Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2404: Burial place

Chapter 2404 The Burial Place

Chapter 2403 God Burial Ground

Ding Hao and the others slowed down, but he still had contact with those cultivators who were speeding up.

"You are about to enter that special area, be careful!"

After all, everyone has been walking together for more than 20 years, and Ding Hao still reminded him to send out another message.

"Haha! Ding Hao, don't worry! If we get the place for the ultimate prize, we will go ahead. I think Ding Hao should speed up!" These people are quite optimistic.

"Oh, it seems that persuasion is not very useful, so let's just let it happen!" Ding Hao couldn't guarantee that his guess was correct.

But after some more days, these two dozen cultivators finally entered that special area.

If Ding Hao contacted any of them, it would be like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to contact at all.

As a result, even Zen Wolf King couldn't sit still a bit.

"Ding Hao, after so many years, hundreds of cultivators and earth beasts entered the area and disappeared! I think it is very likely that they have found the ultimate prize and went to the holy world! If they were taken by the black giant If you are killed, at least one person will have to send out a message!"

Zen Wolf King’s guess is correct.

If all these people were really beaten to death by the giant black hand, there would always be someone who would send a message to remind others before he died.

There is only one possibility, that is, if they really found the ultimate prize, then they will leave without a message!

"Impossible! Sudinand and the others have also entered that area. If they really find the ultimate prize, it is impossible to leave quietly!"

This is what worries Ding Hao.

Su Dinan and him are inextricably linked, and it is absolutely impossible to leave Guang Tomorrow silently, the only possibility is that they are really in danger!

However, although Ding Hao was worried, he didn't give up, everyone wanted to take a look.

"Then go!"

Ding Hao and the others continued to move towards that special area.

When Ding Hao was about to arrive, there were 108 remaining cultivators and earth beasts.

Among these 108 people, most of them were old cultivators who were cautious, and none of the great ancestors entered.

Everyone is old and cunning, wanting others to enter first, and see for yourself.

"Ding Hao, where have you been?" Haolei ancestor sent a message to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao said, "I'm near the special area, where are you?"

The ancestor Hao Lei said, "I am also nearby, let's enter together at that time!"

Everyone is quite disturbed, so we can get a few more talents to enter.

Ding Hao quickly met Hao Lei's ancestor and the ancestors of Hao Lei, together with the ancestor of Fuqin, after contacting them, they found the ninth mountain lord!

In this way, the six great ancestors gathered three, and there was a very powerful ninth mountain lord, and everyone decided to make a breakthrough together.

"The sky is bright again, come in!"

When the world became bright again, several rays of light flew out of the mountains and forests, flying towards the destination at high speed.

Soon, they saw a huge and thrilling crack appearing on the ground, this crack seemed to be split by a giant sword, it was shocking.

"My God! Who can do it if a sword can cut Light Tomorrow into such a wound?" The ancestor of Fuqin said shockedly.

Ding Hao frowned, "Although everyone knows that the terrain here is different from other places, why has no one uploaded the scene to our map because of this huge crack!"

Before, more than 100 cultivators and earth beasts had arrived in this area, and no one had sent images of the cracks to everyone.

The Ninth Mountain Lord exclaimed, "Everyone, my religious token is out of order!"

Ding Hao stretched out his hand to find out his religious token, and as expected, he had lost all contact functions.

"No wonder everyone entering this area is like a mud cow into the sea. It turns out that the sect token has failed to come here! I can't send out messages, and I can't receive news from others!"

While everyone was talking, the sky suddenly darkened.

"It's over, it's too late!" Ding Hao's face was shocked, and the sky was so dark that he had no time to hide in the forest.

The ancestor Hao Lei calmly shook his head and smiled bitterly, "It's useless, there are no mountains and forests to hide below. If you come here, you will die if you don't advance!"

In this area, there are huge canyons and empty plains below, even if it descends, there is no forest to protect them.

"No wonder everyone lost news after entering this area, and no one looked back! It seems that we can only move forward!"

While talking, there was a loud bang from behind, and I didn't know which cultivator slapped him to death. After that, I saw four blood-colored dragons dancing and rushing to this side.

"No, we are being targeted!"

Ding Hao and the others speeded up immediately, they couldn't go back, only to fly forward!


Soon, they flew over the huge gap.

From a distance, this gap is quite shocking, but when you come closer, the scene is even more terrifying. The bottomless steep cliffs are completely dark below.

