Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2331: Vast civilization

Chapter 2331 The Vast Civilization

Chapter 2330 the vast civilization

Ding Hao and Zen Wolf King searched the Central Mountain Range for half a year.

Along the way, a staggering number of large and small earth beasts were beheaded, and some materials produced by various earth beasts were obtained.

Finally, on this day, I came near the entrance of the original ruins 0093.

"It should be around here."

Ding Hao stood on a small hill, watching from side to side.

The space where the original ruins of No. 0093 is located is very secretive, and its entrance is also difficult to find.

Ding Hao shrouded his spiritual power on the top of this hill, but still got nothing at all!

"No, I can't find it!"

He took out the jade card that Lord Qinhe gave him, carefully calculated, "It should be here!"

Zen Wolf King reminded, "Lord, we searched on the surface of this mountain, but we didn't find the entrance at all! I guess the entrance is probably hidden in the belly of the mountain! Or in the mud under our feet!"

"It's quite possible!"

Ding Hao immediately flew in the air, raised his hand to release the "gravitational bell hoop", and uttered a mantra, "Bump!"

The inside of the "gravitational clock hoop" suddenly brightened, like a rising sun, crashing down the hill below.

Boom boom boom!

The cultivator's abilities are amazing, and the vicissitudes of life can also be changed with one hand. Even in the founding of the gods, such a small mountain will not be strenuous to flatten it!

The loud noises continue, the more the gravitational bell hoop hits, the greater the power.

After a while, this small hill was razed to the ground!

"come back."

Ding Hao looked down with satisfaction, and now his mental power was clearly felt that there was a space below that was different from other places.

"right here!"

Ding Hao and the Zen Wolf King flew over and came to this different space.

"The original ruins of 0093, if you want to enter, you must have a special rune!"

Qin He gave Ding Hao a rune.

According to the style of this rune, Ding Hao stretched out his hand to portray the space in front of him, portraying this rune!

When Ding Hao finished the complete description of this rune, the golden rune did not disappear in the void, but slowly rotated.

"According to the records in Qin He's jade card, I should be scanning my qualifications at this moment, and after confirmation, I will be given a special rune! So that I can use my special rune to enter in the future!"

While Ding Hao was waiting, from the distant void, a small old man was walking quickly.

Every time the little old man took a step, a circle of ripples swayed under his feet. He walked in the air, attracting a lot of flying earth beasts to attack; even there were many earth beasts on the ground, releasing tentacles to attack him!

However, this short old man has amazing strength. Although he is only a quasi-strongest person, his strength is infinitely close to the real strongest person!

Therefore, facing the attack of these earth beasts, he just smiled and waved his sleeves.

Immediately there was a circle of rune power bounced, knocking all the earth beasts that attacked him into flight.

"That's..." Ding Hao looked at this scene from a distance, his face was shocked, and he didn't know where the strong arrived.

After a while, Ding Hao could see clearly when the little old man came closer.

"It's the gatekeeper Chongzhe Senior!"

The person who came was the gatekeeper who Ding Hao had just come to the founding of the gods. Ding Hao later learned that he actually had the background of the ancestor of the thousand insects!

"Little friend Ding Hao, let's meet again." Senior Chongzhi said with a smile standing in the air.

"I've seen senior!" Ding Hao hugged his fists and asked again, "Senior came here this time, wouldn't it happen to be passing by!"

Ding Hao didn't believe that Senior Chongzhe happened to pass by, and that Senior Chongzhe should be able to go to the "City of the Sky" to explore treasures, and there was no need to come to the Central Mountain Range.

The elder Chongzheng smiled and said, "I am here to help the ancestor of the thousand insects to give you a mission! You can choose to do it, or you can choose not to do it!"

"So!" Ding Hao raised his brows.

Obviously, the so-called mission of the ancestor of the thousand insects must have a lot to do with the original ruins of No. 0093.

"Isn't the ancestor of the thousand insects the same as the fundamental will, let me destroy the entire 0093 primitive ruins!" Ding Hao asked.

The quasi elder Chongzhi smiled again, "You don't have the strength yet, the ancestor of the thousand insects just wants you to record the map in the original ruins of No. 0093!"

"It's easy to say!"

Ding Hao nodded. Although this task sounds simple, he does not know the situation in the original ruins of No. 0093, nor the size of it.

"I haven't been in at all. Who knows the size of the area, and help you draw the entire map, I'm afraid I don't have that time."

The elder Chongzheng said again, “You don’t need to draw all the maps, you just want to do your thing anyway, you just need to record and perfect the map by the way, and that’s it! At that time, the ancestor of the thousand insects will be awarded based on the map you added. Your rewards accordingly! What do you think?"

Ding Hao thought for a while and agreed.

