Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2372: Deity comes

Chapter 2372 The deity comes

Chapter 2371 the deity comes

"Auspicious Zhao Xiangrui, here it is!"

On a vast territory of the founding **** cult, a tall figure stood upright.

After becoming the world's top powerhouse, the patterns on Shalun's body scales have undergone tremendous changes.

As long as other cultivators carefully observe these patterns with their eyes, they will find that their minds will be absorbed into these patterns, and then they will find that there is a world in each pattern!

"God!" The cultivators who were waiting outside the temple to congratulate Shalun all shouted in shock at this moment.

"There is an independent world in every pattern on Shalun's body. It's amazing! This is unprecedented! It's scary!"

I don’t know how many people were horrified and admired.

"Shalun is the darling of the endless world, the proud child of heaven, just like this strange pattern, who can compare with the entire endless world?"

"Not bad! What's more, now Shalun has reached the level of the strongest in the endless world. From then on, who is going to compete with the world?"

"Sweeping around the world, who is going to fight for?"

Sha Lun himself heard these words, his eyes seemed to be hundreds of millions of miles long, looking into the distance, he also felt that he had stood at the pinnacle of the world, and everyone was stepped on by him!

"Looking at the world, who will fight for the front? This sentence is good!" Shalun's heart instantly rose to the sky.

At exactly this moment, auspicious auspiciousness was also delivered in time, and the power from the endless world condensed into a peak in the sky!

"Is this the auspicious auspiciousness sent by the fundamental will of the endless world? Good, so big, so strong!"

The cultivators standing below who were optimistic about Shalun all cheered.

Because everyone can clearly see that this peak is nothing else, this is Jiuyou Temple Mountain!

Endless World sent the light and shadow of Jiuyou Temple Mount to Sharon as a good omen. What does this show, it means that Sharon will definitely become the master of Jiuyou Temple Mountain in the future!

At the same time, this extremely high peak erected in the endless world also symbolizes Sharon's extremely strong strength, which no one can match!

"It's amazing!" The fundamental will of the endless world has sent such a symbolic meaning, what can Sha Lun regret?

He stood upright, stepped on the crowd, covered the sky with only one hand, at this moment he really seemed to have become a peak, no one can compare!

"Looking at the world, who will fight for the front?" Shalun's gaze was like the brightest star in the sky, sweeping everything, spitting out a few words, "Nor Ding Hao!"

"Okay, heroic!" The ancestor Octopus sitting in his temple sensed the sentence Shalun spit out, and he couldn't help but praised it loudly, and then suddenly stood up, "Friends of Daoist Jiuyou, let's go out together and give this Congratulations to the newly promoted strongest genius!"

"it is good!"

I have to say that the ancestor of the eight poles and the holy ancestor of the nine yous really gave Shalun the face this time, they walked out personally, facing Shalun Daoxi, this honor will push Shalun to the highest peak!

However, just as they walked out of the temple, the ancestor of the Octopus frowned again, "Ding Hao's auspicious auspiciousness has also arrived. We might as well wait a moment before going out to see Ding Hao's auspicious auspiciousness before making a decision!"

"Huh, even if Ding Hao's auspicious auspiciousness breaks the sky, it can't be as good as Shalun!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou waved his hand, not taking it seriously.

The strength of the two of them is already the pinnacle among the peaks, and all the scenes happening within the entire Creation God Sect are all captured by them.

At this moment, Ding Hao has left his temple and walked towards the temple of his teacher Haolei Ancestor.

Ding Hao's figure is also so huge, standing upright, behind him are a large number of his friends.

In recent years, the relationship between Ding Hao and his teacher Haolei Ancestor Hao Lei is not harmonious. Today Hao Lei Ancestor took the initiative to send a good news, which shows that Hao Lei Ancestor has no longer cares about Ding Hao. Of course, Ding Hao is happy in his heart. Run towards the temple of the teacher.

Walking on the way, Ji Zhaoxiangrui is here!

"This is... Am I wrong?"

"what is this?"

"Oh my God!"

Those cultivators who followed Ding Hao groaned one by one, "If I can get this kind of auspicious auspiciousness, even if I die immediately, I will be willing!"

"Me too! It's amazing, Ding Hao actually attracted the deity of the fundamental will of the endless world to come!"

Among the cultivators present, those with weak legs fell directly to the ground!

The fundamental will of the endless world does not have a real physical body, but he is also owned by the deity. His deity has appeared twice in the history of the deity, both in the image of a giant lion with all faces!

So when the image of this gigantic lion appeared in the sky, the entire founding cult was a sensation!

"Even he was shocked!" The ancestor Hao Lei sensed all this and quickly walked out of his temple, holding his fists and saluting.

