Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2086: Zhen Tianyin

Chapter 2086 Zhentian Seal

Chapter 2085 Heavenly Seal

Boom boom boom!

The black Zen stick in Mo Xiaotian's hand turned into a black giant pillar, crashing down!

Ding Hao stood under this huge pillar with nowhere to hide.

He looked at the top of his head, the huge black rod shadow, he did not hesitate, a golden spear reaching Tianyu!

"Good boy has the courage!" Mo Xiaotian's eyes were fierce, and his other hand suddenly pressed on the black Zen stick, and he shouted, "Press me!"


The strength of the super strong in the middle of the realm of the realm is all under this fierce pressure. Those who are watching the battle from afar, the weak and the weak, just watching this scene has made them frightened, their legs trembling!

"Is this the strength of the mid-level master realm?" Everyone looked horrified.

"This kind of suppression is really powerful!" Ding Hao soared upwards, and he secretly exclaimed, "The black Zen stick in Mo Xiaotian's hands is indeed a treasure! This treasure not only has a powerful attack ability, but also releases extraordinary Will to fight! Under this kind of fighting will, those cultivators who are not firm enough, or those who still have fear in their hearts, will lose themselves without fighting!"

Of course, Ding Hao was not mentally weak. He saw the stars twinkling in his eyes, and Wushuang scroll was running with all his strength inside his body!

"What a strong fighting spirit!" Mo Xiaotian's face changed suddenly when he felt the fighting spirit coming from resistance.

But at this moment, the golden spear in Ding Hao's hand and the black rod shadow that was suddenly pressed down in the sky crashed into each other!

Bang bang bang! Boom!

The loud noise spreads crazily from the point of impact. From a distance, the feeling is as if firecrackers are blasting in unison, and the sound is endless, and the sound is getting closer and closer, from far to near!

In the line of sight, you can clearly see that the space where the two treasures collided is shattered piece by piece!

"My God! The sound of this popping out, turned out to be the sound of the fairy world being shattered!"

The spectators on both sides, whether they are immortals or demons outside the territory, were all shocked to see!

For them, the spatial stability of the fairy world is still very high, and it is not so easy to break the space of the fairy world! As soon as Ding Hao and Mo Xiaotian met, they had already shattered a large area of ​​space!

The space is shattered into countless broken particle fragments, but under the control of the laws of the fairy world, these space particle fragments will quickly recombine and return to their original state!

However, the space on this side has not been restored to its original state, and the two golden whips with golden arms from the other side hit Ding Hao's ribs like a wandering dragon!

"Ding Hao boy, how do I see you playing?" Mo Xiaotian's eyes were sharp, he held the black Zen stick with both hands and pressed it down suddenly!

"this time……"

The expressions of Kunlun Immortal Emperor and the others changed suddenly. Although Ding Hao blocked the first blow of the black Zen stick, the momentum of the first blow that still continued in the second blow was suddenly suppressed! And on both sides there are two golden long whips, like a poisonous snake, crazy!

Ding Hao faced fierce attacks from three directions, and there was no fear on his young face.

"When I decided to fight one enemy against three, I had already decided to face this situation!"

"The three of you want to bully me in the immortal realm, you got the wrong object!"

In the next second, the stars suddenly lit up in Ding Hao's eyes, and the fighting will was released frantically. A pair of huge flaming red wings with a diameter of 100 meters was released from behind him!

"What is he?" Everyone stared at the shocking scene over there.

I saw a young fairy in white clothes fluttering, with a pair of very huge wings behind him, from his body, a powerful aura overflowed madly!

At the moment when the golden whip attacked by the golden arm force from both sides was about to bombard Ding Hao's body, I saw the pair of huge flaming red wings behind Ding Hao, flapping fiercely, driving Ding Hao to fly upward!

"Go to me!"

Ding Hao's figure rose quickly, and the golden spear in his hand was forced against the black Zen stick, pushing the black Zen stick higher and higher!

And he just escaped the attack of two golden lashes!

boom! Two golden long whips, colliding together, once again shattered the starry sky!

No one noticed that at the moment the space was shattered, a gray figure flashed quickly and disappeared into the particle state space!

When the shattered space was regrouped and restored to its original state, the gray figure had disappeared.

Everyone's eyes are on the two long whips!

Although these two long whips failed to hit Ding Hao with a single blow just now!

However, the golden arm strength still manipulates these two long whips, like two golden swimming dragons, chasing Ding Hao's figure, twisting back and forth, and continuing to attack!

Ding Hao is still under siege now!

"A lot of strength, after all I got the will of heaven!" Mo Xiaotian's face became cold.

He slammed the stick down with both hands, and he couldn't hold Ding Hao at all, which made him lose face!

"I don't believe I can't hold it down!" Mo Xiaotian suddenly opened his mouth, and spit out a huge blood-red seal!

