Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2370: Advanced peak (four more votes)

Chapter 2370 Advanced Peak (four more votes)

Chapter 2369 Advanced Peak

"What! Ding Hao's strongest figure has begun to condense!"

Those disappointed, doubtful, skeptical and contemptuous eyes, now all become the same, all become shock!

The elders who were still doubting Ding Hao's strength just now seemed to be slapped in the face, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

It's also a coincidence that just before the appearance of these two huge figures, the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor and the nine giants who had just come to the founding God Sect just met.

Although the Jiuyou Temple Mountain and the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance seem to be close together, they are after all the second and third forces in the endless world, and everyone's outward greetings are still necessary.

"Friend of Daoist Jiuyou! Long time no see, your strength has improved a lot!" The Ninth Mountain Lord is now the strongest among the nine giants, doing his part to walk in the forefront of the nine.

"Alliance Old Nine, I really underestimated you, I didn't expect you to have also entered the ranks of the strongest!" At this moment, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou has put away his large black clouds and turned into a black-clothed old man.

The Ninth Mountain Lord smiled slightly, "Not only do I have entered the ranks of the strongest, but my disciple Ding Hao is also attacking the strongest now! It is very likely that I will become the strongest of the latest generation before the ten thousand years of agreement begins. !"

"Haha! You said this as if my disciple had no shock!"

As they were talking, the distant direction was surging, and an upright figure began to gather. It was the critical moment for Sharon's strongest figure to gather.

Seeing this, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou laughed suddenly, "Look! My disciple Shalun, now is the last moment! I have already inquired about your disciple Ding Hao, who is just a cultivator from the fairy world! Throughout the ages, special life forms have always surpassed ordinary life forms, not to mention Ding Hao is still an ordinary life form from the immortal world! The immortal world is just a low-level interface in the endless world, and the practitioners in it are not suitable for cultivation at all, I really can’t figure it out Where does your confidence come from?"

After being said by the Jiuyou Saint Ancestor, several of the nine giants turned red.

Especially the first mountain lord and the others, who were not optimistic about Ding Hao, this time they came to watch this decisive battle on impulse.

But now they heard the words of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, they felt very reasonable, exactly the same as their previous thoughts.

"Oh!" They all sighed in their hearts. They knew this before, why did they come all the way and be laughed at?

I said Ding Hao couldn't do it, and let me come to watch the battle. Then I saw Ding Hao being defeated. We are not the giants of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance who were beaten in public! The first mountain owner couldn't help thinking like this in their hearts.

But at this moment, there was an uproar in the distant place.

"Look, look over there!"


Another huge figure appeared at the other end of the founding gods’ universe.

"Ding Hao, this is the strongest figure that Ding Hao has gathered, and he has reached the most critical moment of breakthrough!"

"My God, the fight between Ding Hao and Sha Lun was really fierce. Just as the figure stood up here, there was an immediate reaction on his side!"

"It's amazing. It seems that these two people are the geniuses at the pinnacle of the Cult of Creation in the past 100 million years. They just don't know who can reach the pinnacle in their duel?

Listening to the discussion among the cultivators of the founding gods, the master of the Ninth Mountain showed a faint smile, and asked, "Senior Jiuyou, you keep saying that Ding Hao is not suitable for cultivation. He comes from a low-level interface and has a far-reaching aptitude. Not as good as Shalun. But how do you explain the situation in front of you? I think Ding Hao is no less than Shalun, and the earth-shattering genius in your mouth does not seem to be much stronger than Ding Hao?"

The Ninth Mountain Lord said that the face of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was a little bit uncontrollable.

Everyone says that Sha Lun is the darling of the endless world. How talented is rare for hundreds of millions of years... But now from the performance point of view, it is not much better than Ding Hao? Even if it hits the strongest, Sha Lun is only a few minutes ahead of Ding Hao, and I don't know who is the first and who is the real success?

"Then see you on the duel field!" Jiuyou Saint Ancestor's face became cold and he waved away.

And on this side, the faces of the first mountain lord showed embarrassment again.

Just now they were not optimistic about Ding Hao again, and even regretted coming here. Although they didn't say it, many people made a disappointing voice of "Oh" just now, which has clearly expressed their thoughts!

But in a blink of an eye, Ding Hao slapped them again with facts!

However, the slap in the face woke them up. The first mountain leader said, "Lao Jiu is right. On the surface, Ding Hao and Sha Lun have a huge difference in aptitude; but from the actual situation, Ding Hao is not inferior to evil. Lun! So I think Ding Hao has a hidden aptitude, which is the great wisdom that Lao Jiu said! I believe Ding Hao will win!"

