Peerless Immortal

Chapter 1561: Annihilate the Youyue Gate

Chapter 1561 Annihilation of You Moon Gate

Chapter 1559 Annihilation of Youyue Gate

On this day, the illusion rain world completely collapsed and disappeared completely, and the three heavens returned to a bright universe.

Under the sun shining, all the rain monsters died together with the illusion rain world. From then on, the rain monsters in this world perished!

Many people have seen that a boy in black did all this!

No one knows the origin of this black-clothed boy, but there are also legends that this black-clothed boy is a mysterious turtle demon repair in the magic rain world!

Everyone was secretly surprised, this mysterious turtle demon cultivator is so powerful, I don't know what it will do next?

The news soon came, after Xuangui Demon Xiu wiped out the Illusory Rain Realm, he went straight to the Second Heaven's Youyue Heavenly Sect!

You Yue Tianzong.

After withdrawing from Xuanwu Tianmen that year, Youyue Tianzong changed a new residence.

The elder Shenfeng, the head of Youyue Tianzong, is practicing in retreat. He is already at the peak of the sixth level of the conjugation period.

He offended Ding Hao, quit the Xuanwu Tianmen, and let Ding Hao **** the Xuanwu turtle shell!

Regarding this matter, the elder Kamikaze has always been resentful in his heart. For so many years, he has also used various methods to restrict and suppress the Nine Heavens God Sect below!

Even the Nine Heavens Divine Sect came up to pass through the Heavenly Gate alone, it was very difficult!

When Leng Xiaoyu and others of the Nine Heavens God Sect passed through the Tianmen, they were also deliberately made things difficult, and finally Hong Yi secretly let them go.

When Ding Hao left from here, he had the task of killing the elder Kamikaze as a clone of the mysterious turtle!

Outside the gate of You Yue Tianzong, a boy in black stood still.

"The cultivators of Youyue Heavenly Sect are listening. Starting today, Youyue Heavenly Sect will be removed from the Second Heaven! No one can become a disciple of Youyue Heavenly Sect. Existing disciples will immediately leave Youyue Heavenly Sect and forgive you. Sin! Otherwise, it will perish with this Tianzong!"

After the black-clothed boy finished speaking, he fisted on the gate of You Yue Tianzong.

After quitting from Xuanwu Tianzong, Youyue Tianzong has always been angry, so he created a more domineering and luxurious mountain gate. Not only did the four golden characters of Youyue Tianzong appear on the gate, but also the mark of Youyue Tianzong's missing moon was printed. !

But under the heavy punch of the black-clothed boy, there was just a punch, just a clatter, the mountain gate was interrupted, and the rubble rolled!

"What, who are you?"

"Arrogant child!"

"Where did you come from, you are looking for death!"

You Yue Tianzong came down from the Triple Heaven, and still had some strength. Several Taiyi in the early stage of the integration rushed out of the mountain gate and released their Dao Treasures, wanting to directly kill this unconscious young man!

However, Xuangui's clone is not afraid of these people. He turned into his original form as soon as he turned over, and his huge long tail snapped past. Several of them who were in the same stage were injured or killed!

Afterwards, the huge mysterious turtle rushed into the Youyue Tianzong Sect. His body was too huge, and everything he went to was razed to the ground!

Originally, Youyue Tianzong has built well over the years, with various buildings, gravel paths, elders' courtyard, and a small lake...

But after the mysterious turtle crawled, everything was smoothed out and vanished!

All the disciples of Youyue Tianzong were so scared that some people shouted, "Open the formation!"

Some people fled in panic, while others ran to the back mountain frantically.

"Elder Shenfeng, it's over. Some people say that Youyue Heavenly Sect no longer exists and will destroy my Youyue Heavenly Sect!"

At the critical moment when Elder Kamikaze was in retreat, he was abruptly interrupted by news from the outside world!

"What the **** happened!" The elder Kamikaze forced his spiritual power to move, reached out his hand and grabbed a golden bell, swept it away with his heart, and suddenly became furious. He shouted sharply, "Where did the turtle monster come from? Damn it, destroy my mountain gate and interrupt my cultivation. Is this to come and die?"

But think about it again, he is in retreat!

Now interrupt for a moment, the impact is still limited; if he exits now, then his breakthrough is likely to be affected, and he will not be able to break through for many years!

"Well, let the turtle monster be arrogant first, I just need to perfuse him temporarily, and then go out and kill him after I break through!"

Thinking of this, the elder Kamikaze closed his eyes and used his magical powers to release his will from the cave.

"Where is the evildoer, talk here." The phantom figure of the elder Shenfeng rose from the back mountain of Youyue Tianzong.

"It turns out that you old thing is there!" Xuangui clone swept away, destroying an astonishing number of Youyue Tianzong buildings along the way.

"What, you are..." The will of the elder Kamikaze saw the gleaming Xuanwu carapace on Xuangui's back, his eyes widened, and he roared, "You evil evildoer, what do you have to do with Ding Hao? Why is the Xuanwu Carapace on your body?"

