Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1494: Temporary full member

Chapter 1494 Provisional Official Member

Chapter 1492

"Dear friends, you have all seen that Ding Hao's military exploits are constantly increasing. I believe that he is not hiding where he is happy, but in a place we don't know, working hard for everyone!" Yuhua Zhenxian said solemnly. .

When he said this, Zhenxian Zi Ning and the others all turned red, bowed their heads and were speechless.

True Immortal Yuhua said again, "Except for Ding Hao, we can’t help in investigating the Spirit Emperor. Let’s tell everyone, do you want to wake up the Emperor Xuanyuan? When will you wake up the Emperor Xuanyuan? I'm all waiting for Ding Hao. One person's news!"

"Fantastic!" All the real immortals present were ashamed.

There are so many true immortals, they are of no use at all!

Ding Hao is their only hope at the moment.

At this time, the true immortal Fuji came out and said, "We don’t know Ding Hao’s situation now. The communication token is not available, but the mad alliance token can be sensed! So I suggest that you directly His authority has been upgraded to a full member of the mad alliance! If that is the case, he can enter the mad alliance and send us news at any time!"

His suggestion immediately caused a heated discussion around him.

"This is not good, there is no such precedent in the history of the mad alliance!"

"Yes, yes, no matter how great Ding Hao's contribution is, the crazy alliance can't make this cut. He has only entered the top 100 now. If he is included as a full member of the crazy alliance, what do other peripheral members think?"

"I also think this suggestion is ill-thought!"

Although Ding Hao is everyone's only hope, everyone is opposed to Fujin's proposal.

It's not that Ding Hao has an opinion, the main thing is that this precedent cannot be set.

For millions of years, no matter how outstanding a strong person is, he still has to go through an assessment, and let a person ranked in the dozens of times become a full member?

What a child's play!

Therefore, some Zhenxian suggested, "I don’t like this. Didn’t Ding Hao become a temporary member of the mad alliance and enter the hall of the mad alliance twice? Then let him become a temporary member of the mad alliance and enjoy the right to enter the mad alliance! In this way, We can make necessary contact with him through the hall of the mad alliance!"

This real immortal's proposal was unanimously approved.

"Acceptable, we can accept such a decision! Let Ding Hao become a temporary full member, without voting rights, just use the mad alliance hall to pass the news, this is OK!"

Now that everyone has discussed and confirmed, Yuhua Zhenxian also nodded, "In that case, I also think this is a good suggestion."


"Suck the stars magic trick, suck!"

Ding Hao has been slaughtering those strong immortal spirits every day these days, and his military exploits and cultivation bases are constantly rising!

Boom, an aperture of spiritual power suddenly opened!

"I entered the third level of the combined body!" Ding Hao's eyes shot out a dazzling light.

The three-layer combination means that the first stage of the combination period has reached its peak!

"Teacher Yuhua once said that the first, second and third layers of a combined body are called the preparation period; the fourth, fifth, and sixth layers of a combined body are called the transformation period; the seven or eighty-nine layers of a combined body are called the fusion period!"

"I am now at the peak of the preparation period."

"But Yuhua teacher said again that the preparation period is to prepare and prepare enough spiritual power!"

"My current spiritual power is not enough, I will continue to absorb it crazy!"

Although Ding Hao has reached the third level of the combined body, he can still inhale more spiritual power.

"I can't stop, I must absorb enough spiritual power, make all the preparations, and then move towards the fourth floor of the body!"

Ding Hao nodded, and continued to reserve spiritual power in the next direction.

"Today I harvested a lot of fairy spiritual energy liquid." Rhubarb smiled and walked over. With the practice and tempering these days, his super fairy jade long knife has basically taken shape, and it is quite powerful to cut it out with a "one sword". , And his cultivation is about to enter the Great Perfection of God.

Rhubarb held various large and small bottles and jars in his hand, all of which were filled with all kinds of fairy spirit liquids.

Ding Hao took the liquid and wanted to send it to Ding Qi.

But at this moment, the jade card on Ding Hao's waist lit up.

"It's the Kuangmeng who suddenly promoted me to full membership! I'll take a look!" Ding Hao gave Xiaobi the fairy spirit liquid in his hand and asked her to send it into the sandstone. Then he said again, "Rhubarb, you Help me protect the law!"

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the ground, using his own consciousness, entered the hall of the mad alliance.

The dark hall, countless seats, and the beam of light illuminated by the high dome fell on Ding Hao.

After Ding Hao appeared, he found that there were not many people in the crazy league, but all of them were true immortals.

"I have seen Mr. Yuhua, Mr. Tianxin, and every true fairy."

Ding Hao clasped his fists in salute.

"En." Tianxin Zhenxian first spoke, and asked with concern, "We didn't disturb you fighting the fairy clan, did we?"

Ding Hao said, "No, Huang Hao and I just slaughtered a group of prince-level powerhouses of the fairy clan."

