Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2484: News from Ah Heng

News from A Heng Chapter 2484

Chapter 2482 the news from A Heng

"Sudinan is on the holy mountain!"

After receiving this news, Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf all became excited, and together they came to the God Pass at the foot of the holy mountain to wait.

In addition to the holy mountain in the sacred world, there are many bright cities.

In those cities, there are many sacred beings. In this world, in addition to the dark gods who are their enemies, there are also powerful giants and an astonishing number of brutal gods.

The bright cities of the sacred world are generally built on steep mountains to resist these dangers.

And between the bright cities and the holy mountains in the sacred world, many have a teleportation array connection, and when danger occurs, the holy mountain will immediately send additional troops!

However, there are also some remote locations where there is no teleportation array. If you want to travel long distances, you must ride a giant car pulled by a huge horned beast.

This kind of horned beast is a bit like a giant buffalo, but they are quite large, with several pairs of horns on their heads, and they walk steadily and fast, and they can pass through some special areas safely!

In the dangling carriage, Su Dinan was sitting at the window, watching the golden sacred mountain move forward, feeling extremely excited.

Many years have passed since they were separated from Ding Hao and they were sent to the sacred world.

In the struggle, he finally broke through and entered the cultivation base of the lower gods.

But this cultivation base is the lowest cultivation base in the sacred world. He is equivalent to a newborn child in this world. It is very difficult to earn a penny. How can he obtain precious cultivation techniques?

Just when he was struggling to be at the bottom of the sacred world, the saint of the holy mountain found him.

When he heard that Ding Hao had commissioned the saints to come to him, he burst into tears.


Sudinan got out of the animal cart and looked at the majestic sacred mountain in front of him and the straight avenue of the gods. He went up and watched left and right.

When he came to the foot of Shenguan, Sudinan burst into tears when he saw a few figures walking out of the gate, "Brother Ding Hao, these years have been too difficult!"

Ding Hao and Sansheng War Wolf stepped up quickly to comfort Sudinan.

After Sudinan's mood stabilized, he told Ding Hao and others about his experience one by one.

Sudinan is located in a relatively remote area of ​​the sacred world. There are no large bright cities in this area, only small towns and villages.

Not far from towns and villages, is the control area of ​​the giants, the enemy of the divine life.

These barbaric giants are quite arrogant and unreasonable, rushing to small towns and villages at every turn, slaughtering and looting, and do nothing.

Su Dinan landed in this place as soon as he came out, and his cultivation was not high at that time, it was very difficult to survive. Later, a daughter of a wealthy family in the small town fell in love with him and asked him to be the son-in-law of a wealthy family for several years.

Su Dinan was there, breaking into the lower gods.

But not long after a good day, I encountered a large-scale looting of giants again. Sudinan saw this scene for the first time. I saw giants from all directions, like tides, rushing to the top of the mountain and rushing into the town and the village. In, kill anyone!

At that time, most of the people in the town died, including the wealthy family and Su Dinan was lucky enough to hide under the corpse of a giant and only then survived.

Later, he lived in a small town, and he had no valuables anymore. Although he really wanted to practice those exercises, he had no conditions. It was very difficult to obtain a trace of sacred power, and even life was very difficult, so he had to be some apprentices and earn a little living expenses.

At that time, he had completely abandoned his plan to go to the holy mountain!

Until the three saints found him!

"Sudinan, don’t be sad! You have now reached the sacred mountain. With the abilities of my friends and I, I believe you will soon become a middle-level **** or even a high-level god! In the future, you can also rely on the Dragon Sun The exercises in the classics passed down to you by you are getting higher and higher! The hard days have come to an end, and a new life has just begun!"

Listening to Ding Hao's comfort, Su Dinan smiled bitterly, "Seriously, I might as well come over from the endless sea with you!"

Ding Hao said, "The endless sea is also very dangerous. We have experienced many dangerous moments when we came here. It is our good fortune to be able to come to the sacred world!"

Ding Hao's brow furrowed even more after hearing Sudinan's difficult story.

His three Taoist couples and Xiao Bi have no news so far. He is very worried that they will also fall in those dangerous areas like Sudinan.

The sacred world is still cruel, Ding Hao is really worried about what trouble his three Taoists and Xiaobi will encounter?

"Su Dinan, you first organize your outfit, and then hurry up and hit the first floor of the sacred mountain! At that time, attend the funeral of the Longyang Sage with me!"

Under the arrangement of the immortal, the cemetery of the sage of Longyang has been prepared for a long time. It is in a very good location in the cemetery at the foot of the holy mountain. Around him, in the large white flowers and trees, a gust of wind blows, the bouquet The white petals on the top fell like tears, and the melodious flute sound passed in the wind, pinning the grief of future generations.

A few months later, Su Dinan, who was also qualified as a cultivator of the Holy Mountain, stood beside the tombstone of Shengjun Longyang with Ding Hao.

At the same time, they are the heirs of the Longyang Sage, accepting condolences from the predecessors of all levels of the Sacred Mountain.

Today, not only the gods at all levels of the holy mountain, but even those ancient gods who have never shown their figure, entrusted them to send white bouquets and memorials. The Longyang holy monarch was for the holy mountain and all the light. Die to the gods!

For Sudinan, the heir who has obtained all the rune inheritance of the Longyang Sage, the strong people present are very optimistic.

Among the teachers, Sudinan decided to worship Renzu as his teacher first. Renzu is a very famous rune-type cultivating **** on the sacred mountain; and Renzu's teacher is also a rune-type descendant **** king!

Su Dinan first learned from the ancestors, and after reaching a certain level of cultivation and strength, he could become a disciple of the descendant **** king.

After so many hardships, Su Dinan finally found his chance to improve.

During the funeral, the great saint of the Saintess's Palace also attended in person to mourn the ancient hero.

Came with the great saint, among them was a figure with gray hair and a handsome face. It was the eternal beast daughter Aheng that Ding Hao and the others knew!

"A Heng, how are you doing now?" Ding Hao still remembered Eternal Beast passing a message to him, asking him to take good care of A Heng.

"I'm okay in the Palace of the Saintess." Ah Heng nodded and said, "Most of the people who have been transported from Kwang Tomorrow have not been found! I also participated in the search plan, and I realized that they have a lot of landing areas. All are under the control of the dark gods or giants!"

(End of this chapter)

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