Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2451: Second-tier assessment

Chapter 2451 Second Level Assessment

Chapter 2449 second-tier assessment

Day by day, Ding Hao walked along the holy mountain platform to study and learn the techniques left by the ancient gods on the walls.

Ding Hao has been immersed in this kind of learning, reaching the point of selflessness.

He has forgotten everything around him, practicing these exercises wholeheartedly.

Not only his sacred exercises, but the other two professional exercises, he also watched and practiced!

At the basic level of the first level of the holy mountain, he still has to cultivate more comprehensively, and it will be better for his future development!

With the passage of time, all the golden runes on the wall of the first floor were all familiar to him, and every exercise was completed.

Not all of the exercises and cultivation experience left on the wall by these predecessors are correct.

Now Ding Hao, he has been able to find loopholes and defects in these techniques.

Finally one day, he also raised his hand, leaving his own feelings beside these wrong exercises.

He did not modify it directly, but left his own opinions next to him so that future generations would not be misled.

In this state, Ding Hao practiced for a long time.

Until one day, on the wall of the first floor of the holy mountain, he had no exercises that he didn't know, and he had finished his cultivation!

"It seems that I have already mastered all the contents on the first floor of the holy mountain!"

After Ding Hao finished speaking, he came to a blank part of the holy mountain wall and began to write golden runes.

These contents are all his cultivation experience and insights over the years!

When he finished writing, head straight to the appraisal palace on the second floor of the holy mountain!

After paying the treasures, I came to the entrance of the examination palace to line up, and I heard someone comment, "I saw a exercise on the wall yesterday, and I have a new comment! I have commented on some of the contents of this exercise before. , A few questions arose! I don’t know which expert it was, and the comments left me suddenly open up!"

"That exercise! I also lost a lot of time on it! That's a dead end!"

"No, no, no! There are still merits in that exercise. The latest notes have been written very clearly. You can check it out when you have time!"

Ding Hao showed a faint smile on his face listening to the conversation of the people around him.

Because the latest comment these people talked about is exactly what he left before!

The fruits of his labor made others feel useful and appreciated them a lot, so Ding Hao was very comfortable.

Soon after, he walked into the examination palace again.

Facing the row of choices in front of him, he didn't even think about it, and went directly to the sacred assessment palace.

"Just choose No. 3 Hall!"

Ding Hao walked into Hall 3, the situation was the same as before, with a long narrow passage in front of him.

After he walked through the passage, many of his special characteristics were hidden. During the battle, his true identity would not be recognized by his opponent.

Walking out of the passage, there is an independent galaxy space in front of him.

When Ding Hao came here, a tall figure was already waiting for him quietly.

"The sacred cultivator **** has seen seniors!" Ding Hao clasped his fists.

The tall figure standing, said, "Don't say anything, let's start now!"

After speaking, the tall figure threw out an iron ruler, stepped back half a step, and violently pulled both hands, "Iron Cable God Prison!"

I saw the iron ruler being pulled apart and turned into a huge iron rope, and then the iron rope continued to split again, covering a large area.

Ding Hao was dumbfounded, "It turned out to be you again?"

Coincidentally, this examiner was the one on the first floor of the Holy Mountain!

That year the examiner went directly to the second floor of the sacred mountain, successfully passed the assessment, and entered the second floor of the sacred mountain.

After entering, he devoted himself to cultivation, and the training expenses in his hands were not enough for these years, so he came to the examination palace as an examiner to earn the treasure of the gods!

He didn't expect to meet Ding Hao today!

"You are?" The examiner frowned.

Ding Hao raised his big hand and released the Four Dragon Seal!

"It's you!" The examiner suddenly realized that he had discovered that Ding Hao had a powerful ancient artifact in his hands, and he had also visited the Hall of Correspondence on the first floor of the sacred mountain to see who was the one who completed the examination from him?

It was not found back then, but now it appeared in front of him again.

"This descendant god." The examiner said, "I know that you have a very sharp ancient sword in your hand! If you are using that weapon to break through my iron cable god, then you can still complete it. Examination, you are a rogue act!"

Ding Hao said, "Then I will use four dragon seals to break you!"

Ding Hao did not practice any holy realm exercises at the time, and he could only release 20 golden dragons at most.

But now Ding Hao has improved tremendously in combat after so many years of cultivation. He released the Four Dragon Seals and kept covering them.

Every time the Four Dragon Seal falls, four golden dragons will be added!

Moreover, all the golden dragons that have emerged are fierce and imposing, thicker and stronger than before!

In a blink of an eye, Ding Hao really released 120 golden dragons, six times more than when he was in the first floor of the assessment palace!

"Well, well, I didn't expect you to improve so quickly. In just a few years, you have improved six times!" The examiner was shocked and angry.

There was still a big gap between this examiner and him, the gap between two small realms, but now the strength of this examiner is already similar to him!

"Then let me see what is the use of your golden dragons?" The cultivator shouted violently, raised his hand to Ding Hao, "Give me!"

Suddenly thousands of sacred iron cables slapped down frantically!

"It's useless, you couldn't beat me last time, but you can't beat me even more this time!"

If Ding Hao fought against this person last time, he still used the Dragon Sun Sword to achieve the final victory; then this time, it was a truly fair battle, and the level of the Four Dragon Seals was much worse than that of the Long Yang Sword. Compared with the ice iron wire in the hands of the examiner across the river, it was only a weapon of the same level!

"Come on then! Give me a smoke!"


Thousands of huge iron cables slapped down frantically, wherever they went, the space was shattered.

When Ding Hao was under such an attack, he could only escape for his life, but now that one is going to go down, Ding Hao's strength can completely defeat the opponent's attack.

"Four Dragon Seals! Blessing the light and supernatural power!" Ding Hao opened his hands and released crazy power again.

Hearing what he said, the examiner suddenly changed his face and shouted, "You are obviously a sacred examiner, why do you use the power of controlling the gods?"

Ding Hao shook his head and said, "You don't even know that the three disciplines are equally important! For those of us at the lower levels of the holy mountain, it is not a good thing to be too focused on one discipline! Only when three disciplines are equally emphasized and practice at the same time, one primary and two secondary is the kingly way. Now let you see what I can do!"

While talking, these 120 sacred golden dragons full of light rushed into the Iron Cable Hell!

(End of this chapter)

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