Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2418: Longyang Shengjun

Chapter 2418 Longyang Sage

Chapter 2417 Longyang Sage

The giant black hand laughed wildly, arrogantly.

Because he already knows that the former high-ranking Lord Longyang is just a human head, and he has been trampled under his feet!

What is so terrible about the Lord Longyang at this moment?

"Holy Monarch of Longyang, you are just a withered yellow flower. You don't care about things here! What's more, you can't manage it if you want to!"

Amidst the laughter, the giant black hand grabbed a cultivator again and suddenly squeezed it to pieces!

These have been cultivated in the endless world for countless years, and they have reached such a high level, but they have no resistance in the hands of the black giant, and they have been crushed to pieces. The past hundreds of millions of years of cultivation have been put into water!

"25." Saint Ancestor Jiuyou still counted in that gloomy cold.

Ding Hao’s relatives and friends are getting closer...

"Little head, can you break free of the golden grid first!" Ding Hao shouted anxiously.

"No, as he said, I now have only one head and a trace of divine power. With my ability, I cannot break free from the divine power in front of me! Even the trace of divine power that remains in me will soon fade away. From now on, The Sage of Longyang disappears forever in this world."

Hearing what the little head said, Ding Hao was even more desperate.

However, the little head continued, "You are the only one who can save them now!"

Ding Hao has a pair of eyes, "How do I do it?"

The little head said, "I will tell you how to turn the Longyang Sword into a scaled scale now!"

"What?" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou yelled badly, "The powerful sacred will, stop them quickly!"

The **** hand also noticed this, he sneered, and the **** hand waved to the sky.

As he waved his hand, the golden power grid that imprisoned the little head made a loud noise. In the next second, the little head's words could not be heard from the golden grid!

"Hahaha! Longyang Sage, your voice will never be heard, and he will not be able to learn it. Don’t waste your efforts! I really didn’t expect that I, a little person who you didn’t want to take a second look at back then, has made it now. There is nothing you can do!" The giant black hand laughed.

Although the divine power blocked all the words of the little head, it did not matter.

In the golden grid, the little head spit out golden runes one by one. Those runes were runes that Ding Hao had seen many times.

"The little head is using this method to teach me how to use the Longyang sword!"

Ding Hao watched carefully, his face suddenly surprised at this look.

Because the rune spit out by the little head is exactly the rune translated by Su Dinan, that is, the rune named "Holy First Strike" by Ding Hao!

"How is it possible! The first sacred attack was to evolve the Longyang Sword into a Ni-Lin technique!"

Ding Hao was shocked, and shook his head again, "That's not right! The golden light curtain I entered the palace just now has already used this blow, and it didn't produce any effect!"

At this time, the giant black hand in the light curtain below said coldly, "Ding Hao, your time is really running out!"

After saying this, he pinched a soil beast again.

This earth beast was already someone Ding Hao knew, and this was a strong elder that Ding Hao had met in the White God tribe!

"24!" Saint Ancestor Jiuyou said mercilessly.

But at this moment, Ding Hao ignored the black giant hand at all.

He re-examined the rune translated by Sudinan, and he suddenly realized it.

It turns out that when Sudinan was translating this sacred exercise, there was a sentence in it that he didn't understand well, so he omitted it completely.

When Ding Hao revisited the original rune, he discovered the omitted sentence!

For practitioners in the world, this sentence really doesn't understand at all.

But now Ding Hao is a true god, and he has a little experience in the use of sacred power, so when he comes to read this sentence again, he suddenly has a new view!

"That's it!"

Ding Hao suddenly closed his eyes, and the huge Longyang knife in his hand cut out again!

A scene that shocked everyone appeared. When the knife fell down, its whole body turned into purple, as if it was a purple flame, and it seemed as if the purple dragon scales were ignited!


It slashed on the golden grid in front of him.

That golden grid was instantly split in half, and all the sacred power disappeared in an instant.

The little head was released, and he nodded and smiled, "Ding Hao, you did a good job! The dragon has inverse scales, and you die if you touch it! This knife has never failed after it turned into inverse scales, so I will leave it to you. !"

"Okay." Ding Hao solemnly nodded, staring down, holding a purple-red giant knife, and slashing down!

The huge shadow of the sword traverses the sky, and its power is no less powerful than the one that cuts through the land of the buried god!

Dragons have scales, touch them and die!

Ding Hao's relatives and friends who were trapped by the giant black hands are Ding Hao's Nilin. This knife is just as its name, and it's just for its use!


When this knife was cut, the golden light curtain below was cut in half immediately, and a terrifying valley appeared on the ground.

"No!" The black giant hand and Saint Ancestor Jiuyou looked at the sky with a huge sword light, and they were already scared to death.

The giant black hand was a rat, and is still a rat.

