Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1444: Jijialing Banner

Chapter 1444 Ji Jia Ling Banner

Chapter 1442 Ji Family Spirit Banner

"Excuse me, how can Ji Changshan go?"

"Use the teleportation square? Where is it?"

"Thank you!"

"I'm going to Ji Changshan, as many spirit stones as you like, hurry!"

Zhang Shasha nonstop, after entering Feiyang City, he moved quickly, and in the fastest time, he teleported to the foot of Ji Changshan.

At the time of the first heaven, they could communicate with Ding Hao by using the token of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect; but when they came to this sixth heaven, the Tianwei here was too suppressed, and the sect token of the Nine Heavens Divine Sect was not high enough, so they could not be used at all. , Zhang Shasha must personally go to Ji Changshan to inform Ding Hao.

"Hurry up!" Zhang Shasha ran on the mountain road, and soon came outside the gate of Ji's house on the upper side of the mountain.

"Who?" The Ji family guard stopped Zhang Shasha.

"Please report to Ding Hao as soon as possible. My name is Zhang Shasha. I am looking for him in a hurry!"

"Emergency?" The guardian frowned, "But Genius Ding Hao is healing his wounds in retreat. It has been half a year and he has not yet left."

Zhang Shasha anxiously said, "Can't wait! You have to call him out in retreat!"

The guardian monk laughed and said, "You call it out when you say it?"

"No, it's because his Taoist companion is in danger, he is in a hurry!"

"What?" Hearing this, the Ji family's guard suddenly became nervous, "Then you wait a moment, we'll report to Senior Boyang."

Ding Hao is in retreat, Tianxin is not at home, only Ji Boyang is in charge.

At the moment, someone hurried in to report, and at the same time, there was also a person hovering at this door.

This person is an old man with white beard, he is the young ancestor of the Ding family.

He was entrusted by Ding Hao to cultivate God's Taoist Palace and purchase Refining Light. All these have been resolved, so he came to Ding's house.

Xiao Zu had a communication token to contact Ding Hao, but it was not convenient for him to disturb Ding Hao's healing, and he did not send a message to Ding Hao, so he stayed at Ji's house temporarily.

At this moment, I just saw Zhang Shasha.

"This little friend, what's your situation, tell me." The Ding Family Xiaozu said.

Zhang Sha said, "Senior, this is the case, our Nine Heavens God Sect and his party are coming up from the lower realm..."

He simply said the matter, the young ancestor of the Ding family suddenly looked shocked, as the steward of the Ding family, he knew too much about these second generation ancestors of the immortal cultivation world!

The geniuses of these major sects, including the second generation ancestors of the Ding family, are bold and dare to do anything!

Especially for the female cultivators from the heavens below, if these so-called genius second generation ancestors are admired, it will be difficult to escape the clutches!

"No, I will send a message to Ding Hao now!" The Ding Family Xiaozu quickly took out the token to communicate with Ding Hao.


In the frosty sapphire palace, under the quiet array light curtain, strands of ice element aura lingered and entangled.

A young monk was spitting out a peculiar long sword that was graceful, like a bamboo joint.

When the long sword was spit out, it could be clearly seen that on the long sword, there were nine lights and shadows, circling back and forth, when the long sword was suspended in the air, around its body, nine lights and shadows of cyan, spinning uncertainly!

"Haha, good sword!"

"This sword is the embryonic sword left by the **** Qianxun used, and it is a powerful Taoist treasure that is condensed from Master Tianxin's Nine Paths of the Wood System!"

"This sword is so powerful!"

In the past six months, Ding Hao has not only successfully restored his cultivation base to the eighth level of God Transformation, but also replaced his real life treasure with a life treasure!

Ding Hao's true life treasure, because of its weak power, has long been no longer used!

Now, with the powerful Dao Treasure, Ding Hao's attack power is much stronger; the attack method is much more!

"Not only that, I also refined the second magic weapon!"

Ding Hao said this, and raised his hand again!

This time floating in the air was a silver long sword surrounded by gray light and shadow.

The sword light was cold, but there was another layer of gray mist surrounding it. From time to time, a bright sword light was refracted from the fog, which brightened blind people's eyes!

"This magic weapon is even more powerful!" Ding Hao shot joy in his eyes.

This divine weapon is also a sword embryo left by the **** Qianxun, but the nine laws of great fusion in it are bestowed by the feathered real fairy. The laws of wind are even more terrifying!

"But there is still a little regret!" A fat insect's voice came from his ears.

"There is indeed a little regret."

Ding Hao nodded, the so-called regret is that this magic weapon is currently only a Taoist weapon, not a destiny Taobao!

Because Ding Hao's mental strength and cultivation level are still lacking, he can only control one Taobao now!

And this magic weapon can only be used as a Taoist weapon at present, only when the strength and spiritual power are strong in the future, can you have two Taobao at the same time!

The fat insect said again, "No matter what, if these two magic soldiers are made, your combat effectiveness has increased too much!"

Ding Hao nodded and smiled, "Yes, I think with my Dragon Fish Shuttle now, I can harden the high-level Tai One with eight layers of fit!"

"More than that!" Fat insect said, "If you take out the mind soldiers again, you can definitely fight and become a perfect match!"

"Almost." Ding Hao showed relief on his face.

