Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1506: Hanshan Cave

Chapter 1506 Hanshan Cave Mansion

1504 Hanshan Cave Mansion

"Well, well, I'm not going." Ding Hao promised, but his heart said that he wanted to go even more!

Hanshan's spiritual sense probably also knew that he could not restrict Ding Hao, so he could only coldly hum, "Just rely on your cultivation base, don't even want to enter!"

"Okay, I'm not going, what shall I get for you?" Ding Hao asked again.

Hanshan's divine consciousness said, "Bring me these things."

While speaking, a light of wisdom floated down from the sky, like a firefly, whirled down and fell on Ding Hao's palm.

"These..." Ding Hao probably understood.

Hanshan's divine sense needed something like a pill furnace, and then some materials, a flame seed, and then a few larvae of spirit beasts!

Obviously, Hanshan's divine consciousness did not give up the dream of becoming a monster. He wanted to refine the demon, and then cultivate his divine consciousness into the body of the monster!

"Senior, you want to refine the monster body." Ding Hao laughed.

"Don't worry about what I practice. In short, if you bring these things, I will give you all the spiritual fruit and elixir that I have collected over the years." As he spoke, the figure of Hanshan in the sky disappeared and opened instead. In an area like a warehouse, there are all sorts of spiritual potions neatly placed inside!

"Good stuff, these are all money!" Ding Hao was ecstatic.

"Then you go quickly, the location is a space crack to the left of this space crack."


Soon after, Ding Hao walked out of this space crack.

"Master, how is it, are there any gains?" Fat insect's question came into Ding Hao's ears.

"Yes." Ding Hao took out the sweetest fruit.

"Master, is this for me?"

Soon, a group of spirit worms flew out, and these spirit worms carried the fruit, flew into the depths of the Worm Nest battleship, and sent it into the mouth of the fat insect.

Fat insects are similar to ants' queens. They have degenerated even their arms and need those spirit insects to deliver the fruit directly into its mouth.

The fat insect took a big mouth, swallowed the flaming red fruit, and then chewed it. The mouth was full of red and the aroma was overflowing.

"Master, it's so delicious! My God, there are such delicious fruits!" Although Fat Chong is a bug, he usually likes to eat corpses.

But now that he has eaten such delicious fruits, his little eyes of surprise are widened.

Ding Hao laughed and said, "It's delicious, if I can complete the task of that old thing, I will get millions of these fruits! Even more!"

"Master, you must get it!"

"I want to get it too." Ding Hao thought about it, and then recounted the conversation between him and Hanshan's Divine Sense.

Although fat insects have degenerated hands and feet, their brains are very flexible.

It opened its mouth and said, "Master, I think you should go to the crack in the space on the right first. The more he doesn't want you to go, the more you have to go and see first, I think there should be greater gains!"

On both sides of the space crack just now, there was a space crack on each side. Hanshan's divine sense asked Ding Hao to go to the left one first, but rationally told Ding Hao that he should go to the right one first.

"Yes, then go to the right one first."

Ding Hao collected the fat insects this time, and then walked towards the crack in the space on the right.

Ding Hao easily found the coordinates because of the calculations of the reincarnation real person. In order to prevent any accident, Ding Hao released the Purple Emperor Armor and then entered the space crack.


What appeared in front of Ding Hao was a small manor with small bridges, flowing water and green bamboos!

"I know now!" Ding Hao's eyes shot a dazzling light, "This should be the cave house of Senior Hanshan! My god, this is the cave left by Senior Hanshan, one of the ancient surnames! No wonder that old thing. Don't let me in, it seems that he wants to wait for him to transform the demon and occupy this place!"

Fat insect said, "I knew it! Since that Senior Hanshan opened a huge spiritual field there, obviously the cave mansion is nearby!"

Ding Hao wanted to go into this cave mansion to find the treasure left by Senior Hanshan.

However, a transparent light curtain stood in front of Ding Hao.

"It's over, the top mountain gate formation!"

Ding Hao violently attacked with a punch, and suddenly a huge silver moon appeared on the formation!

An old voice came from Yinyue, "Who is trespassing into the old man's cave? Leave quickly! Otherwise, the old man has his own means!"

"Is Senior Hanshan still alive?" Ding Hao was shocked.

The fat insect's voice heard in his ears, "The deity cannot live, otherwise it is impossible not to go to the spiritual field for millions of years."

"That's good." Ding Hao put his hands on the light curtain in front of him, and his heart moved, "Suck Star Magic Technique, suck!"

However, this mountain gate formation is very powerful and of high grade, and Ding Hao's magic trick of attracting stars cannot be absorbed at all.

His breath angered the voice behind the formation, "Young man, since you don't listen to advice, the old man can't do anything!"

While speaking, the huge silver moon appeared on the formation.

However, after the emergence this time, it did not fade, but began to twist and deform, and finally formed a woman with long legs and wearing a silver dress, holding a long-handled crescent-shaped machete in her hand!