This giant seal was also obtained from his treasure hunting in the ruins in the turbulent time and space, and a powerful treasure left over from an ancient civilization. Mo Xiaotian named it Zhentian Seal! This means that this seal can suppress the world, the biggest feature of this seal is that the amount of suppression is very powerful!

"Go to me and hold him down!"

Under Mo Xiaotian's control, this blood-red giant seal suddenly fell down!

The giant seal smashed directly on top of his own black Zen stick. When the giant seal fell, several obscure huge red text appeared in the void!

The suppressive effect of Zhentianyin did not come from the giant seal itself, but from these ancient civilization characters produced under the giant seal!

Some people say that a character is ten thousand catties, and here, this red character does not know that there will be several hundred million catties!

After the huge seal text fell, it was directly wrapped on the black Zen stick, so that there was a circle of **** seal on the huge pillar-like Zen stick!

"This stick is a lot heavier at once!" Ding Hao, who was ascending, suddenly stagnated!

"This is just the beginning!" Mo Xiaotian's cold eyes were filled with merciless smiles. His thoughts moved again, controlling the Zhentian Seal, and shouting again, "Press again!"

The huge blood-red seal of the sky hanging in the air moved slightly and slammed down again!


Another piece of red ancient civilization text!

These seals are the same as before. They also fall on the black Zen stick and wrap it for a week, giving the giant pillar-like Zen stick a circle of **** seals!

"Don't buy it yet?" Mo Xiaotian's eyes were both frightened and hideous!

In his previous battles, he has never used Zhentian Seal three times!

But Ding Hao, a novice who had just entered the middle stage of the Realm Realm, couldn't control Ding Hao after using the Heavenly Sealing Seal twice!

"This son is indeed a leader in the immortal world! Excellent aptitude, beyond my imagination! If he waits for him to develop in the future, then it will cause no less evil consequences to our race than the Void True God!"

The Void True God mentioned by Mo Xiaotian is a very painful memory in the history of the Rogue Demons!

"No! I can't make you the second true **** of the void, I will kill you in the bud today!"

In Mo Xiaotian's eyes, madness shot out!

Every time he uses the huge Zhentian seal, the **** seal floating in the air, which is the so-called seal oil, will consume a lot of his efforts!

Mo Xiaotian’s accumulated effort can be enough to support the use of Zhentian Seal three times. If used at the limit, it can be used five times!

"Ding Hao, in order to prevent you from becoming the second true **** of the void, I will fight it today too!"

Mo Xiaotian shouted three times in succession, "Press again! Press again! Press again!"

With his crazy roar, the blood-red Zhentian giant seal was printed three times in succession!

Mo Xiaotian is crazy!

Zhen Tianyin has fallen five times, and has exhausted all his efforts!

His face was pale, but his eyes flickered!

"Ding Hao boy, I see you or not!"

When Zhentian Yin was used five times, there were five more blood-colored seals on the black Zen stick. At this moment, the weight of the Zen stick might be scary to death!

"Your uncle! How heavy!"

The huge red wings behind Ding Hao flapped violently, but his ascending speed still inevitably started to slow down, no matter how fast the wings flapped behind him, it would be difficult to climb up again!

"Ding Hao, kid, I thought you were so vigorous!" A gloomy smile appeared on Jin Armili's face, and his hands shook suddenly.

The two golden dragon-like long whips chasing after Ding Hao speeded up and hit Ding Hao's body!

With suppression in front and chase behind, Ding Hao seemed to have reached the most dangerous moment!


The faces of those watching the battle from both camps all changed.

On the side of the Immortal Clan people, their faces were all pale; while on the side of the demons of all races, they all laughed and congratulated!

"It's over!" Dark Purple Demon Race An Jialan's face was quite ugly.

Although he reached an ally agreement with Ding Hao, he has never been willing to confront the major demons! He is afraid of revenge from the major demons! Therefore, he has been hiding in the camp of the demons and has not revealed his true position!

But this time, he was pulled out by Ding Hao!

The major demons on the opposite side already knew that his dark purple demons and human immortals had become allies and enemies of the major demons!

And now, Ding Hao failed the battle and was beheaded by the three powerful men, then the Dark Purple Demon Race under his leadership would become the same target as the Immortal Race!

"It's over!" Like An Jialan's mind, many people present suddenly sank in their hearts!

Standing among the crowd, Three Lives War Wolf was also more worried, but he knew Ding Hao better!

He frowned tightly with wolf eyebrows, and shrank into needle-like pupils, staring at Ding Hao's face closely, "It should be no problem!"

He could see clearly that at this critical juncture, there was no panic on Ding Hao's face, even with a slight smile!

Indeed, in this siege, Ding Hao was not too nervous!

"At the beginning, in the star realm, seven star martial artists formed a star martial formation to attack at the same time, and they didn't take advantage, let alone you?"

"Tianjian Wushuang!"

In the next second, Ding Hao's figure seemed to turn into a bright star in the void!

"Heaven is intolerable!"

This starlight exploded, so bright that everyone couldn't open their eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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