At this moment, even if he is the late stage of God Transformation, he is almost invincible in the fit period.

"Even, even if the first real fairy comes with a little rubbish, I have the power to escape!"

This is quite remarkable, being able to retreat from the hands of the real celestial is basically invincible below the real celestial!

When Ding Hao was happy, his heart moved.

"At that time, I gave Xiaozu a communication token and asked him to contact me if he had any problems." Ding Hao raised his hand and took out the token.

Ding Hao took out the communication token to take a look, and he was furious!

"Asshole, someone dared to harass Xiaoyu!"

Ding Hao's figure stood up abruptly, and his big sleeve suddenly waved, and the light curtain in front of him disappeared.


The stone gate of the Broken Dragon that had been closed for half a year opened and Ding Hao strode out.

When he walked out, Ji Boyang greeted him, "Ding Hao, I received a report saying that your Taoist companion has encountered some evil youngsters!"

Ding Hao said, "I already know about it."

Ji Boyang said, "Don't worry about it either. There was news from the Spirit Banner Palace just now that the Ji Family Ling Banner given to the Nine Heavens Divine Sect has been inspired just now!"

At the beginning, the Ji family once bestowed a banner surnamed Ji to the Nine Heavens God Sect. This banner was inserted in Xianfan City to warn everyone that this is the Ji family's sphere of influence and no one can violate it!

But outsiders don’t know that this flag is not just a symbolic function. As long as it is stimulated by special means, it can stimulate the spirit flag and emit a powerful protective glow, like an umbrella, protecting the people under it! At the same time, the corresponding tablet in the Ji family's Spirit Banner Palace will also burst open, and then the Ji family will get the news, and will send a corresponding strong person to deal with it!

Originally Leng Xiaoyu didn't know this.

But when Ding Hao left, he told Leng Xiaoyu to take this spirit flag and told her the means of activation!

Ding Hao mainly guarded Youyue Tianzong and was afraid that Leng Xiaoyu would encounter any danger in the middle of the road.

But I didn't expect that Leng Xiaoyu and the others would be forced to use this spirit flag not far from the exploration camp!

"Damn it, forcing my Taoist companion Xiaoyu to use the spirit flag, who on earth is it, looking for death!" Ding Hao's eyes burst into anger.

Ji Boyang said, "I heard that it may be the genius offspring of some big sects and big families."

"No matter who it is, they must pay the price this time!" Ding Hao strode out.

Ji Boyang turned his head and said, "If you dare to be so arrogant, I'm afraid it is at least a true fairy disciple. Let's follow along and see."

Ding Hao walked out of Ji's house, Zhang Shasha immediately greeted him outside, and said anxiously, "Second brother."

"Say while walking." Ding Hao nodded to Xiaozu again.

Knowing that he was restricted from using the teleportation array, Xiaozu said quickly, "My God Xingdao Palace has been repaired."

Ding Hao said coldly, "No, I have to use the teleportation array today, let me see who dares to stop me!"

He really had a real fire today. No matter how fast the God Walk Palace is, there is no transmission speed. He must be there as soon as possible.

Soon, I came to the foot of Ji Changshan, where there is a special teleportation point.

"Venerable Ding Hao, you are restricted by our Ding family firm..." A female monk from the Ding family who came up to her was kicked away before she finished speaking.


The guard of the Ding family guarding the teleportation formation, the leader is also a god, his face is embarrassed.

He wanted to stop Ding Hao, but he didn't dare. Ding Hao didn't know how miserable it was in Ding Hao's hands. He didn't want to be the second Ding Hao.

Ding Hao was so fast that he stood in the teleportation formation in a blink of an eye, his face was pale, and he shouted, "Send me to Feiyang City! If the transmission is wrong, you clean your neck and wait for me to kill!"

The guard of the Ding family looked embarrassed, "Friend Ding Hao, we are ordered..."

Ding Hao shouted violently, "Do you not pass it?"

Although they are all gods, Ding Hao is awe-inspiring. He didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting. He quickly said, "Chuan Chuan Chuan."

In the next second, the formation was activated, the white runes rotated rapidly, and Ding Hao's figure disappeared.

The goddess sent away Ding Hao, the plague god, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked back and saw the young ancestor Ji Boyang and others. He smiled bitterly, "You guys who are going to Feiyang City too, come in."

Ding's Xiaozu coldly snorted, "You are wise!"

When a crowd of people walked into the teleportation formation, Zhang Shasha exhaled.

Originally, Zhang Shasha was also quite worried, because on the way here these few days, the rich second generation kept saying "Ji family is thin" and "Ding Hao is just a marginal person."

Listening to these words, Zhang Shasha also worried in his heart, if Ding Hao really didn't mix well in Sixth Layer of Innocence, wouldn't his group be bullied for nothing?

But now I look at it and feel relieved. Although Ding Hao hasn't made a move yet, he still looks at his expression and the attitude of the people around him...


Even a fool can see Ding Hao's domineering, and they are also gods, those guys dare not even breathe in front of Ding Hao!

"Second brother, really domineering, those wicked boys, I will kill you!" Zhang Shasha cursed.

I've been quite confused lately. The New Year is in a bad state. I will adjust one day today, and I will give you a burst tomorrow!

Five chapters broke out on Monday!

(End of this chapter)

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