This mission didn't sound like a threat. Ding Hao was going to enter the primitive ruins anyway, drawing a map by the way, and he didn't need to deliberately search for it.

"Yes, I am willing to accept this task."

"Then I thank you on behalf of the first thousand insects."

The elder Chongzhi threw a green jade ribbon in the air. Ding Hao took it and explored it with his heart, and found that there were already some map locations, which were obviously drawn by predecessors, but the area was not large!

Ding Haoqi said, "Senior Insect, if the ancestor of the thousand insects wants to get the map in the ruins, it shouldn't be difficult! As you are so strong, you can enter the map yourself!

"We can't do it!"

While they were talking, Ding Hao's special entry rune had been generated, and he grabbed it with a big hand and pressed this black rune to the center of his eyebrows.

The elder Chongzhi also flew down, and he described it in the space according to the rune Ding Hao used before.

When he finished depicting the rune, the rune burst open and disappeared.

"So that's it!" Ding Hao realized this.

This primitive ruin No. 0093 only accepts cultivators of average strength, and the strength like the elders of the insects is completely rejected and cannot be entered.

"Then my Zen Wolf King can't enter either?"

The Zen Wolf King immediately stretched out his wolf claws and portrayed the rune given by Qin He. The result was the same as the insects, but it was broken.

"Okay! It seems that only I can enter!"

Elder Chongzheng smiled, "Over the years, the ancestors of the thousand insects have wanted to explore the secrets of the original ruins of No. 0093 many times! But they failed to return, the real strong cannot enter! And after the weak like you enter , You will be confused by the alien pattern! It will not help the ancestor of the thousand insects to actually record the map! Therefore, for so many years, the map has only portrayed so little!"

"Okay! Then I try to go to more areas and record more maps."

After Ding Hao accepted the task, he ordered the Zen Wolf King to wait outside, but he punched the elder Chongzhi and plunged into this space.


"This is the world where the ancient aliens and demons live?"

After Ding Hao walked in here, he found that it was not the chaos he had imagined.

It is a ground paved with gorgeous slates, with various wonderful patterns on it, and the square is extremely huge!

And this huge square is only a small part of the huge city!

"My God! I always thought that the civilization of the ancient aliens was very low-end!"

"But now it seems that this civilization is really very magnificent, such a grand city, even after so many years, it can be called an immortal miracle!"

Walking on such a square, Ding Hao felt that he was extremely small, which was indeed shocking.

After so many years, all the property that could be taken away in this huge city in front of me was taken away by the previous treasure hunters.

Ding Hao tried it, and wanted to remove the stone slab laid on the ground.

But even with this kind of idea, it is impossible to do it at all. The slates here are all blocked and suppressed by the top-notch text, forming a special prohibition. Ding Hao can't read it at all, and can't break it. It can't be broken, so I can only give up in the end.

"Fantastic! This is the power of alien text! After so many hundreds of millions of years, I can't even remove a slate!"

In fact, let alone Ding Hao, even if Ding Hao had so many cultivators in the ruins for so many years before, no one could remove a slate here!

"I'm afraid this is why this huge city still stands!"

It can be said that this city is extremely luxurious, every stone slab and every stone pillar are extremely precious. If it were not for these restrictions, I am afraid it would have been emptied long ago!

"There are always some treasures I can take away!"

Ding Hao still remembered his purpose of coming here, that is to get more golden bone pillars!

In this huge city, there are many large and small statues, these statues are of different shapes, they should be the alien demons of ancient times.

The appearance of the alien demon is somewhat similar to that of the current humans, but it is taller and the face is more handsome. The biggest difference is that everyone has a tail like a steel whip.

Beside each statue, there is a huge stone stele.

The stone tablet was engraved with the words of the alien demon, but when Ding Hao came in front of him, these words began to change and became the words Ding Hao knew.

"Alternative pattern technique!"

Ding Hao's expression changed when he saw these words.

He finally understood why so many predecessor treasure hunters came here and were tempted by the different patterns technique.

That's because there are too many different pattern techniques here, it is simply contending among a hundred schools of thought. A cultivator from any world can find a different pattern technique that suits him and makes him stronger quickly!

Just imagine, who doesn't want to be strong?

When I came here, I saw the eyes full of exercises, many of which are suitable for me, and I will be much stronger immediately after practicing!

I am afraid that most people are lucky and cannot refuse its temptation at all!

Even if it was out of fear at the time, he did not dare to practice the different pattern technique;

But when they encounter bottlenecks in future cultivation, they can't help but take out the different pattern technique for cultivation!

"Sure enough, the temptation is amazing!" Ding Hao was determined but didn't dare to look more, and flew directly outside the city.

(End of this chapter)

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