"Huang Hao is with you too?" Buer Zhenxian smiled and laughed, "You don't know, Huang Hao is my apprentice! My apprentice is also good, so good!"

Some other true immortals quickly flattered, "Fuji true immortal, you have accepted a good apprentice."

"Hahaha." Buer Zhenxian laughed.

"A group of princes of the fairy clan were slaughtered?" Zhenxian Yuhua also spoke, and asked, "You must pay attention to your own safety! We can't connect with your communication jade card, this is temporarily activated for you. With the authority of official members, starting today, you can freely enter and exit the hall of the mad alliance, and enter to report news at any time!"

"What? There is such a good thing?" Ding Hao was overjoyed at once, although he is not a full member, but this is equivalent to a full member.

Zhenxian Yuhua smiled, "And we just agreed that as long as you rank first in the military merit list, you will be immediately granted the right to vote, allowing you to become a true member of the mad alliance!"

Although you are not willing to make an exception for Ding Hao, if Ding Hao can stand at the top of the ranking list, that is, standing at the top of the outer members, then what else can Ding Hao not become a full member?

"Then I will kill more immortal spirits, I believe I will be ranked first soon!" Ding Hao was encouraged, and his face was very happy. He became an official member of the mad alliance. This is the highest level of treatment in the human world. After becoming a full member, even if he insults Invincible True Immortal face to face, Invincible True Immortal has no right to kill him!

This is the privilege of members of the Mad League!

When the benefits are finished, it means responsibility.

Zhenxian Zi Ning first asked, "Ding Hao, you entered the mad alliance last time, but you have expressed your opinion to everyone. I want to detect the plan and detailed information of the spirit emperor's cultivation of descendants. I don’t know how you are doing? The League has given you such a generous treatment again, are you still going to delay the blame?"

"What is procrastination and condemnation?" Ding Hao suddenly changed his face from happy to unhappy. He said that this woman looks pretty good, but her words are always so unpleasant, which is really annoying.

"Why isn't it procrastinating?" Zhenxian Zi Ning coldly snorted, "It has been more than three years since you last accepted the task, what are you doing? What did you find out? Don't think you killed a few mutations. The immortal people are amazing, I hope you don’t forget your responsibility!"

Ding Hao answered this question with just one sentence, "You do it, you come! The crazy alliance gives me all the treatment, I don't want it, I give it to you, let you come!"

Ding Hao has never been a character to be pinned down. When he was a god, he was not afraid of Zi Ning Zhenxian. Now that he is about to become a full member of the mad alliance, he is even more afraid of this woman.

Zi Ning Zhenxian suddenly had nothing to say, she couldn't do it just by sending a spy to the fairy spirit clan.

Zhenxie and Zhenxian walked out and said, "Ding Hao, don't use this kind of thing to judge everyone. Although Zi Ning has been a little irritable, she asked everyone to ask!"

Ding Hao hugged his arm and said, "Senior real evil, what you said is wrong again, when did I pinch everyone? As soon as I came in, your wife asked me loudly. Does she know what I have done in the past three years? Do you know where I am now? Why did she say that I was procrastinating?"

Zhenxie Zhenxian was a little embarrassed by the question, and said anxiously, "Ding Hao! Are you talking to seniors like this?"

Ding Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Senior true evil, since you are a senior, then I still said that, you do it!" Ding Hao waved his hand after he said, "Forget it, it seems that I can't do this! Alas, I It’s hard to get into the Prince-level training plan, waiting to enter the King-level training plan. Now it seems that Ningzhenxian will be even more powerful. I will quit. I don’t want any temporary members."

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he turned to leave.

But the true immortals present all heard light in their eyes.

"What? Ding Hao, you have already been involved in the Prince-level training plan?"

"My God, Ding Hao, are you so capable?"

"As long as you enter the king-level training plan, then we will have a clear view of the cultivation of the next emperor of the Fairy Spirit Race!"

Ding Hao listened to these comments and waved his hand, "Quit it, I'm not doing it! If I dare to go deep into the tiger's den for three years and be born to death, I will delay the blame and disrespect the seniors? Ning Zhenxian will be more powerful, let them come!"

When he said this, all the real immortals present were not happy, and they all accused, "True evil, why are you two talking like this? Your wife is not sensible, and you are not sensible? Ding Hao really doesn't matter. That's it, you guys? You Ningzhenxian will have the ability, you send someone to participate in the Prince-level training plan!"

Seeing that he had become the target of the public, the true evil and true immortal quickly said, "Everyone, I don't mean to accuse Ding Hao, I mean to make him be polite..."

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "What about delaying the blame?"

"This..." Zhenxie Zhenxian's face was extremely embarrassed, so he could only whisper, "Zining, see you talking nonsense, don't you apologize to Ding Hao?"

"Let me apologize to him?" Zi Ning was so angry that he almost fainted.

But looking at the surrounding situation, she had to swallow her anger, "Ding Hao, it was me who was irritable just now and didn't choose to say anything. You can't blame it."

(End of this chapter)

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