Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2263: Joy begets sadness

Chapter 2263

Chapter 2262

"Ding Hao is back!"

This news spread rapidly throughout the fairy world, and almost every planet received the news for the first time.

The four major colleges, the four small colleges, the Dragon Immortal planet, the Eastern family, and other ancient families immediately sent a large number of people and horses to rush to the Gaze Star Territory to meet Ding Hao.

Ding Hao also stayed in Siwenxing temporarily.

Here he saw many relatives and friends, his parents, family, former teachers, lovers, servants, and mounts. The familiar faces all reminded him of many past events.

"This is the descendants of Peng Guan and the Heifeng couple, this is the descendant of the killing brothers, these are the descendants of the big slaves to the eight slaves..."

Ding Hao spent a lot of time to meet these friends and their descendants. Ding Hao didn't feel that this kind of meeting was a waste of time, because Ding Hao knew that he owed too much time to these friends!

"This is a little gift to help you cultivate!"

For his friends and their descendants, Ding Hao has given so many gifts to help them cultivate!

"This is the descendant of Huang Hao..."

When Ye Wen introduced the descendants of Rhubarb, Ding Hao raised his brows, "Rhubarb, this kid, his descendants are here, why doesn't his deity come?"

A descendant of a great-great-grandchild of Rhubarb came out and said, "Old ancestor, in recent years, he has practiced a special technique and has been in retreat all day long! Recently in retreat, we dare not call him indiscriminately!"

When the descendants of this rhubarb spoke, many people behind them all smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Ding Hao frowned and felt that there was a problem. He straightened his face and shouted coldly, "What is going on? Tell me honestly!"

With this violent shout, he frightened the descendants of the rhubarb in front of him to kneel to the ground.

Ye Wen knew a little bit of the situation, and said, "It's not you yet. The large number of basic techniques that we brought back last time, some of which are suitable for our people in the immortal world, and some are not suitable for our people in the immortal world! Huang Hao is also looking for it, but finally Did not find a suitable method for his cultivation..."

"What?" Ding Hao's expression changed.

Many of the exercises he brought back were practiced with people from the fairy world. However, Rhubarb is not a human in the fairy world, he is a monster in the fairy world! Moreover, his practice in the mortal realm and the immortal realm conflicted, so when he cultivated to the immortal emperor's demon-sovereign realm, he couldn't find a suitable method to continue practicing.

The descendants of Rhubarb said again, "So the ancestors casually found a basic exercise in it and practiced it, who knows..."

Having said that, he shook his head and sighed again, with nothing to say.

Ye Wen went on to say, "Huang Hao's personality has really become eccentric over the years, and he doesn't want to meet people, let alone our friends, even his own descendants are not willing to meet! He is hiding on a deserted planet. , Said all day long to retreat, and practice the exercise that is not suitable for him..."

"How could this be?" Ding Hao immediately stood up and said, "This matter is a major event. On which planet is he on? I'll come as soon as I go!"

The descendants of Rhubarb immediately came out and talked about a planet.

"You are here waiting for me."

Rhubarb used to be Ding Hao's best friend, even closer than Ding Hao's relatives. Ding Hao absolutely couldn't watch him have an accident, so he immediately dropped all his affairs and summoned Xianban Mountain.

"Go to Withered Star immediately!"

Withered star.

This is a very remote planet, located in a very remote place in the fairy world.

This planet will naturally emit a dying power, so on this planet, there are withered grass, rotten woods and devastation.

In a remote corner of this planet, there is a deep well with no bottom.

The golden Xianban Mountain soon stopped near this planet.

As soon as the white-clothed and black-haired fairy moved, Ding Hao stood on the surface of the yellow planet withered star.

"How come here to practice?" Ding Hao raised his brow.

Generally, those who practice in such a place are not serious exercises, but rather partial exercises. Partial exercises are unique and can be successful, but the chances of success are relatively small, or even if they succeed, they will bring huge side effects.

Ding Hao's mental energy immediately wrapped the planet, and immediately discovered the deep well that directly led to the deepest part of the planet.

"over there!"

Ding Hao's white figure flashed, and he stood by the deep well.

In this deep well, there are layer after layer of barriers.

Ding Hao stretched out his hand to pat the formation restriction in front of him, and the sound transmission entered, "Rhubarb, I am Ding Hao, I am here, open the formation!"

There are too many barriers in the formation here, and Ding Hao can't penetrate his mind into the deepest point. What is he doing watching Rhubarb?

Therefore, Ding Hao could only enter through the voice and call Rhubarb.

But after waiting for a moment, Ding Hao didn't wait for any response.

"No, even if Rhubarb is in retreat, he should be able to receive my voice transmission, and he can send me a little response."

Thinking of this, Ding Hao's face condensed, and he raised his hand and slapped down suddenly.