The Ninth Mountain Lord also hurriedly followed out, shocked, although he was very optimistic about Ding Hao, he did not expect to have such a shocking auspicious auspiciousness.

"Even if there is great wisdom, it won't be like this!" The Ninth Mountain Lord was shocked inexplicably.

In another temple, the gazes of the ancestors of the eight poles and saint ancestor Jiuyou were completely unbelievable!

"How is it possible! How is it possible!" Jiuyou Saint Ancestor wondered if there was a problem with his eyes?

The ancestor of the Octopus also wished to slap himself and asked if he was still sober, "The deity of the fundamental will has appeared twice in history. The first time was when the origin era just ended, and a true vacuum was born in the world. He His name is Yuan Shizuo;"

"The second time this deity descended, it was the ancestor of a super-powerful Kongming who appeared in the endless world. This strong man had average aptitude but cultivated to the peak with his earth-shattering willpower. After reaching the peak, the ancestor of Kongming was even more impressive. Dedicating all your heart and soul to help anyone in cultivation, destroying the Inhuman Demon Race is also an outstanding feat. The fundamental will respects him very much. Before he is ready to cross the endless sea to the other shore, the deity of the fundamental will comes again and personally sends him away!"

"These two predecessors are both figures in the legend, spanning an era! Only then can the deity of fundamental will come! How can Ding Hao be?"

The Baji Ancestor and Jiuyou Saint Ancestor were about to vomit blood at the same time.

Sensing the arrival of the deity, all the strongest and elder quasi-elders in the founding **** sect walked out of their own temple, some held their fists and saluted to the sky, some even knelt down and saw this endless The real, behind-the-scenes ruler of the world!

The ten thousand-faced giant lion has more than 99,000 faces. These faces are male and female, old and young, and images from various demons. He is the representative and the gathering of all lives in the entire endless world. !

He appeared in the sky and accepted the pilgrimage from all directions, but he didn't respond, he just said a few words to Ding Hao.

Then disappeared, no one knew what he said to Ding Hao?


When the deity left, the entire founding **** cult seemed to explode everywhere.

Ding Hao broke through and entered the strongest, and unexpectedly attracted the deity of the fundamental will of the endless world. This has surpassed everyone's imagination. Everywhere is chaotic. Everyone is thinking about what this means? What are you going to do? How should the attitude towards Ding Hao and Shalun be placed?

At the feet of Sharon's tall figure, there stood an astonishing number of cultivators, all of whom came to congratulate Sharon.

When they saw Sha Lun getting auspicious signs, they laughed loudly and mocked Ding Hao. They looked at Sha Lun’s star-like eyes, the back like a peak, and the sentence who was in love with the world. Fighting heroic words!

But when the deity descended, the expressions on these people's faces could be said to be wonderful.

"What the hell?" There was silence all around at the time, everyone was dumbfounded, as if they were all dead!

Shalun's face changed the most!

In fact, Shalun's heart has been sighed.

That is, it was obviously his strongest figure that began to condense first, but why did Ding Hao succeed in front of him?

He is angry, so angry!

But when he got the auspicious auspiciousness of Jiuyou Temple Mount, he felt that he was proud, so he said the sentence boldly, "Sweeping the world, who is fighting for the front? Not even Ding Hao!"

But at the moment he was most proud, the deity descended!

The deity came to congratulate Ding Hao, what does this mean? This means that Ding Hao's success is much greater than him, and Ding Hao's strongest person has a much higher gold content than him. Compared with Ding Hao's auspicious auspiciousness, what is his Jiuyou Temple Mountain?

Can't get it at all!

"Sharon, congratulations on your success! That... I have something to do, so I'll leave."

"Yes, I have something to do, waiting for me to go together."

"Let's go, let's go! Betting on him, I didn't expect him to be as good as Ding Hao at all, leaving!"

"Yes, what excuses are you looking for? Not as good as Ding Hao or as Ding Hao, let's congratulate Ding Hao!"

Seeing the people at his feet suddenly walked a large area, Sha Lun's eyes, which were shining like stars, dimmed in an instant. The so-called gazing at the world just now seems to be a joke!

"Ding Hao, in a duel, it depends on your strength. I will definitely be ashamed of today!" Sharon gritted his teeth and thought to himself, "This time you have really angered me! Waiting for me in the duel. Kill you all the way to your vast and immortal realms, kill all your disciples and clansmen, I think you will be arrogant! When I become the strongest in this world, I will order all your news to be erased, and I will let you You can't leave any information in this world, it's like never before!"

At this moment, Ding Hao continued to move forward, toward the teacher's temple.

The ancestors of Hao Lei had already walked out of the temple and greeted Ding Hao. At the same time, they still had some doubts in their hearts.

That's why Ding Hao brought the deity to come, and what did Ding Hao say after the deity came? ?

(End of this chapter)

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