Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2114: Jiuyou Temple Mount

Chapter 2114 Jiuyou Temple Mount

Chapter 2113 Nine Nether Temple Mount

"this is!"

Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf opened the space under a fountain and took away all the Lan Di pulp, but there were new discoveries below.


At the bottom of this space, there was a layer of crystals like blue diamonds!

From this spar, it can be clearly felt that it contains even more amazing Lan Di pulp power!

Sansheng War Wolf said in shock, "Amidst the crazy shrinking and shrinking of this world, some items are compressed into concentrated liquids, while others are further compressed, turning from liquids into spars! My God! The spar compressed from this Landi pulp should be called Landijing! Its value is probably a hundred times more than that of Landi pulp!"

"My God!" The three people present all shot crazy greed in their eyes!

The new material of Landi Pulp has been sold at a crazy price outside; but if there is a better treasure such as Landijing, I am afraid that each piece can be sold for millions of cosmic crystal tokens!

"This!" The owner of this spring's eyes suddenly brightened, his eyes looked at Ding Hao, and he said, "I want to get a third too!"

Ding Hao immediately refused, "Impossible!"

Although the owner of this spring is this person, if it weren't for Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf, they would never have known that there was Lan Di Jing under this! Because they didn't have the tools to open the ground, they would at most take away the Landi Pulp from the spring's eye, and would never find anything else at the bottom!

From this point of view, this piece of Blue Emperor Crystal is completely owned by Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf, and it is impossible to distribute it to others!

"These Landi pulp belong to you, take it and go!" Sansheng War Wolf handed this person a large bottle with one-third of the Landi pulp inside.

"Good, good!" After the demon took the bottle, he immediately rushed to the other powerhouses on the crater and shouted loudly, "They found Lan Di Jing! This is a precious spar that hasn't been discovered before. I'm going to dig it out!"

"Damn it!" Three Lives War Wolf suddenly furious.

Sure enough, when the demon shouted, the situation on the crater became tense again.

Those strong men had already given up fighting Ding Hao, but now they discovered that Ding Hao had dug up the more precious Blue Emperor Crystal!

Now everyone's eyes are redder, and their hearts are darker!

"It turns out that under the eyes of this spring, it is possible to dig the precious Lan Di Jing!"

"We don't have a tool to quickly open the ground in our hands. In other words, we will never be able to dig Blue Emperor Crystal!"

"No, absolutely no, we can't watch them get rich by ourselves!"

The demon powerhouses of all races suddenly rushed over, their expressions were rather unkind, and they were still communicating continuously.

"This human immortal, although strong, but after all he has not reached the mid-term peak!"

"Yes, he hasn't reached the mid-term peak, what's so scary? Those of us who have entered the mid-term peak, are we still afraid that he will not succeed?"

"He is just the stick in his hand that is a bit more powerful, as long as we unite and shoot with all our strength, we can definitely kill him!"

On the crater, as many as ten mid-term peak powerhouses, from different outer demons, surrounded them with gloomy expressions.

"What to do?" Three Lives War Wolf and Ding Hao back to back.

At this moment, they are in a dilemma. If they escape, the Blue Emperor Crystal has not been mined yet. Should they be left to others? But if you stay, the two of them will face a joint attack from ten mid-level peak powers!

Ding Hao smiled coldly, "I'm not afraid of them, but can you stand it?"

The Three Lives War Wolf looked grim and smiled, "What are you afraid of? Don't forget that I have three lives!"

"That's good! You stand up, I kill!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he took a step forward, a figure in white clothes, suddenly flashing, in his eyes, the stars flashed, and a pair of long swords in his hand attacked an opponent!

"Tianjian Wushuang!"

Ding Hao's attack was the strongest attack, with the goal of beheading an enemy.

It is not the first time that he has used this sword technique, but as his cultivation level gets higher and higher, Wushuangjuan's cultivation is getting deeper and deeper. Using Tianjian Wushuang is far more powerful than before!

Speaking of this trick, it was Xing Wushuang's strongest blow!

At that moment, Ding Hao's entire body seemed to turn into a starlight!

No one can see clearly how Ding Hao made this move, he saw the starlight flashing, and the Wushuang sword light pierced the void!


In the sword light, blood flew, and among the ten peak powers, the strongest fell to the ground.

"What?" The other nine peak powers all changed their faces in fright, shocked by Ding Hao's extraordinary strength.

However, no one is a weak lamb entering the mid-term peak of the realm.

The strong man who was killed by Ding Hao, from his body, there is a greater strength slowly began to condense, the lying body began to quickly decompose, filled with thick black smoke, forming a tall and evil figure !

"I wipe!" Sansheng War Wolf's face changed drastically, and he cursed, "We really won the prize this time! This is not an extraterritorial demon, he is a special life form! I have heard that this is called immortality. Demon! He was stronger when he died than when he was alive!"

"What? To die is stronger than to live?" Ding Hao's expression was shocked. In the endless world, there are too many bizarre things, not seeing it with his own eyes, really can't believe it!

