Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2152: Holy water bath

Chapter 2152 Holy Water Bath

Chapter 2151 holy water bath

The endless turbulent flow of time and space, the whistling cosmic wind, and the wanton flow of gray space and time dust.

A huge crystal blue starship flew quickly through the void, and its huge body was dotted with stars, which was very spectacular.

Inside the Star Nest, Ding Hao sat on the side of the conference table on the control platform, holding a white disc-like bracelet in his hand.

"It will take two years to reach the original ruins of No. 1206 from here. Just within these two years, I'm improving my cultivation."

Thinking of this, Ding Hao's mind immediately entered the official member system.

"The teacher said that the three holy waters I need now are the spiritual emptiness holy water, the spiritual heart holy water, and the spiritual holy water. If each of them is enough to buy 100 drops, then I need 30,000 quest points! I only have 9,700 quests now. Point! There is still a lot!"

Although the mission points are very precious, Ding Hao also has a lot of valuable items on his body.

For example, Lan Di Pu and Lan Di Jing, as well as some precious treasures left by the Mountain Demon among the space treasures! As the direct disciple of the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, the Mountain Demon naturally has many rare treasures in his hands! These Ding Hao can't be used, but they can be used to contribute to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms and exchange mission points!

"Help me calculate all these treasures, how many mission points can I exchange?"

Ding Hao chose and contributed most of the mountain demon's treasures to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds, leaving only some evil blood-red fruits. Ding Hao checked them. These are called devil fruits. They can be taken at critical times and can save themselves. Life.

After scanning, the mission point store immediately gave the price.

"Prince Ding Hao, the list of items you want to contribute to the alliance is as follows. In order to recognize your contribution to the alliance, the alliance will reward you with 28,549 contribution points! Are you willing?"

Ding Hao nodded and said, "I am willing."

In an instant, these items all passed through the bracelet of the Ten Thousand Worlds and entered the member system of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds; at the same time, the 28549 mission points awarded to Ding Hao, plus Ding Hao's original mission points, totaled 38249 mission points!

"Purchasing three holy waters is enough, and I don't need to sell Landi Pulp again!"

Ding Hao immediately issued an order, "Lingxus holy water, 100 drops; spiritual heart holy water, 100 drops; spiritual body holy water, 100 drops! A total of 30,000 mission points, do I need to send it to the temple?"

"No, I choose Endless Abyss to trade!"

For practitioners in the Alliance world, they can choose to be sent to the temple; while practitioners like Ding Hao, flying in the turbulent time and space, will choose to enter the endless abyss and trade!

In this way, as long as he is a member of the alliance, he can trade no matter where he is in the turbulent time and space!

After paying 30,000 mission points, Ding Hao did not rush to leave.

"I still have 8249 mission points. These mission points are of no use." Ding Hao thought of his relatives and friends who were still in the fairy world.

I haven't returned for more than 100 years, and the precious pill world pill he left behind should also be consumed!

And Xiaoyu Ye Wen and the others should have encountered a bottleneck in their cultivation. They have enough ability now, but they can't forget their relatives and friends.

"Make a big purchase now! Use all these 8249 mission points!"

All kinds of precious treasures sold in the mission point store are not available for Universe Crystal Tokens, very precious!

At the moment, Ding Hao spent a little time buying a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures and medicines that could be used in the initial stage of the realm, a huge pile.

"A total of 8200 mission points, all paid! Deliver it to my door and deliver it to the hands of Leng Xiaoyu, the Star Territory of the Immortal Realm!"

Not only that, Ding Hao entered the Classics Workshop again and chose several Leng Xiaoyu and their suitable cultivation techniques of the realm master realm. After copying them, they placed them in the goods and sent them all to the fairy realm!

The goods with 8200 mission points are very precious even if they are used in the real world; if they are used by people in the fairy world, the effect should be even stronger!

"Xiaoyu Yewen! And Nine Nu Kunlun! I hope you will practice hard after you get these precious items of mine. One day in the future, I can see you in the Alliance World!"

Ding Hao finished all of this before leaving the member system and using the Wanjie bracelet.

"Give me into the endless abyss!"


That heavy ancient door suddenly opened, and Ding Hao hadn't entered the endless abyss for a long time.

After entering, it is still a familiar scene, a huge abyss, bottomless, hundreds of millions of cultivators buy and sell here.

Ding Hao ignored these people and flew directly to the light curtain closest to him.

When he came to the light curtain, he communicated through the Wanjie bracelet, "I will pick up the three kinds of goods I bought."

"Received, please wait a moment!"

Soon after, on the bright disc in Ding Hao's hand, three small bottles of different colors appeared one after another, and each bottle was filled with 100 drops of precious holy water!

"These are the three small bottles bought from 30,000 mission points!" Ding Hao put away the three holy waters. These three bottles are extremely valuable and extremely precious!

