Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2179: Yunhai Biguo (four more votes)

Chapter 2179 Yunhai Biguo (four more votes)

Chapter 2178 Yunhai Biguo

With the consent of the Eternal Beast, Ding Hao can enter the first area of ​​the beast cave to practice for six months. If he breaks into the True God Realm within six months, he can continue to practice; if he does not break through the True God Realm for six months, Ding Hao will leave by himself!

After confirming, the huge figure of the Ninth Mountain Lord instantly collapsed and disappeared.

And the first mountain lord also looked at Ding Hao nodded with satisfaction, and said, "You geniuses, now you can enter the beast caves separately. After you enter, the eternal beast seniors will arrange you to different areas according to your cultivation base, everyone. Practice!"

After speaking, he patted Ding Hao on the shoulder again, and exhorted, "Practice hard!"

The actions of the first mountain lord are obviously very optimistic about Ding Hao, so Manke feels even more jealous, "Boy, the first area Yunhai Biguo, although fighting between cultivators is not allowed, I can harass you, you think It takes six months to advance to the True God Realm and dream!"

On the other side, several of Ding Hao's friends gathered around.

Prince Li Tuo stroked her huge chest and sighed, "I was really scared to death just now, with twists and turns, I thought Senior Eternal Beast would not let you enter the cultivation!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh. Today this incident is really a twists and turns, quite nervous!

Prince Luo said again, "It's really money that can make ghosts grind! Haha! Ding Hao, your three meditation stones smashed over, and even Senior Eternal Beast was fainted by you!"

At this time, everyone was in a good mood. Dan Tianfo of the alchemy world smiled and said, "Ding Hao, you told us to go to the primitive ruins. I really don’t believe it! I didn’t expect this to be true, you Not only did I go to the original ruins, but I also got three such huge meditation stones! It's really amazing, admire, really admire!"

While they were talking, several prince-level geniuses gathered around, and the leader was a female cultivator who looked a bit like a human.

After walking over, the female cultivator smiled and said, "Prince Ding Hao, we heard you say that we are going to the primitive ruins, but we really don’t believe it! It’s so young, I haven’t been to the primitive ruins. !"

Ding Hao didn't know this female cultivator, nor did he know the prince-level geniuses behind him.

Prince Luo knew him, he smiled, "Prince Qing, do you also know Ding Hao?"

The female cultivator nodded and said, "Of course, I also helped him get the goods from the star realm!"

"That's it!"

Ding Hao suddenly remembered that when he released a reward of three hundred mission points, sending the Wushuang scroll to the hands of the Star Boundary Starfall Tower, it was the mission that Prince Qing had accepted!

With one more friend and multiple paths, Ding Hao immediately exchanged the marks of the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet with Prince Qing and the rest of her team, so that everyone can get in touch easily!

While talking, the Three Lives War Wolf suddenly thought of something, "Ding Hao, didn't your kid ever tell us that when you come back from the original ruins, you will give us some souvenirs! We have been waiting for your souvenirs, until now. !"

"Yes! Our souvenir!" Everyone laughed.

Ding Hao smiled slightly, "Of course there are souvenirs, they are already ready!"

While talking, he raised his hand and took out the necklaces! These necklaces are specially made by the craftsman gods, no matter what kind of cultivator, whether the body size is large or small, they are just right to wear on the neck!

"Wow, it's so beautiful! What is this?" Prince Qiuyue took the necklace that belonged to her and looked at this beautiful handicraft in surprise.

The whole necklace is very noble. Whether it is the metal used to make the chain or the original meditation beast carapace used for the base, it is of extraordinary value and noble! And the primitive meditation beast teeth used as necklace pendants are materials that no cultivator of any race has ever obtained!

"This should be some kind of beast's tooth, which has the effect of mental power meditation. I guess it should be the tooth of a primitive meditation beast!" Prince Sudinand is knowledgeable and talented. He took his one and watched it. Fan later came to a conclusion.

"My God! A necklace made from the teeth of a primitive meditation beast! I am afraid that no one has ever obtained this kind of thing in the history of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Realms!" Prince Li Tuo exclaimed. She has always been favored by the nine giants. I have seen a lot of various treasures, but the necklace Ding Hao took out today, even she was shocked from ear to ear.

"Good good, good stuff!"

Everyone present was very satisfied, but heard Ding Hao say again, "Yes, these are the teeth of the primitive meditation beast! And it is the teeth in the mouth of the oldest meditation beast among the primitive meditation beasts! Common primitive meditation beasts also have teeth in their mouths. , But there is no effect, so no one uses it! But the teeth in the mouth of the ancient beast are extraordinary. They have experienced countless millions of years and have a very good meditation effect, and they have also been created by the first craftsman of the demons. The predecessor’s creation is even better!"