When she walked out of the light curtain, her long legs stretched out, revealing long white legs from the gap in the silver dress.

There was a shock, and then the long legs disappeared again, very touching.

A woman with such beautiful long legs and figure, but her face is quite hideous, it is basically the figure of the devil, the face of the devil.


The woman didn't know whether it was a human or a beast, and came out with a sharp roar, swiping a crescent-shaped long knife in her hand, and rushed forward.

Ding Hao asked in surprise, "What is this?"

The fat insect said, "It should be a beast, the legendary Silvermoon clan has refined the strongest beast, the moon demon!"

"Is there really something like Moon Demon?"

The Moon Demon is a legendary beast that will mutate under the moonlight. Only the Silver Moon tribe with a long history can tame and use this beast. And the degree of mutation of a moon demon determines the strength of this moon demon!

The fat insect exclaimed, "This moon demon only has its face that has not been mutated. The degree of mutation has reached more than 95%, very strong!"

"I don't believe it, I want to touch her!"

Ding Hao's figure was shocked, released the Purple Emperor Armor, grabbed it with a big hand, and released the Slaughter Spear.

"You are a long-handled weapon, and I am a long-handled weapon, let's fight!"


The spear head of the Slaughter Immortal Spear turned quickly, and Ding Hao's figure looked like a ghost, erratic, approaching the leap of the Moon Demon.

what! The Moon Demon screamed again, and the scimitar in his hand brushed out a piece of silver, but its own figure completely disappeared.

"What a powerful sword technique!" Ding Hao's eyes condensed, and the Slaughter Immortal Spear in his hand also stabbed out.

Clang clang, countless clear golden and iron sounds sounded.

A spark splashed in front of you!

"Infinite Avenue! Beast Fire Avenue! Control the Avenue! Blade's Avenue!" Ding Hao didn't dare to hide his clumsiness in the face of such an opponent. He took out his four avenues, and the Slaughter Immortal Spear in his hand was even more bloody!

Ding Hao's strength, coupled with his great principles, coupled with his marksmanship, can be said to be majestic!

But what people didn't expect was that the Moon Demon was defensively dripping in the face of such an attack!

"What a powerful knife!" Ding Hao was shocked.

If you just talk about the sword technique, the sword technique of the Buer True Immortal can be called the top level of human beings, but he feels that the sword technique of the Moon Demon Beast in front of him is even better than that of the Buer True Immortal!

The fat insect said, "That's for sure. The Moon Demon is the purest beast in the world. If you train it to study the sword technique, it will spend a long time studying the sword technique! The true fairy once said, The most important thing for a person practicing the sword technique is to have a pure heart! And the moon demon is like this. From the beginning, what you let it learn, it has been learning all its life, it has no selfish thoughts at all, if it learns It's a sword technique, so no one in this world can compare to it!"

"So scary?" Ding Hao was shocked.

Even true immortals have their own selfish thoughts, such as sect affairs, such as collecting disciples, such as refining treasures.

But the Moon Demon is different. It doesn't have any distracting thoughts. All of its thoughts are completely the technique of swords. Even after studying it for millions of years, it will not sleep every day, just studying the technique of swords!

"If so, who else in the world can beat its sword technique?"

Fat insect said, "Then don't use swords and spears like combat techniques, just attack with magic!"

"Not bad." Ding Hao nodded, "I will use my strengths to attack its shortcomings!"

But before his spell was released, he saw another silver moon appear on the light curtain, and then the silver moon also began to twist and deform. Soon after, another similar moon demon came out. This time it Holding a short scepter in his hand.

There was a word in its mouth, and instantly, all the space in front of it turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The fat insect said in surprise, "My God, it's another moon demon, this one turned out to be a moon demon who is proficient in spells! It's amazing, two moon demon, one fighting a spell, let them guard the cave, here is simply It's solid, Master, let's go quickly!"

Ding Hao sneered, "Play flame with me, I want to try it."

His flames are also incredible, and his divine realm space is now the ultimate elemental fire, and even the divine realm skill of Vermilion's Wrath.

Phew, the flames were raging, and after a long time, they actually fought another match.

Ding Hao was a little shocked, and a fat insect's voice heard in his ears, "Master, you can't beat it, how easy is it to deal with the big demon that was left by Senior Hanshan?"

At this moment, I saw two huge silver moons appearing on the huge light curtain...

Fat Insect exclaimed, "Master, there are two more moon demons, Senior Hanshan is really amazing!"

Seeing this scene, Ding Hao immediately stared and cursed, "This fellow Han Shan, where is the senior, he used the crowd tactics with me!"

At this moment, there was a cold snort from behind the light curtain, "Junior, even if you kill these four moon demons, you don't even want to blast through this mountain gate array, your cultivation is still far away!"

(End of this chapter)

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