Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2158: Practice spiritual power

Chapter 2158 Cultivating Spiritual Power

Chapter 2157 Cultivating Spiritual Power

Ding Hao cultivated in the primitive ruins of No. 1206, without day and night, and had forgotten the time.

Continually rushing into the ruins, creating chaos, dragging out the cubs of the primitive meditation beast to slaughter, collecting its slime, refining the slime, and collecting it separately!

He continued to practice in this way!

All the flesh and blood obtained by slaughtering the young beasts is sent to the mouth of the fat insect; and the carapace of those young beasts is all contributed to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Worlds in exchange for precious mission points!

Ding Hao's reward task has also received a response.

The person who contacted him was a cultivator from the building of the demons. His name was Da Hei, and he was also a prince-level genius in the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance!

Sai Hei said that he would not create this rune weapon for killing primitive beasts, but he will return to their creation of demons recently! In their world, there are some old people who are more proficient in this! So he asked Ding Hao if he should contact an old senior to help build it!

Ding Hao was overjoyed.

He has no idea where the world where the demons are built is, and even if he does, he doesn't have time to buy it now! It would be great if there is a middleman like Da Hei to help him contact.

Ding Hao immediately replied, please help to contact the best craftsman who built the Mozu to create a handy rune weapon for himself!

At the same time, Ding Hao also explained how many mission points or Universe Crystals are needed, that's easy to say! As for Da Hei, Ding Hao is willing to give Da Hei another generous introduction fee.

However, this person Da Hei did not come for the referral fee. He said that he would help Ding Hao to contact him for free, and only wanted to make a friend.

Ding Hao was rather curious. Everyone among the cultivators talked about benefits. Even if they don't want benefits, they still have to ask for favor. Such kind of work as Da Hei is really rare.

After Ding Hao asked carefully, he realized that Da Hei had received the help of an immortal powerhouse when his cultivation base was still weak! Therefore, Xi Hei had always had a good impression of the people in the fairy world, and it didn't cost much to help Ding Hao contact him, so he took the initiative to contact Ding Hao.

Ding Hao heard him say this, and immediately asked this immortal realm powerhouse. What people did not expect was that it was Teacher Renzu!

He was even more excited when he heard that Ding Hao was Renzu's disciple. It turned out that his so-called help was that Renzu introduced him to a famous master craftsman who built the demons as his disciple!

The craftsman **** is building the demons. Everyone knows how many people want to be his disciples, kneel in front of his mountain gate for countless thousands of years, and want to learn art from a teacher! But the Craftsman God didn't even look at it. Renzu was a good friend of the Craftsman God, and the two of them had broken through together!

Therefore, Ren Zu introduced Da Hei to the Artisan God, and the Artisan God must also sell his face! Although he is not a direct disciple, Da Hei can also become the craftsman of the craftsman!

Over the past many years, Da Hei has learned a lot of crafting techniques, and his cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds. Now he rarely goes back to build demons, but he has always been grateful to the ancestors who helped him!

Now I heard that Ding Hao is Renzu’s disciple. He simply thinks that this is an opportunity for him to repay his kindness, so he is even more excited and must help Ding Hao make this matter successful, hoping that he can tell his teacher, Craftsman, to do it himself Help Ding Hao build a rune weapon!

"This is really amazing, can it work?" Ding Hao felt a little dumbfounded.

It was not the first time he heard the name of the Craftsman God, he had heard of it when he got Huangbadao! The Huangbadao was made by Renzu invited the craftsman god! Until now, there are still four swords on the left and the right, he has not learned it! If there is another weapon made by the master craftsman himself, then he is really lucky!

"It should be possible. You are a disciple of Renzu, plus my persuasion, you can listen to the good news!"

"Brother Xihei, thank you very much! As for the materials and wages used, you must tell me the original price. This is what I must give!"

If he could invite the Craftsman God to do it himself, Ding Hao would definitely have to give money! Otherwise, this is simply a great favor, Ding Hao is embarrassed to accept it!

"Okay! I will set off today and return to build the demons!"

After finishing contact with Dahei, Ding Hao became busy again, mainly collecting the slime from the cub.

He originally refined all the slime and then layered them, each layer was gathered and kept separately.

Once, the third mountain lord woke up from his sentiment, Ding Hao took the opportunity to ask him some questions.

He took out all the mucus in his hand and gave the third mountain lord a choice.

The third mountain lord pointed to the smallest bottle of slime, "If you want to refine invisible slime, this is the one! There are other kinds of slime that are useless for you, and you can contribute to the alliance! In exchange for quests Point, wash your body with holy water, this is a good idea!"

"Thank you!"

Ding Hao smiled. Although the third mountain lord was immersed in the perception of the carapace pattern these years, it turned out that he also quietly followed Ding Hao and knew what Ding Hao did.

