Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2591: Black Moon Remnant

Chapter 2591 Black Moon Remnant Slave

Chapter 2589 Black Moon Remnant Slave

After Ding Hao blasted the Dark Iron King, there were no surprises along the way.

After following the Sihe Shenjun for three full months, he finally came to a place with very strange terrain.

In the previous passages, they were all spacious and open, and they went straight; but the passage here has become slender and winding, and there are many statues of the Black Moon Palace on the passage path.

But then, Ding Hao didn't have such good luck, and never hit the big explosion statue again.

After a few more days, Sihe Shenjun's expression finally became tense, "Be careful, everyone, the injured Black Moon Remnant Slave is on a dead road ahead."

Ding Hao and Han Hai Immortal's expressions also became solemn, Ding Hao asked in a low voice, "Is the Black Moon Remnant Slave really that powerful?"

"That's amazing!" The Sihe God Sovereign said solemnly, "Lord God, although you are very powerful, it takes almost no effort to kill the Black Iron Moon! But the Black Moon Remnant Slave is a hundred times more powerful than the Black Iron Moon! Back then, the nine gods killed two of them in order to track this injured Black Moon slave slave!"

"So awesome! Tracking will kill people behind?" Ding Hao's face was surprised.

Hanhai Immortal also said, "It is true! I said before that when you encounter the Black Moon Remnant Slave, you only have a chance to survive! If it is an uninjured Black Moon Remnant Slave, it is even a contemporary **** king or even an ancient god. King, I dare not take it lightly!"

"How could it be so powerful?" Ding Hao still felt unimaginable.

"It's not difficult to understand," said the four gods. "These black moon remnants were very powerful **** kings and even ancient **** kings in the ancient times. They have gone through so many years! Although their intelligence is zero, their No one can resist the combat power and the strong sacred power in the body!"

"That's it." Ding Hao probably understood it now.

Just as they were talking, they had come to the entrance of the narrow passage. According to the **** of Sihe, the injured black moon slave should be hiding in this narrow passage!

However, just as Ding Hao boldly walked into the passage, only to find that there was nothing inside.

"Did you go out for a stroll, or changed your hiding place?" Sihe Shenjun was a little confused.

"Let's search around, you guys pay attention to safety."

At the moment, the three of them separated and marched into different narrow passages nearby, looking for the injured black moon slave.

Ding Hao walked into a passageway. The passageway here had become very narrow. There could only be one person in and out in many places. When he walked in, a dark figure suddenly jumped out. Ding Hao's face was cold and he pushed forward with a big hand. Hearing a boom, a statue of the Black Moon was broken into pieces by him.

Ding Hao picked up the Black Moon Stone on the ground, and just about to move on, the immortal scream of the vast sea came from behind, "Lord God, help!"

"No, they met the black moon slaves!"

Ding Hao quickly turned into a black mist, and quickly came out of the passage, he saw the Immortal Emperor and Sihe Shenjun running fast, behind them, there was a dark figure.

Ding Hao didn't pay much attention to it, spread the blood red wings behind him, grabbed a person, and quickly flew into the air to avoid the attack.

But what he didn't expect was that the black moon remnant slave, who was completely dark, had his feet abruptly on the ground, and the height of his jump was no less than Ding Hao's flight;

Ding Hao's expression changed in fright, and he turned his head to flee. The Black Moon Slave slammed his fist and bombarded downwards. With the help of the boxing space, he counter-shocked to fight against the high-altitude restraint. At the same time, he followed Ding Hao and pursued quickly!

"My God, it's so cruel!" Ding Hao's face was a bit ugly. Fortunately, the black moon slave was injured and couldn't pursue it for a long time. After chasing for a while, Ding Hao threw him away.


After Ding Hao landed, he put down the two of them, and the two of them took a long breath and recovered their lives.

Sihe Shenjun said, "The wounded black moon slave is already so strong, if it is not injured, it will be even more terrifying! Lord God, I have brought you here, and it's up to you next! With this guy's strength, we Can't help at all!"

"Indeed, we can only become a drag!" Han Hai immortal nodded.

For the immortal sea, this place is too dangerous, he can't even beat the Black Iron Moon, let alone the Black Moon Remnant in front of him?

"In this case, you can go back the same way, here I can be alone!" Ding Hao also knew that these two people would not be able to help, and he had to spend his energy to protect him, so it would be better to let them leave first.

"Lord God, be careful yourself." At the moment, Sihe Shenjun and Hanhai returned to the same path.

Watching these two people leave, they began to prepare to deal with that black moon remnant slave.

"This thing has gone through hundreds of millions of years, and it has become quite strong and tenacious. I absolutely can't let him relax."

Ding Hao opened the blood red wings on his back again and flew into the tunnel. After flying in for a while, he saw the black guy again.

This time Ding Hao took a closer look at this guy. The so-called Black Moon Remnant Slave is still the image of a protoss human being, but after hundreds of millions of years, its body has changed! I don't know whether this change was made by the first generation of Dark Saints deliberately, or was a natural change in the flesh, which became pitch black and full of resilience. There is a very strange sacred power in the flesh to release!

When I saw Ding Hao again, this dark, terrifying guy became extremely violent again, and jumped into the air again, chasing Ding Hao.

Ding Hao still chose to escape, and repeated this several times, consuming the strength of this black moon remnant slave!

Ding Hao noticed that this black moon remnant would also seek and kill the black moon statue, find the black moon stone from it, and replenish his body with the power of the black moon stone!

"So you still have supplies?" Ding Hao gradually had an idea.

Soon Ding Hao led the Black Moon Remnant Slave to one side of the passage, and then rushed to the other side of the passage, killing all the Black Moon statues; then he led the Black Moon Remnant Slave to clean up. Place, and then clean up the Black Moon statue in the remaining area again!

As a result, the black moon statues in this area had all been wiped out by Ding Hao, and all the black moon stones that had dropped were collected by Ding Hao.

"I see where you go to replenish it!"

In the entire passage, there was not a statue of the Black Moon, and the Remnant of the Black Moon could not get any supplies of the Black Moon Stone. Ding Hao also began to implement the second step of the plan.

That is the constant attraction back and forth, let this black moon remnant slave follow behind, constantly consuming its power!

What is shocking is that the power in the black moon cannibal slave's body is really terrifying, Ding Hao tirelessly cycled for hundreds of times, and this black moon cannibal slave finally showed a little bit of depression!

"It's a beast with no IQ, fight with me, you will definitely fail in the end!" Ding Hao's face showed a hint of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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