"My God! It turns out to be the teeth of an ancient beast! It has also been crafted by the craftsman!"

Ding Hao's friends were even more surprised and more satisfied!

And around, the cultivators of the major demons all looked at them with a greedy and enviable look, "I wipe! Ding Hao actually gave such a precious thing to someone! Ah, ah! If you had known so , I will be friends with Ding Hao. Wouldn't there be such a necklace now?"

These cultivators in the realm of true spirits were still envious of Ding Hao's thoughts, but now they secretly regret that they didn't make friends with Ding Hao! Instead, stand on Baiman's side, what can Baiman give them! No fart!

"Stupid! We are really stupid!" These people secretly regretted.

Also envious of Prince Qing and the others, although they know Ding Hao, they are not very familiar! When Ding Hao prepared the gifts, he also prepared quantitatively. They did not prepare them, so they could only look at Prince Luo and others enviously, and secretly said: Ding Hao is quite a friend, he is generous in his shots, and so capable. We must have a good relationship with him in the future!

Everyone here is just a brief greeting.

Many people have already entered the beast cave, and the first mountain owner also urged, "Okay! If you don't enter, the beast cave will be closed!"

"Everyone, goodbye!" Prince Luo and the others flew into the huge black abyss in front of them.

Ding Hao fists at them one by one to bid farewell, and when they parted, Ding Hao gave him the meditation bubble that had promised Sudinan.

Sudinan nodded and said, "When I have time, I will figure out a set of simple and easy-to-use methods to control the direction of the meditation bubble! Then this bubble can become a super powerful weapon! After I research it, I will pass The mailbox of the official member system is sent to you!"

You can still use the official member system to connect when you enter the Beast Cave to practice, but you can't enter the endless abyss!

"Okay." Ding Hao bid farewell with his fists, watching Su Dinan fly into the black abyss.

Each of Ding Hao's friends entered the beast den, and only Ding Hao, Sansheng War Wolf, and Shiluo were left.

Shiluo smiled, "We are all cultivating in the first area. After entering, we should try our best to move together!"

Ding Hao nodded, "Okay."

Sansheng Zhanlang said, "Then let's go in too!"

While talking, all of them plunged into the black abyss in front of them.


The sea of ​​clouds is vast, a hazy, gray cloud.

Here seems to have entered a turbulent flow of time and space, but it is not a turbulent flow of time and space, but a very misty space.

After Ding Hao entered the abyss, his eyes went dark and he was out of control for a short time. When he woke up instantly, he and his friend were already in different areas. Even the three-life war wolf corpse who came in with him, also disappeared!

"This should be the first area of ​​the beast cave, Yunhai Biguo, right?"

Ding Hao flew up and down in this sea of ​​clouds for a while, without seeing anything, he quickly took out the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, "Enter the official member system."

After entering, I opened the inbox, and it was filled with messages from the Three Lives War Wolf, "Where?"

"I don't know!" Ding Hao didn't know where he was, so he replied, "There is a hazy sea of ​​clouds here, there is nothing!"

Three Lives War Wolf also said, "I am like you, nothing. I released the flying palace and flew for a while, but I didn't see anything!"

When the two of them were at a loss, Shiluo sent a message, "Haha! Don't fly on the upper side, fly down, all the way down, there is land below!"

"That's it!"

Ding Hao immediately released the huge star nest and ordered the fat insect to fly downward.

Sure enough, after flying for a while, you can see the mountains below, lush and lush!

The mountain here is very high, it can be described as strange peaks one after another, the clouds here are also very thick, the mountain peaks straight into the clouds, piercing into the sky! And around the mountain peaks, there are endless oceans, and in the ocean there are fairy mountains and strange peaks. On the surface of the ocean, there are also thick clouds. Everything is like a mountain-water ink painting. The scene is spectacular and peculiar!

"Shiluo, I have seen the mountain, where are you?"

Shiluo said, "I can't tell, it's an island in the ocean. Beside the island, there will be many weird beasts in the clouds..." Shiluo just sent the news and immediately said again," Come on! Many people here, there are rewards for killing behemoths..."

After sending this sentence, Shi Luo has no news.

"I wipe it!" The Three Lives War Wolf who also received the news was extremely anxious, "Where is it? Where is the reward? I wipe it, I only have endless sea!"

Ding Hao said, "I am full of mountains! Where are you, uncle?"

The fat insect said, "Master, don't worry, I have just released a large number of investigative fairy insects. I believe that news will be sent back soon!"

Sure enough, the fat insect quickly got the news, found its way, cut through the clouds, and flew over!

Today, the fourth watch will be delivered. I hope everyone is satisfied. At the same time, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket recommendation! thank you very much!

In addition, thank you again for the great reward of Dragon God, who is another leader, and I will add more for you tomorrow!


(End of this chapter)

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