Seeing this inverse scale blade light, he didn't even have the courage to resist, and wanted to escape.

However, Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was even more vicious. He reminded, “Holy will! We can’t escape tomorrow wherever we go! The only way now is to catch all three Taoists of Ding Hao and use them to death. Come bully him!"

"Not bad." The huge black hand suddenly woke up.

He has no way to escape here. It's better to catch Ding Hao's three Taoists, and then negotiate terms with Ding Hao.

When his golden light curtain was cut through, his big hand grabbed the Leng Xiaoyu floating in the air and the three of them in his hands. As for the others, all fell from mid-air and fell into the depths of the huge canyon. .

"Ding Hao boy, even if you learn the sword of Longyang Sage, what can you do to me? You kill me, they will die with me, you really want me to pinch them to death!" Black Giant Hand laughed loudly.

But in this laughter, Ding Hao's pupils shrank like needles.

"Black giant hand, stupid thing, the rat is the rat, and you will always be the rat!"

After finishing this sentence, the inverse scale sword in Ding Hao's hand cut across again, and the purple-red sword cut everything through.


In the light of the sword, the palm of the black giant hand was cut down!

"No!" The black giant realized that he had no right to bargain with Ding Hao.

When his palm was cut off, it was impossible to pinch Leng Xiaoyu and the others!

The palm of the hand rolled down from midair, and the three of Leng Xiaoyu and the others flew out of it.

But the giant black hand is still very vicious at this moment, raising his foot, wanting to trample these three to death!

The inverse scale sword in Ding Hao's hand was swung again, slashing a leg of the black giant hand, and it was also completely cut off!

In this way, the black giant has no hands or legs, and can't escape, let alone harm.

"Unknown Rat, die!"

Ding Hao hated the giant black hand with extreme hatred, and the inverse scale sword in his hand cut out in a series, slicing it into several pieces, and then he could not die anymore.

As for Saint Ancestor Jiuyou, he took advantage of this time to escape.

However, the ancestor of the thousand insects has been staring at this guy.

Although the Thousand Insect Ancestor still has only one bug, it is the strongest bug after all; while the Nine Nether Saint Ancestor is a group of brains with no offensive power, blocked by the Thousand Insect Ancestor, unable to escape.

"Ding Hao, leave it to you to kill!"

Ding Hao waved his hand and said, "He is your big enemy, let you do it!"

The Thousand Insect Ancestor really hates this thing very much. After saying thank you, he even opened the insect's mouth and bit the rest of the mind of Jiuyou Saint Ancestor bit by bit!

The ancestor of the Thousand Insects hated this guy too, hated it so much that he didn't even want to eat his brain.

After the bite, spit on the ground and step on a few more feet.

"No! Forgive me!" The last remaining brain of Saint Ancestor Jiuyou was bitten, torn, and painful.


Ding Hao killed the giant black hand before he let out a long breath.

When he fell on the ground in a white robe, the inverse scale sword in his hand also returned to the state of the Longyang sword.

Leng Xiaoyu and the others also ran over, hugging Ding Hao, tears rolling down.

The scene just now was too frightening. Everyone thought that this time he would definitely die. Who knew that Ding Hao could finally come back!

Ding Hao himself also exclaimed, "I didn't expect it."

He stretched out his hand and patted his three Taoist companions on the back, and said, "This time thanks to the small, it should be Senior Longyang!"

Ding Hao let go of his three Taoist companions, came to Xiaotou respectfully, clasped his fists and saluted, "In the next endless world, Ding Hao, a cultivator of the immortal race, has seen Senior Longyang Sage!"

Longyang Shengjun smiled, "You don't need to be so polite, you are still my master! The reason why this trace of my spiritual thought has survived to this day has not dissipated, because I want to find an inheritor!" He asked again, "You can completely translate the exercise that I vomited, you have reached the standard of my heir..."

Before Longyang Shengjun finished speaking, Ding Hao smiled embarrassedly, “Don’t hide from the predecessors, this exercise is not translated by me, but my good friend Su Dinan. If the predecessors really use this standard If you are looking for an heir, then I dare not steal the credit of my friends. The disciple you received should be Su Dinan."

Sage Longyang laughed and said, "So, are you willing to all become my disciples? He inherited my practice inheritance, and you inherited my various sacred treasures!"

Ding Hao was overjoyed at once, "Yes, I am so willing, I have seen the teacher! Teacher, wait a moment, I will bring Sudinan up!"

Su Tinan and the Zen Wolf King, they all fell back to the place where the gods were buried, and they were all in panic at the moment. I don't know what happened to Ding Hao and the others?

At this moment, a golden sacred power descended from mid-air, transformed into a long golden ladder to lead them, and walked out of the underground canyon.

(End of this chapter)

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