However, what made Ding Hao unhappy was that the invisible mucus extracted from the mucus turned out to be the least one!

Every time when refining slime, only the outermost layer is effective, so this invisibly increased Ding Hao's labor intensity.

"Regardless of him, it's a big deal to kill more primitive meditation beast cubs!"

Ding Hao continued to kill, rushing into the primitive ruins, dragging out the cubs to slaughter them, collecting mucus!

This kind of invisible mucus also accumulates more and more, and Ding Hao gradually has enough mucus to cover his body!

At the same time, as Ding Hao contributed a large amount of materials such as the cub's carapace, Ding Hao's mission points are also accumulating more and more, and now he has more than 200,000 mission points on his account! This is simply a huge sum of money, Ding Hao secretly thought that the next bath could be more luxurious!

Of course, Ding Hao decided to try it out before taking a bath. He had accumulated invisible mucus for many years!

"It's time to use it!"

Ding Hao learned from the Third Mountain Lord, taking off all his clothes and smearing the extracted invisible mucus to cover his body.

The body was caught in this liquid, and it was a little nauseous to think about it, but after applying it, Ding Hao didn't feel any discomfort. Instead, he could smell a faint fragrance, which had no effect on all his actions and perceptions.

"I hope this stuff is useful!"

Ding Hao has been acquiring and accumulating this stuff for so many years, and using it at this moment is also quite worried in his heart. If it is useless, then all these years of hard work will be wasted.

Before long, he gritted his teeth and drilled into the original ruins in front of him.


After Ding Hao walked in, he was immediately ecstatic. For the first time in so many years, he entered the primitive ruins so easily!

The primitive meditation beasts sensed the thick invisible mucus outside Ding Hao's body, and they already regarded Ding Hao as their descendants and did not launch an active attack! No matter if Ding Hao interspersed in the gaps in the huge body of the primitive meditation beast, or climbed onto the huge carapace of the primitive meditation beast, no adult giant beasts would attack him!

"Invisible slime, this thing is really worthy of its name. I wrapped this body and came in, and there was no primitive meditation beast to attack me, as if I was invisible and transparent! Great!"

With this body of slime, Ding Hao is much more convenient wherever he goes, and he will no longer have a steady stream of primitive meditation beasts to attack him.

The only bad thing is that these invisible mucus slips from Ding Hao's body very quickly! Especially when he is walking and rubbing, these precious and difficult to refine invisible mucus will slip from his body, less and less! Or if it collides with the carapace of other giant beasts, it will knock off a precious piece of invisible slime.

When Ding Hao's body surface runs out of invisible mucus and his skin is exposed to the air, it will immediately alarm the primitive meditation beasts!

"In this way, this invisible mucus needs to be prepared a little more and applied to my body continuously to ensure safety!"

Ding Hao did not rush into the middle of the ruins, but with the help of his stealth slime, he continued to slaughter the young beasts and collect more slime.

Day by day, Ding Hao's invisible mucus was getting more and more, enough to support him on a long journey.

With the help of constantly smearing invisible mucus on his body, Ding Hao went further and further this time, and once again approached the medium-sized primitive meditation beast!

The purpose of his coming this time is to use the meditation bubbles sprayed by the medium-sized primitive meditation beast to put himself into a meditation state and cultivate his spiritual power.

Ding Hao sat cross-legged in a clearing. Above his head, was the huge carapace of a medium-sized primitive meditation beast.

There is a layer of invisible mucus outside his body, so sitting here, this huge primitive meditation beast will not attack him!

"According to Prince Wanji's memoirs, even if there is no danger, medium-sized primitive meditation beasts will naturally spew meditation bubbles after a while!"

He sat cross-legged in the open space and waited. After waiting for more than ten days, he finally heard a gurgling sound above his head. Ding Hao was happy, "It should be here!"

Sure enough, in this sound, many small bubbles with the size of fingers were sprayed out by the primitive meditation beasts. After these small bubbles appeared, they suddenly burst, exuding their power! Let the space below all be in this primitive power!

Ding Hao also felt that he had entered this kind of meditation state. Like last time, everything around him seemed to disappear.

He was nervous last time and wanted to escape from this state!

But this time was different. He was here specifically for cultivation. He immediately recalled the spiritual power cultivation method recorded in Prince Wanji's memoirs and began to practice!

As a cultivator, spiritual power is a very important aspect, which determines the strength of the cultivator's spiritual consciousness, and even determines the improvement of the cultivator's perception! However, mental power is not so easy to improve, even more difficult to improve than cultivation!

But now with the help of the Primordial Meditation Beast, Ding Hao believes that his mental power will develop by leaps and bounds!

(End of this chapter)

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