Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2134: Battle Mountain Demon

Chapter 2134 Battle against the Mountain Demon

Chapter 2133 Battle Against Mountain Demon

"Really?" Ding Hao suddenly became excited!

The ninth mountain lord, one of the nine giants, the most decisive one in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!

If Ding Hao can become his disciple, then Ding Hao will become the first disciple of the nine giants with the cultivation base of the realm master in the history of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and also the first prince-level genius of the realm master realm!

This is amazing, it has created several records in the history of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds!

Ding Hao got the promise of the Ninth Mountain Lord, and he was even more confident. At the moment, he recorded these two law runes in his heart in a short time!

When he recorded these two law runes, he clearly felt the nameless law in his body, and there was a clear response. Obviously, this kind of rule created by the Ninth Mountain Lord can also resonate with the origin in Ding Hao's body!

But now is the critical moment, Ding Hao does not have time to study these.

"Prince Luo, I need a drop of your blood!"


Prince Luo took out a sharp jewel knife and cut it on one of his fingers. After cutting it, heavy blood dripped on the skin of the Variety Demon Race! The more powerful the living body, the heavier and thicker his blood is. As a powerhouse in the late True God Realm, Prince Luo's blood is also extraordinary!

I saw that drop of blood was quickly absorbed by the human skin of the Variety Demon Race, forming a six-pointed star mark!

Prince Luo said, "This mark is the mark of our Six-Armed Demon Race!"

He comes from a six-armed demon clan named Posuo World. The biggest feature of this demon clan is that it has six arms! At the same time, he has two hearts and two completely isolated brains, which can command different arms and make different movements, and it is also handy in fighting!

Ding Hao put on the human skin of the Variety Demon Race and became the appearance of Prince Luo, which also possessed these characteristics.

"Haha! It's exactly the same, and we can't tell the truth from the fake!"

Ding Hao became the appearance of Prince Luo, his body became taller, two hearts and six arms, standing beside the real Prince Luo, even Qiu Yuezhi and the others couldn't tell which was the real and which was the fake?

"I can't even tell myself!" Prince Luo couldn't help but smile, "The mountain demon guy must be fooled!"

While they were talking, Gu Fengheng had been paying attention to the people on the Jiuyou Temple Mountain outside the Star Nest, "Prepare, they may be leaving!"

The people on the Jiuyou Temple Mount, this time in order to get the appearance of the newt, it can be said that they really struggled, except for the mountain demon who did not go, the other powerful geniuses went as many as sixteen, and there were six of them. They are all special life forms born in an endless world!

During the battle, some of these special life forms can become bigger and extremely huge; some have different special skills, avoiding the attack of axolotl; and some are some strange special life forms, methods and abilities. It is impossible to imagine!

"Everyone, your mission this time is to save your own life after you rush in, and at the same time transmit the information about the shape of the new life form immediately! Also, there are some of you who can affect the channel switch. The channel remains open so that we can enter reinforcements at any time!"

At the order of the Mountain Demon, the sixteen geniuses took the five flying palaces, maintaining a certain formation, and flying into the space channel.

Seeing that the light spots formed by the light from these five flying palaces were getting smaller and smaller, the mountain demon breathed a sigh of relief. If it succeeds this time, it will get the appearance of this giant beast. He can send it to Jiuyou Saint Ancestor to watch, and then it is up to Jiuyou Saint Ancestor to decide how to catch this beast alive!

But at the moment when these five flying palaces entered the space passage, from the diagonal stab, a tall figure with six arms rushed out, and at a nearly crazy speed, it also rushed towards the space passage, even wanting to follow the chaos. Go in!

"Asshole! Prince Luo, you are so courageous!" The mountain demon frowned and his face was full of anger. He said in his heart that Lao Tzu told you all the good things, and he was blocking your way here again. I didn't expect you to have the courage! Do you want to extract your teeth?

"Leave it to me!" The Mountain Demon screamed without knowing any fraud, chasing after it, and the giant hand snapped it!

But something that the Mountain Demon didn't expect, this guy with six arms, was surprisingly fast!

Before his giant hand took the photo, this six-armed guy pulled an arc in the void, avoiding his killer blow!

"This speed... It seems that the top prince-level genius of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance should not be underestimated!"

Before setting off, Ding Hao had already used Lan Di Jing to absorb the power of the stars. Now Ding Hao is like a flying palace transformed by Lan Di Jing, and his speed is not as fast!

He drew an arc in the void, avoided the attack of the mountain demon, and then ran to the space channel again!

"Luo Xiaoer, you deceived me too much, I want to see what you can do?" The mountain demon immediately chased it out without hesitation!

In the eyes of the mountain demon, "Prince Luo, this guy is really a brave bandit. Seeing me chasing him, he chose to escape! It's just that it's too late to escape now. I once said that if you try to **** this special life, it is When I shot you!"