The first mountain lord who was still sighing just now said that Ding Hao must win, and even the third mountain lord who came to meet him couldn't help laughing.

The third mountain host said, "Dear brothers, Ding Hao and their newcomers in this year are surging, especially since Ding Hao has been in the founding of the gods for five thousand years. It is really impossible for us old people to compare! Shocked and withstood the attacks of the ten strongest people...every one of these piles will scare people to death."

"What? Ding Hao still has such a thing?" The First Mountain Lord and the others were dumbfounded again, and their eyes were about to fall out.

The second mountain master said, "I know it! His strength is infinitely close to the strongest, even I am not his opponent! His most powerful is the Super Sun King Bow..."

The third mountain lord snorted and laughed, "Second brother, you are wrong! The most powerful treasure in the shaking hand is called the black spear, and it is infinitely powerful! But even so, it was killed by Ding Hao. Now the Chaori King Bow and the black spear are both in Ding Hao. Hands!"

"Oh my God!" All the giants present were shocked and speechless.

The strength of Ding Hao now far surpasses them. Unknowingly, this disciple who was once only the bottom cultivator of the Ten Thousand Realms Alliance, and even the disciple who had to be introduced by Shi Luo to enter the Alliance, has grown to be so powerful. !

"Lao Jiu, I have to admit that you not only have strength, but also have vision!" The First Mountain Lord finally admitted with emotion.

The ninth mountain lord laughed, "Okay! Let's go to see the teacher. On the day of the ten thousand year appointment, we will meet in the dark universe! Hope that day, Ding Hao can create another surprise for us!"

"Speaking of which, I am looking forward to it!" Everyone laughed, and then they dispersed.


The ten thousand year agreement, the day of the decisive battle is getting closer.

The next days were waiting. Ding Hao's friends all rushed to the temple where Ding Hao was, waiting for the moment when Ding Hao successfully exited.

Similarly, Sharon's friends also came to Sharon's territory, waiting for Sharon to leave.

The duel between the two most genius powerhouses in billions of years has already begun!

Inside the temple, the empty and dark void is extremely quiet, and a figure composed of a huge light stands quietly.

And at the feet of this huge light and shadow, is a young man with white clothes and black hair, sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. Around his body, various runes and lines are floating.

If an ordinary person comes to see these runes and lines, I am afraid that the space in front of him is very quiet.

But this is not the case. These runes and lines continue to emerge and disappear, some are expanding, some are shrinking, the scene is very magical, and the changes are very intense!

"In the past, I used my own means or treasures in my battles to achieve victory;"

"But this time is different. The treasures I have in my hands, and my opponents also have treasures of the same level! And my strongest treasure, the Eye of God, I won't use it this time!"

"So if I can defeat Sharon, I still need real strength!"

"This time I can't make opportunities, the strongest in the endless world, this is the true pinnacle, I want to defeat Sharon with my real power!"

When Ding Hao thought of this, his body shook sharply.

In fact, the rune lines and images in front of him were all refined by him for thousands of years, and it was finally time to use them at this moment.

Suddenly, he saw Ding Hao open his eyes abruptly, his eyes flashed, and then he opened his mouth.

The astonishing number of runes and lines in front of them were all blown away, and only then could we see an endless void under the cover of runes and lines.

In this empty space, there is nothing!

For mortals, empty space is just a space; but for higher levels, the empty space is likely to be filled with invisible gas, oxygen, aura, etc.; but for more powerful people, even if there is no space for gas It is also full of laws and power!

But the space in front of Ding Hao's eyes is a real void, an absolute vacuum!

"This is a true absolute vacuum. Although it is very small, it has been refined by me for thousands of years. Because I have the eyes of the gods, I can find this out! But it is already impossible for other strongest people. I did it!"

Even if the five great ancestors of the founding gods are powerful, they are not true vacuum gods, and they cannot create an absolute vacuum!

Ding Hao was different. When he used the eyes of the gods to create an absolute vacuum, he also gained some experience; then, he looked at so many small Hongmeng Towers in the Sky City, just to find a way to create an absolute vacuum. !

After these thousand years of practice, Ding Hao finally succeeded.

"You can leave the customs!"

Ding Hao snapped his mouth and sucked this piece of absolute vacuum into his mouth.


There was a big explosion in Ding Hao’s internal space. Like the origin of any universe, the violent explosion pushed the world crazy and eternally expanded. Ding Hao’s internal world instantly turned into a vast universe, and its size became infinite. .

At the same time, Ding Hao's strength instantly reached the strongest in the endless world!

Ding Hao advanced to the pinnacle!

Today, the fourth watch will be delivered, I hope everyone is satisfied!

I rushed to the list on Monday. Everyone who has monthly recommendation tickets and rewards will sponsor it. Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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