Xuangui clone quickly rushed to Elder Kamikaze’s cave and sneered, “Elder Kamikaze, what is my relationship with Ding Hao? This has nothing to do with you! You only need to know that I am representing Ding Hao today to calm you down. Moon Heaven Sect!! You Youyue Heavenly Sect deceived too much, your Shenfeng elders have deceived too much, you have been too much for these years, today I will smooth your Netheryue Heavenly Sect and kill you the culprit!"

Ding Hao is quite disgusted with the elders Kamikaze!

This kamikaze elder repeatedly provokes Ding Hao, bullies the Nine Heavens God Sect, and even wants to provoke the relationship between Ding Hao and Emperor Mo. If Ding Hao can bear it, then he is not Ding Hao!

Elder Kamikaze heard that this mysterious tortoise was sent by Ding Hao, and suddenly knew that this was impossible to be kind!

"Well, Ding Hao sent you here, you are really looking for death!"

With a bang, the door of the elder Shenfeng's cave opened, and the elder Shenfeng gave up his practice and walked out of his cave.

When he walked out, many strong men from various sects also arrived.

All the decision makers of these double heavenly sects, that is, the so-called Eight Sect Alliance Presbyterian Church, all rushed to the vicinity.

Elder Kamikaze said loudly, "Everyone, take a look, this is the monster sent by Ding Hao! Ding Hao, this bastard, has a terrible heart. He actually sent a monster over to destroy my sect! You all Check it out!"

At this moment, among the decision makers of the Presbyterian Church, some of them came out and wanted to talk, and wanted to be peacemakers!

Xuangui clone said coldly, "Everyone who decides, I believe you have all heard and witnessed the difficulties that Elder Kamikaze has made to the Nine Heavens Divine Sect over the years? And including you, have you been bullied by Youyue Heavenly Sect all these years? What else do you guys say to help him? Please come back, I thank you for Ding Hao! If you still pay attention to the news of Jiuzhongtian, you should know that the Tianmen is open. Go back and practice hard to find a chance to attack the Tianmen. Don't ask yourself here. trouble!"

"Ding Hao's business?"

Those who wanted to speak out were mainly because they were afraid of the elders.

But now when they heard that it was Ding Hao's name, they all decided not to come forward!

Although this is the second heaven, news from the nine heavens has really been coming from recently.

The opening of the Tianmen, the first entry into Tianmen by the Yuhua Zhenxian, the change of control of the Ding family business, and a series of things, all of which cannot escape Ding Hao! Everyone is eager to post Ding Hao. How can anyone stand in Ding Hao's way at this time?

"Walk around, since Ding Hao is doing things, we can't control it."

Hong Yi and others left one after another.

"You..." Elder Kamikaze flushed with anger, gritted his teeth and said, "The Second Heaven Decisor Conference seems to be reorganized. In the future, those sects and monks who do not meet the requirements will be kicked out of the presbytery!"

He wanted to threaten all decision makers with this kind of words, but one decision maker sighed, "Elder Kamikaze, the turtle monster sent by Ding Hao is here prepared, you should handle your own affairs first. Let’s talk about the decision maker!"

"Damn it, do you really think I can't kill this monster turtle?"

Elder Kamikaze had a gloomy face, and with his six-layer cultivation base during the fit period, he couldn't beat the Xuangui clone.

But don't forget, his Youyue Tianzong is a historical sect, and his ancestors are all lying in the ancestral hall!

The Xuangui clone came to destroy Youyue Heavenly Sect today, that is to destroy Youyue Heavenly Sect, so it's the moment of life and death!

"Open the time-space coffin of Ancestor Hall, please take out all the old immortals!"

Boom boom boom!

Constantly burst of spiritual power, powerful spiritual power constantly swept out, one after another powerful Youyue Tianzong ancestors came out!

"Seventh floor in the fit period!"

"The eighth floor of the fit period!"

"The Ninth Floor of the Fit Phase!"

"Oh my god, there is a perfect fit period!"

The decision makers of the Eight Sect Alliance did not actually go far, but watched nearby. When they saw these powerhouses come out, the decision makers present were all secretly shocked. , There are so many old immortals!

"It's not good. I didn't speak for Shenfeng just now. If the turtle monster can't destroy the Youyue Heavenly Sect, wouldn't we have to be avenged by the elder Shenfeng?" Many people thought to themselves.

But at this moment, some people quietly whispered in their ears, "You heard no, the other day, the magic rain world of the three heavens was completely destroyed! The will of the magic rain world was broken up, the magic rain world Completely disappeared in history, all rain monsters have lost their spirituality! Do you know whose handwriting came from? This is the turtle monster in front of you!"

"What, even the will of the magic rain world was broken up by him!" The decision makers present were pale again.

How difficult it is to break God's will, for these monks, it is impossible to imagine!

The Xuangui clone can break up the will of heaven, what is the effect of the old immortality of the Youyue Tianzong in front of him?

"Humph, Youyue Tianzong has done a lot of evil, and when it's time to be wiped out, just watch them finish!"

In the eyes of everyone gloating, a true immortal walked out of the ancestor hall!

However, seeing the powerful people who walked out of Youyue Tianzong, the Xuangui clone didn't care at all, and sneered, "It's all out now, so it's good, then let's go together!"


(End of this chapter)

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