"Hahaha! You have a good experience. I am not only a special life form immortal demon, but I am also a genius of the palace master of Jiuyou Temple Mount, one of the three powers in the endless world! My name is Hei Heng !" The black smoke figure became more and more solid, tall and evil.

"My God, the background is so big!"

Not to mention Ding Hao and the others, the other nine peak powerhouses were all shocked!

Among the three powers in the endless world, the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance is relatively loose, and many people can enter into it to trade, but what is the strength behind it? Not many people know!

On the other hand, Jiuyou Temple Mount is just the opposite. This powerful force is a very close organization with very powerful strength. To become a member of it, the requirements are even higher! Only Heiheng, a special life form, can become the famous genius that Jiuyou Temple Mountain focuses on cultivation!

Three Lives War Wolf transmitted to Ding Hao, "The genius of Jiuyou Temple Mountain! One of the three major forces in the endless world! It's a bit troublesome!"

Ding Hao raised his brows, and said that he had offended another powerful genius before he became a member of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!

He hesitated, raised his hand and pointed at the Lan Di Jing that had not been taken out, and said, "Hei Heng, this Lan Di Jing is for you. Everyone has revealed it. What do you think?"

Ding Hao was soft, not afraid of Hei Heng.

The key is that behind Hei Heng, there is the Jiuyou Temple Mount, which is a huge monster, can't afford to offend, it can turn big things into small things, that's all!

But Hei Heng's face was cold, and he shook his fingers and said, "No, no! That's not enough! This blue Emperor crystal is still embedded under the ground. I ask you, how do I get it?"

Three Lives War Wolf gritted his teeth and said, "Then the iron chisel in my hand will be given to you too!"

"Still not enough!"

Ding Hao's expression became more and more ugly, and finally he said, "The nameless stick, also give it to you, everyone has exposed it, and they don't owe each other!"

But Hei Heng still shook his head and sneered, "Do you think that you have offended the genius of Nine Nether Temple Mount, it is so easy to expose? You broke my physical body, do you know how many years I will recover? Two little things, you The only chance now..."

With that, he raised his hand and shot out two black smoke, flying towards Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf.

"Your only chance is to lay my slave mark and become my slave! Starting today, unconditionally accept my orders, work for me in the Azurite Realm, and dig out a lot of Landi Pulp and Landi Crystal for me. , If I am in a good mood, I can still take you to Jiuyou Temple Mountain to go around..."

Before Hei Heng finished speaking, Ding Hao cursed, "I'll go to you to reinforce an uncle!"

While talking, Ding Hao's Xuan Kong Iron Sword took out the bright brilliance and cut the slave mark thrown by Hei Heng in half!

Seeing that Ding Hao and the others were unwilling to surrender, Hei Heng immediately coldly snorted, "Dear friends, you help me take the shot and take this person down! The benefits you will get by then, everyone! If you are interested, I will introduce you to the ninth. It is not impossible for Yousheng Temple Mount to become a full member! I have this authority!"

"So..." The other nine mid-term peak powers present were all heartbroken.

"Although the Jiuyou Temple Mount may not be as good as the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance in terms of financial resources, it has completely suppressed the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance in terms of the number of inheritances, the number of strong people, and the training methods! If I can become a member of the Jiuyou Temple Mount As a full member, with the inheritance of the Temple Mount and worship a powerful teacher, then my future cultivation path will be on a sunny road!"

All the nine people were moved, becoming a member of Jiuyou Temple Mount, even more precious than the Lan Dijing in front of them!

And Hei Heng also thought secretly in his heart, these stupid guys actually want to be members of my Nine Nether Temple Mount, how could it be possible with their qualifications! I will take advantage of them first, and when I take these two people, I will dig out a lot of Lan Di Jing and give it to my seniors! At that time, I have the care of several seniors, and it will be easier to enter the later stage of the realm of the realm!

These people had calculations for each other, combined into an interest group, and attacked Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf with all their strength!


Bang bang bang!

"Tianjian Wushuang!"

Ding Hao got the Hyun Kong Iron Sword and began to fully use the Xing Wushuang sword technique left by Xing Wushuang. The stars in his eyes were shining, and the sharp three-sided long sword in his hand continued to draw dazzling light! The weapons used by the Three Lives War Wolf are very complicated, with triangular flags, ancient stone towers, and heavy animal bones like a hammer!

Boom boom boom!

On the crater, the battle is raging, with various lights and shadows and the sound of explosions.

Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf kept trying to break out of the encirclement, but in the end they were forced back to their original place.

"What to do? The two of us can't beat so many people!" Three Lives War Wolf frowned.

Ding Hao looked down at the Blue Emperor Crystal embedded in the ground hole, and asked, "If I use this Blue Emperor Crystal, you have no opinion!"

The Three Lives War Wolf laughed, "We are all going to die, what use is there to keep this Blue Emperor Crystal?"

"That's good!" Ding Hao strode past!

(End of this chapter)

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