Boom boom boom!

In this straight deep well, all the hundreds of formations that were banned by Ding Hao were broken.

Ding Hao's figure immediately flew into the deep well. In the blink of an eye, Ding Hao had already reached the bottom of the well, where there was a very strong dying power.

"Why are you cultivating here?" Ding Hao's expression was gloomy. When he looked around, he saw a quiet room for cultivation.


Ding Hao pushed open the dusty door, and the dust rose like smoke. He saw an old and dry figure sitting cross-legged in this quiet room.

"This...this is rhubarb!" Ding Hao's eyes suddenly became extremely shocked.

He hurried forward a few steps, looking at the dry figure in front of him, he could vaguely see the face of Rhubarb.

"No!" Ding Hao didn't need to touch the rhubarb, he could already perceive with mental power that he was already dead in front of him.

"No! Impossible! Rhubarb, I'm back!" Ding Hao can no longer control his emotions. Although he has cultivated for so many years, his mood has become unwavering, even like stagnant water, but the rhubarb facing this moment is still fundamental. Unable to control my emotions.

"No, Rhubarb!" Ding Hao howled bitterly. He didn't expect Rhubarb to be so miserable and die in the deep well of such a dry planet.

With Ding Hao's eyesight, he could clearly see that the rhubarb was cultivating and exhausted all his lifespan and died.

For immortals, in theory, life is eternal.

However, on such a planet that constantly exudes the power of death, the vitality of rhubarb is constantly being affected by this force, and the lifespan is constantly shortened, and finally died here quickly!

"How could this be?" Ding Hao cried bitterly while holding Rhubarb's body.

He could not blame others for this incident, but Ding Hao himself.

None of the various exercises that Ding Hao brought back from the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance was suitable for rhubarb cultivation. Rhubarb searched for it, and the only one who could finally get started was this exercise called Dead Wood Fengchun!

According to the records in the exercise method, it is to cultivate on this planet that exudes the power of withered, and fight against the power of withered. Finally, the dead woods come in spring, and the cultivation is successful!

I have to say that this is indeed a kind of training idea.

But unfortunately, the rhubarb cultivation failed, the dead wood did not come in spring, but completely withered here!

This is the second time Ding Hao shed tears for Rhubarb. He was not idle while crying. He released his time tower and wanted to change the time and bring Rhubarb back to life. After it was invalid, he took out a lot of precious sky left by the Starry Years Clan. Cai Dibao wants to use these to revive rhubarb.



Still invalid!

No matter what Ding Hao uses, the dead cannot be resurrected. What's more, rhubarb has been dead for ten or eight years. How can it be resurrected?

"No, I won't let you die!" Tears burst into Ding Hao's eyes.

He did not expect that he finally succeeded and reached the pinnacle, and his best friend and relatives died tragically on such a desolate planet.

"No, I must have a way!"

Even if Ding Hao is the cultivation base of the peak of the true **** realm, he has nothing to do with the rhubarb that has long been dead and turned into dead wood.

Finally, what did he think of...

"It seems that there is only the only way now!" Ding Hao wiped away his tears, there was a flash of stars in his eyes.

"Only the strongest in the endless world can come back to life. It seems that if you want to resurrect rhubarb, there is only this way to go!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao immediately took out his Wanjie bracelet.

Now there is only one person who is the strongest in the endless world he knows, "Senior Eternal Beast, I have a heartfelt feeling, I want to invite you..."

Ding Hao's expression was very embarrassing when he said this.

Senior Eternal Beast did not owe him anything, even if Ding Hao had helped Aheng, there was no reason to ask Senior Eternal Beast to resurrect a person.

Although this request was very presumptuous, Ding Hao had no other means for the rhubarb.

"I want to ask you to help me resurrect someone! Senior Eternal Beast, if you help me this time, I am willing to do anything for you."

After Ding Hao sent the message, he quietly waited for an answer. He knew he had no bargaining chips in his hand, so he could only promise to Senior Eternal Beast.

The news of the Eternal Beast came back quickly, "Prince Ding Hao, you may be disappointed. It's not that I didn't help, but that I had used the power of resurrection 300,000 years ago! This means that within 2 million years Inside, it is impossible to resurrect anyone!"

"What?" Ding Hao's gaze suddenly became desperate, time and space reversed, and resurrecting people is not arbitrary!

Every time the strongest in the endless world uses this ability, it will be unusable for millions of years, 5 million years long, 2 million years short, no matter what, I can't count on the eternal beast seniors now.

However, Eternal Beast put forward a new suggestion, "If this person is important, I suggest you ask your teacher that he should become the strongest within five thousand years, and he will be resurrected at that time! "

"Yes! My teacher!" Ding Hao immediately sent a message to his teacher, the Ninth Mountain Master...

(End of this chapter)

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