"What the **** is there?" Ding Hao and the others have already come to the sky above the gap, staying for a short time, and looking down.

Suddenly, a powerful force emerged from this rift, sucking it inwardly!

"Not good!" The ancestor Hao Lei's complexion was shocked. He scored a big hand and punched three punches towards the valley below, trying to use the force of the counter shock to fight the suction and escape from here!

However, when he came this way, he happened to meet the **** palm that the sky suddenly photographed!


The giant palm was suddenly printed on the crack, and all the cultivators were driven into the abyss, and the ancestor of Hao Lei, who was bouncing high, was beaten up on the spot and disappeared.

Ding Hao and the others were shocked to see, they didn't dare to resist this powerful suction, they could only let their bodies be sucked into the deepest part of the crack by this suction!


Ding Hao smashed heavily on the ground, but with his body, such an impact would not cause any harm.

Ding Hao got up in the dust.

"Where is this place?"

In front of him was a very dark underground world, the world was of very high level, and Ding Hao's mental power could not spread far.

Just after he got up and walked for two steps, he suddenly felt a warning sign.

"not good!"

Ding Hao quickly jumped up, and when he left where he was, he saw a long brown whip hitting the ground with a bang.

In this sound, the ground was instantly torn apart, and the scene was terrifying.

However, with a miss, the brown whip was immediately absorbed into the darkness, and the cracked ground was rejoined and began to recover.

"What kind of world is this?" Ding Hao looked left and right suspiciously. He patted the ground with his right hand. He found that it was very difficult to break the ground apart. He had to use at least Jiuyou Sacred Bell to be able to do it. .

"What was that long whip just now?"

Originally, Ding Hao thought that only that black giant hand would attack people in Guang Tomorrow, but now it seems that there are many opponents.

Ding Hao took two steps carefully. During these two steps, Ding Hao was attacked by the brown whip again!


These two whips are more powerful than once, and the damage to the ground is even more terrifying.

Fortunately, Ding Hao's movements were very quick, and he successfully avoided again.

After the three strikes, the brown whip stopped attacking Ding Hao and asked Ding Hao to walk a few more steps to see if he encountered any attacks.

"Senior, who are you? Why do you use the whip to attack me?" Ding Hao asked loudly.

The dark surroundings were quiet.

Just when Ding Hao thought he couldn't wait to answer, a very old voice said to himself, "This is the place where the gods are buried!"

"Where is the burial place of the gods?" Ding Hao asked again, but received no answer.

"Senior, senior, are you still there?" Ding Hao's voice echoed in the darkness, as if drifting far, but no one answered his words.

He once again took out the original cult token, and wanted to contact others.

"It's useless, here the cult token is directly invalidated!"

The token invalidation made Ding Hao frowned, and he took out the Ten Thousand Worlds bracelet, this thing was even more useless.

Fortunately, Ding Hao gave Leng Xiaoyu each of them a black Zuwen.

Ding Hao pressed his eyebrows, released the King of Zuwen, and asked, "Can you sense their position?"

The King Zuwen pondered for a while, and then began to walk in a certain direction in the darkness, apparently sensing the position of Leng Xiaoyu and the others.

"Abnormal pattern, really is a good thing beyond the endless world!"

Everything in the endless world comes here, it seems that the grade is very low, there is no effect!

However, the abnormal pattern has proved with facts that it is more upscale than the law of the endless world, and it is unimpeded here.

"King Zuwen, be careful."

Ding Hao was afraid of encountering this kind of whiplash again, and while reminding the king of Zuwen, he also maximized his mental power. If someone attacked again, he would be able to avoid it in time.

There is no day and night in the underground world, and there is no concept of time at all. Ding Hao didn't know how long he walked, and finally found the first person, Ye Wen.

"Husband!" Ye Wen was overjoyed when she saw Ding Hao.

She fell here and looked everywhere, but did not find Ding Hao and the others.

"Are you under attack?" Ding Hao asked.

"I received it, I avoided it, it seemed like a huge bone!" Ye Wen said.

Ding Hao frowned, "What is attacking me is a long whip, and what is attacking you is a huge bone. What is the situation?"

Ye Wen said, "I don't know! Anyway, it's gloomy and it feels very strange and terrible."

"I heard that long whip said that this place is called the place of the burial of the gods! I don't know if this name has anything to do with the real gods?"

Ding Hao found Ye Wen and said to the King of Zuwen, "Go on looking for the next one, I will find them all!"

(End of this chapter)

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