30,000 contribution points, even the older generation of prince-level geniuses in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, this is a huge sum of money.

Just when Ding Hao was about to leave, a reminder sound came from the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, "Prince Ding Hao, if you buy 100 drops of holy water at a time, you will be given a training cabin! You can get three training cabins, do you need to give it away? "

"Yes, yes, of course you need!"

While speaking, a spatial ring appeared on the disc again.

"Complete the transaction, go back to the bath!"

Soon after, Ding Hao once again returned to the control platform in the Star Nest. At this moment, he had released the training cabin.

Then he filled a cabin full of clear water in the training cabin, then opened the Spirit Void Holy Water, poured 100 drops into it, and suddenly saw the full cabin of clear water as if it was boiling, and the blood-red liquid continued to flow. Ding Hao stood beside him and could clearly feel the powerful force overflowing from the liquid!

"Your uncle!" Ding Hao's eyes shot a strange light, "After all, it is the holy water from the holy world. The power is very wild, and this power has a very sacred feeling!"

"Don't let it evaporate and waste!" Ding Hao quickly took off his clothes and lay in the training cabin, "Close the hatch!"

The so-called training cabin is like a completely enclosed bathtub. After closing the cabin door, it is isolated from the outer space, so that the effect of the medicine will not be lost.

When Ding Hao lay in this cabin of the Spirit Void Sacred Water Solution, he felt every pore in his body opened, and a steady stream of crazy power poured into his body!

The feeling at the beginning was not very good. His body swelled in an instant, frantically swelling, blood boiled, his strength was too strong, and he felt out of control.

"The training cabin, immediately turn on the suppression function!"

Ding Haoxin said that if his body swells like this, it will burst the training cabin!

This training cabin was specially built with complex suppression runes inside, and the force of suppression immediately spread, preventing Ding Hao's body from expanding.

"Can't waste time, start practicing!"

Ding Hao immediately began to practice, running Wushuang scrolls in his body.

When Wushuang Juan began to move, it was as if an invisible hand rushed these forces into Ding Hao's body, traction and movement, and orderly operation, digested and absorbed within Ding Hao's body.

Some of the power in the sacred water of the emptiness is quickly consumed; but there is also a small part that will merge into Ding Hao's body and become Ding Hao's own power. This is the greatest benefit!

A few months passed in a blink of an eye.

The holy water solution in the training cabin became thinner and thinner, and the violent tumbling turned into a faint pulsation, and the blood red color in it was also dimmed a lot!

"Most of the energy in this training cabin has been completely absorbed by me, and the effect of practicing in it is really great!"

In the past, Ding Hao used the Star Absorption Technique to improve his cultivation. At this level, he could no longer use the Star Absorption Technique!

However, this kind of training cabin's bathing function makes his cultivation speed no less than that of Star Absorbing Technique!

"It is the holy water of the holy world. If, as the teacher said, using undiluted holy water to bathe, the effect..." Ding Hao smashed his mouth and couldn't imagine.


The training cabin door opened and Ding Hao walked out of the training cabin. Now the power in the water is very thin. Ding Hao didn't want to **** it dry, but opened the mouth and said, "Fat bug, you will bubble the remaining holy water!"

"What? There are my benefits?" Fat insects suddenly exulted!

It didn't dare to think about it at all, nor did it dare to mention to Ding Hao, knowing that these are the holy water of the holy world! In the past, even this diluted holy water, every drop was very precious, and Mo Xiaotian was drunk as a treasure.

And now the fat insects have the opportunity to enter the bath!

"Master, I'm a bit embarrassed, you are so kind to me, let me agree to it!"

Ding Hao cursed, "Fuck off! Do you not soak? You are not afraid that I will get the endless abyss and sell it to the cultivators of all races! I can also sell a lot of universe crystals!"

"Bubble! Of course!" The fat bug ran out with its cart and said with a smile, "Master, you want to sell your bath water for money, you can really settle the bill!"

Ding Hao coldly snorted, "Don't say it's my bath water, there are many people who want it."

Right now, the fat insect got into the training cabin and began to take a bath to practice.

Ding Hao opened the second training cabin, put enough clean water, and took out a bottle of holy water stock solution, poured 100 drops of it into the clean water, and then went into the training cabin to continue soaking and practicing!

"The teacher is really capable! He knows that I am a human immortal, and my cultivation is mainly about spirits and spirits! And the three holy waters he helped me choose from the spirits, the spiritual heart, and the spirit body, are just used to strengthen the spirits and spirits. The other holy waters are of little use to me, but these three holy waters are most suitable for me!"

As time passed by, Star Nest was still advancing rapidly in the direction of the compass of time and space in the endless world.

In two years, Ding Hao had soaked all the three kinds of holy waters, and cultivated in them, which resulted in several benefits and huge improvements.

On this day, I finally came to the vicinity of the original ruins of No. 1206.

(End of this chapter)

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