the planet full of hundreds of millions of attachments at that moment, and the mysterious cyan figure suppressed below, Tianxin Zhenxian couldn't help but praise.

Ding Hao said, "The suppression of the human ancestors cannot be cracked by the immortals of my generation, and if it is cracked, it is not good for our Nine Heavens. Therefore, I did not publicize this matter, so as to save some people from making mistakes and entering it to destroy it."

"You did a good job." Tianxin Zhenxian asked again, "Then what's the matter with your injury?"

Ding Hao did not hide from his teacher.

He opened his mouth and said, "That's it. Next to Qi Ling, there is a fairy mansion called Wan Xian Mansion, the residence of the guardian of the immortal Jiang Wen Daxian..."

"What, fairy?" Tianxin was shocked.

Ding Hao said, "When the immortal fell to the Nine Heavens, he was shocked to death..."

At the moment, Ding Hao explained the details of the Ten Thousand Immortal Palace.

"The puppet turned into a demon, and made the body of Great Immortal Jiang Wen into a puppet?" Tianxin Zhenxian groaned when he heard this, "In this world, it is really unimaginable!" Then Tianxin Zhenxian said again, "Yes. My method, killing this demon shouldn’t be a problem! Our masters and apprentices work together to assassinate this demon, and the treasures and properties we get are yours. I just want to watch the fairy world classics!"

Tianxin Zhenxian heard that there were classics from the fairy world, and he was already moved.

Ding Hao took out the small pagoda and said, "It's just that every time you use this star Xumi Pagoda, it costs a lot. If you can use it, teacher, I will lend you to enter the Ten Thousand Immortal Mansion and kill the green basket!"

Tianxin Zhenxian took the small black tower, and after careful study, he shook his head and said, "This tower has already recognized you as its master, and I cannot use it."

After that, he returned the small tower to Ding Hao, "Then wait until your cultivation base becomes stronger, and then enter the Ten Thousand Immortal Mansion by yourself and kill the puppet demon."


Ding Hao put away the Xumi Pagoda. Regarding the teacher's integrity, Ding Hao had predicted that if it were other people, Ding Hao would never take out this tower.

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "The role of this tower is definitely not just for entry and exit. You can try its functions more when you become stronger in the future! If one day, you can move the nine heavens and return it to its original position. The cultivation of the mortal world can soar, and you will accumulate infinite merit!"

"This way!" Ding Hao got the small black tower, although he suspected that the tower had other functions.

But unexpectedly, the small black tower is likely to have this effect.

"If it is really possible to move the Nine Heavens and return it to its original position, then the ascending channel will be opened, and the dark age of the mortal world of 10 million years will be broken!" Ding Hao's eyes showed surprise.

Tianxin Zhenxian said with a smile, "That day must be very far away! As a teacher, I still want to go to the secret passage of the fairyland and try my luck."

"What, teacher, you have to go to the secret passage too!" Ding Hao looked shocked.

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "Yes, it's a dark age, and it's impossible to become an immortal in a normal way! The only way is to go from the black passage to the immortal world!"

Ding Hao said, "I have heard people say that secret passages can indeed lead to the immortal realm, but this secret passage is very dangerous. Even the powerhouses of the Nine Heavens in ancient times are not willing to go through the secret passage!"

Jiu Nu once said that in the ancient times, those strong in cultivation could pass through the secret passages, pass the nine levels, enter the immortal world and become immortals!

But these nine levels are not so easy to live by, many people died in these nine levels in ancient times!

And more importantly, the current secret passage is not the same concept as it was back then. After so many years, no one knows the dangers in the secret passage!

Tianxin Zhenxian said, "There is always someone going to do this. My Ji family has ancestors in the immortal world. If I can go to the immortal world, I want to find the ancestors of the Ji family and see if they have a way to put Jiuzhongtian back in place. The mortal cultivator has the opportunity to ascend."

(End of this chapter)

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