The Mountain Demon actually followed Ding Hao and snapped it with a big hand!

boom! His palm was so powerful that it shocked all the large cosmic winds in the turbulent flow of time and space, flowing backwards, and swept Ding Hao!

"Your uncle, this guy is really strong!"

Ding Hao exclaimed and immediately changed his direction, instead of heading to the blue crystal boundary, he flew towards a strange star field.

The mountain magic art is bold, and he is not afraid of Prince Luo, following behind, chasing after him!

"Prince Luo, aren't you also known as the head of the Prince-level genius of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance? I want to see what you have, can you dare to fight with me?"

The Mountain Demon chased after Ding Hao, shouting loudly, and chasing after him.

Seeing them chasing further and further away, Prince Luo's people hiding in the star nest immediately made a decisive decision, "Go! Right now!"

A small hexagonal door of the star nest suddenly opened, and four rays of light of different colors rushed out of the star nest and went straight to the space channel at an amazing speed!

"What? What's the situation?"

The remaining geniuses of Jiuyou Temple Mountain were all caught off guard. They did not expect that the people of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance would be divided into two groups of surprise attacks.

And what made them feel more inexplicable was that the leader among the four also had six arms, was tall, and looked exactly like Prince Luo!

"Which is Luo?" The mountain demon who was pursuing also discovered this, and he was also dumbfounded, but now it is too late for him to look back. He immediately shouted, "Hurry up and stop them!"

Suddenly, the geniuses of Jiuyou Temple Mount, who were in a hurry, started to get busy, trying to block Prince Luo and the others!

However, because there is no such a strong mountain demon, other special life forms have also been sent to the blue crystal realm, and the remaining prince-level geniuses are not the opponents of Prince Luo and the others!

"Those who stand in the way die!" Prince Luo shouted loudly. The six arms on his body released six-sided mirrors, creating a six-degree space!

Prince Luo’s greatest ability is to make the six-degree space explode. The power of the space explosion is simply appalling. In the void, the rumbling noises, the shaking of the mountains, the cosmic wind and the turbulence of time and space have all been changed by the explosion. Direction! As for those second-rate geniuses on the Jiuyou Temple Mount, they were blown up, scattered, and suffered heavy losses!

Those second-rate geniuses on the Jiuyou Temple Mount, knowing that they could not stop these four people at all, stepped back one after another, let them break a blood path and rush into the space channel!

When Prince Luo and the others entered the space channel of the blue crystal boundary, all four of them looked towards the direction Ding Hao left, and there was a sentence in their hearts, "Little friend Ding Hao, I hope that there will be a day when I see you again, take care!"

In the next second, all four figures rushed into the space channel and disappeared.

"I was tricked!" The Mountain Demon also clearly saw Prince Luo and the four of them rushing into the space channel. He immediately understood that the Prince Luo in front of him was fake!

"Who are you?" The mountain demon's face was grim, his eyes gloomy.

Ding Hao was still fleeing quickly, and at the same time he also ordered Xing Nest to flee quickly to safety.

"You want to know who I am, then you can follow along!" Ding Hao smiled weirdly, and continued to run towards the deepest part of the void.

"Damn, you must die!"

The mountain demon was really angry this time, his body was as large as a mountain, and when he moved, he did not appear clumsy at all, but very fast!

Although Ding Hao absorbed the power in Lan Dijing before he set off, his cultivation base was too bad after all. Even if the mountain demon couldn't catch up with him for a short time, the mountain demon could still use attack methods behind him with a palm. Photographed by Ding Hao on the road that Ding Hao must pass!

Boom boom boom!

The turbulence of time and space was continuously broken up by the palm of the mountain demon, and a real vacuum appeared in the void. This vacuum was so attractive that Ding Hao's flying speed could not be increased to the extreme speed!

Finally got a palm, directly on Ding Hao's body!

The mountain demon's figure is huge, and his palms are just as huge. Even if Ding Hao becomes Prince Luo's appearance, his size is much smaller!

Seeing a palm shot, Ding Hao will be shot to death!

"Do you want me to die?" Ding Hao's eyes shot contemptuously, just as his fingers were quickly portrayed in the void!

"The life-saving rune of the Ninth Mountain Lord!"

This square life-saving rune has a total of more than 3,000 lines, which is a very simple rule rune! Ding Hao's speed was so fast that within one breath, he had already drawn this simple rule rune!

More than 3,000 lines traversed by Ding Hao's fingers suddenly lit up, and then stretched out to form a huge light curtain mirror!

Immediately, Ding Hao suddenly raised his hand to block this huge rune light curtain in front of him!

In the next breath, the giant palm of the mountain demon has been shot down, and the momentum is amazing.


With a loud noise, the giant palm of the mountain demon slapped on this rune light curtain, the void vibrated, time and space flowed, and the scene was terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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