Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2481: Reject the king

Chapter 2481 Rejecting the King

Chapter 2479

The holy mountain gods usually live above the 301st floor of the holy mountain, and they rarely walk down the holy mountain. They are very noble.

Unexpectedly, today, all of these holy mountain **** kings would condescend to walk down and see Ding Hao, the first king of rushing to pass!

"I have seen all the gods!"

When the **** king arrives, all the high gods present kneel down and bow down; the immortal gods and holy mountain gods do not need to kneel, they just bow and salute.

"No gift, get up!" The leading **** king waved his hand, motioning everyone to get up.

"This is the three-eyed **** king. Among the younger generation of **** kings, he is considered the strongest!" Some well-informed gods whispered to the people around him.

"It's amazing, even the Holy Mountain God King came down to see Ding Hao, this kid is going to be developed!" God Tina was also mixed in the crowd of the gods, seeing the scene in front of him, was annoyed in his heart, knowing that he wanted to get him back from Ding Hao. The weapon of this kind is already impossible.

The three-eyed **** king came out and nodded approvingly and said, "Ding Hao, you are very good. You hit the 228 level of the sacred mountain in one fell swoop and created a new record for the sacred mountain. It really is young and promising. The **** king personally came to send you a congratulation! "

Ding Hao clasped his fists and said thanks.

The King of Three Eyes spoke again, "When I came here, I just heard someone say that Ding Hao's refusal was too much! Who were you talking about just now?"

The divine emperor strong man standing beside Tongtian divine emperor looked embarrassed, it was he who scolded Ding Hao just now.

But I didn't expect that now even the three-eyed king is here!

Obviously, the Three-Eyed God King also had a heart to accept disciples, and the reprimand he just said would inevitably be reprimanded by the Three-Eyed God King.

Tongtian Shenjun walked out and said, "I have seen the Three-Eyed God King. The person who spoke just now is my friend. He is helping me to get ahead. Please don't take offense to the God King."

The three-eyed **** king's gaze was like electricity, and when he lowered his head and looked at it majesticly, the **** Tongtian's expression changed in fright.

"I seem to have heard that you and Ding Hao had some unhappiness because of accepting disciples." The three-eyed king asked majesticly.

God Monarch Tongtian dared to be arrogant and said quickly, "I did have some misunderstandings with Ding Hao, but I have explained it clearly just now. I have already apologized to Ding Hao face to face and this matter has been resolved!

When he spoke like this, he was already quite low, and he no longer dared to put on the prettiest of a senior in front of Ding Hao.

Only then did the three-eyed **** nod his head in satisfaction, he used his aura to overwhelm the **** Tongtian, which can be regarded as a sigh for Ding Hao.

He expressed his favor to Ding Hao. Of course, he did not come out of thin air. Just after the King of Three Eyes had questioned the King of Heaven, the other King of Gods standing next to King of Three Eyes said, "Ding Hao, King of Three Eyes has no disciples so far. , I think you have good qualifications today! Originally, he was still hesitant to accept you as a disciple, but he bet with us that if you broke the record of Longyang Shengjun, he would accept you as a disciple! Now you really broke the dragon Yang Shengjun’s record is also when he fulfilled his promise!"

A smile appeared at the corner of the three-eyed king's mouth, "Ding Hao, would you like to be my disciple?"

In fact, the so-called gambling is just a saying.

The King of Three Eyes was very willing to accept Ding Hao as his disciple, but he had to put on his own airs and could not take the initiative to say that he wanted to accept Ding Hao as his disciple! So I talked about a betting topic, telling Ding Hao that I still have to be conscientious and careful in life, otherwise I might kick you out of the mountain!

Hearing the three-eyed **** king's solicitation, the **** of the sky sighed inwardly, knowing that he would never have the opportunity to accept Ding Hao as his disciple, and now it is really too late to regret!

However, he also wanted to show his favor to the King of Three Eyes and immediately said, "Ding Hao, King of Three Eyes is a leader among the younger generation of gods. Now he is taking the initiative to accept you as a disciple. Why don't you hurry up and bow down?"

The other high gods present all looked at Ding Hao very enviously.

According to the rules, at least one must have the cultivation of immortal gods to become a disciple of the **** king.

And Ding Hao was just a junior high deity who had just entered the high deity not long before, and he became a disciple of the **** king. It was exceptional and unconventional. Fortunately, there are not many times in the history of the holy mountain!

The King of Three Eyes and everyone present thought that Ding Hao must have agreed this time.

But unexpectedly, Ding Hao said, "Three-eyed God King, thank you for your kindness, but I'm sorry, I can't worship you as a teacher!"


With a bang, it was as if a bomb had been thrown in the crowd and everyone was crazy.

"Ding Hao, what do you mean? He doesn't like your three-eyed king, is he crazy?"

"Oh my god, what's up there? Ding Hao refuses the three-eyed king, is there a problem with my ears!"

The face of the King of Three Eyes was shocked and unbelievable. He did not expect that he would take the initiative to lower his body and want to take Ding Hao as a disciple, but Ding Hao refused!

A **** king beside him was furious and shouted, "Ding Hao, don't go too far!"

Tongtian Shenjun first stayed for a while, and then angrily said, "Ding Hao, everyone is optimistic about you, you should cherish your wings! You can't be arrogant! Even the kindness of the gods you refuse, you really want to be Can't the holy mountain go down?"

Even Renzu persuaded him in a low voice, "Don't be too mindful of the three-eyed **** betting statement. After all, he is a **** king. Such an unconventional status degrades his status too much. That's why there is such a statement."

Ding Hao clasped his fists and said in a salute, "All **** kings, seniors, it is not prudent to refuse the three-eyed **** king, nor is it angry because of any betting claims. Before this, there was already another person with me. I promised to accept me as a disciple! I already promised that person, so how can I promise Senior Three Eyes King again!"

"That's it!" Everyone suddenly realized.

It was not that Ding Hao refused unreasonably, but there was a reason. He had already promised another person to become his disciple! Although the gods of the holy mountain do not mind changing their teachers, they cannot be treated by two teachers at the same time. This is a kind of disrespect!

"It's okay," said the three-eyed **** king. "Among the younger generation of **** kings, I have the strongest strength and the most extensive contacts! Tell me, who you have worshiped as a teacher? No matter he is the **** king It’s still a holy mountain god, I told him, I asked him to give me this disciple!"

Not to mention, the Three-Eyed God King does have this ability. With his current strength and his current status, no matter which other God King Ding Hao defeated as a teacher, he can let the opponent let go.

Ding Hao said awkwardly, "But I don't know the name of this senior, I only know that he is also a **** king."

"What's the situation?" All the gods present were stunned again. Ding Hao had already worshipped that person as a teacher, and didn't even know the other's name?

The three-eyed king raised his brows, "Tell me about the apprenticeship!"

(End of this chapter)

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