Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2610: Eternal fire

Chapter 2610 Eternal Fire

Chapter 2608 Eternal Fire

"Is this the power of the ancient **** king?" Ding Hao's eyes were shocked.

Ding Hao's original strength can reach the strength of the contemporary **** king, but he has always been in awe of the ancient **** king.

Therefore, Ding Hao has always adopted the method of patience and tolerance for his old opponent, the ancient emperor and king!

It is because Ding Hao's strength is not enough to fight the ancient **** king!

But today, the two puppets released by the third clone of the Dark Saint are the two ancient **** kings.

When these two ancient gods made their best effort, even Ding Hao, who was fully capable, would be suppressed to the point of losing his temper!

Boom boom boom!

There were violent explosions in the starry sky, and Ding Hao was suppressed by the two ancient gods and could only step back!

Although he possesses a variety of ancient combat skills and weapons, as well as a two-line technique, he is an immortal god, and the gap between him and the ancient **** king is too big!

"Thanks to the bone armor I got from the previous level!" Ding Hao secretly said in his heart.

If it weren't for the bone armor he got from the previous level, he would have already lost this battle!

The two ancient gods attacked with all their strength, the power was too shocking, and Ding Hao's body was full of violent explosions!

The bone armor blocked most of the damage, otherwise Ding Hao's body would have been broken to pieces!

"Damn, this kid actually got my bone armor!" The third clone of the Dark Saint gritted her teeth in annoyance, and then in the next second, she lost her track.

"Young immortal god, how dare you challenge the third clone when you come here? You are really looking for death, death!"

The two ancient **** kings were rude to Ding Hao, and didn't keep their hands at all.

However, during this battle, Ding Hao's face suddenly changed, and there was a sense of crisis like a needle on his back!

"The third clone is going to attack me!"

Ding Hao's guess was correct. The third clone found that her two puppets could not attack for a long time, so she moved her cunning mind! This clone of her represents the fun and insidious part of the dark saint female character, who likes to attack others! Obviously she was able to defeat the opponent, but also to cause a sneak attack situation, the opponent has nothing to say, this is her happiest thing!

Therefore, she ordered her two puppets to launch a full-scale attack, but she herself concealed her figure, approached Ding Hao, and then launched a killer blow!

This is her world. She is very familiar with the space here, and she quietly came to Ding Hao.

Then suddenly appeared, catching Ding Hao alive!


At the moment when the third clone of the Dark Saint wanted to show up and catch Ding Hao alive, she suddenly discovered that the situation had changed!

The two ancient **** kings who were still attacking Ding Hao frantically just now changed their attack targets at the same time!

"You are an extremely vicious clone that you made into a puppet. Although we have lived for so many years, we have lived enough! Waiting for countless years, and finally waiting for this opportunity today, do you know how much we hate you? Death, dead!"

The two ancient **** kings released their weapons at the same time, attacking the dark saint with more violent attacks!

"That's it!" Ding Hao suddenly realized that it was not that the attacks of the two ancient **** kings could not break the bone armor, the most critical reason was that these two ancient **** kings had always kept their hands!

The real purpose of these two people is not to defeat Ding Hao, but to wait for the opportunity to attack the Dark Saint!

"Young man, what are you waiting for? We are buying time for you!" The Ancient God King shouted.

At this moment, the Dark Saint had awakened from a brief consternation, her eyes shot viciously, "You are all traitors, and you haven't completely submitted to me for so many years! You still want to attack me. Toys are toys. I want you all to die very painful!"


In order to entangle the dark saint, the two ancient gods have used their full body solutions, weapons and various runes to attack the dark saint, but these still cannot cause any harm to the dark saint, just like the ancient emperor gods Said that the third clone of the Dark Saint is really too difficult to break!

"The only thing we can do is this!" The two ancient gods looked at each other with a decisive look in their eyes. "Young man, promise us, take care of our family! Break the statue of this clone! We help you Cleared!"

After saying this, the two ancient **** kings turned into two electric lights from both sides, approaching the dark saint at the fastest speed, and then shouted at the same time.


After these two ancient **** kings became puppets, they lived so many years ago that they wanted to find a chance to end up with themselves!

And now they finally saw the opportunity. If they were to slow down for a second, they would be tortured by the rune formation activated by the Dark Saint, and it would be impossible for them to blew themselves!


The power of the two ancient gods to explode, one can imagine, they have cultivated for hundreds of millions of years, the sacred power condensed in their bodies.

At this moment, it was completely ignited!

The two super-powerfuls were completely blown into pieces at this moment, and their bodies were more powerful than the most powerful bomb!

Under this explosion, the third clone of the Dark Saint was also blown up a bit!

"Two seniors, I will never miss the opportunity you created for me, Ding Hao!"

Ding Hao's eyes were firm, and his eyes shot crazy!

Then I saw a young figure wearing a bone armor leaping into the air, holding a huge red sword in his hand!

"Dark fire, evolve, cut!"

The Dark Fire finally completes its evolution at this moment, and it evolves onto the entire sword body of the next stage of Dark Fire, with a blazing flame, like a huge flame sword, that can cut everything!

Whether it is darkness or light, you must succumb to this fire!

Eternal fire!

The dark fire evolves to its peak at this moment and becomes the "eternal fire"!

"Do not!"

In the scream of the third clone of the dark saint, the eternal fire with a monstrous flame of vengeance completely shattered her body, and the fragments were flaming and burning!


The scene around Ding Hao changed. He returned to the third small palace. The statue of the dark saint in front of him was still standing there, but there was still a trace of fireworks from her body.

"Young man, it was impossible for you to defeat me! Damn, really hateful, but you still won!"

The statue of the Dark Saint appeared again. After raising her hand to release two objects, she said again, "If there is another time, I will definitely make you a toy!"

"Not again!" Ding Hao gave a cruel sneer on his face, and the eternal fire in his hand suddenly fell again!

Under Ding Hao's full attack, the statue of the Dark Saint was directly and completely shattered, and shattered into pieces!

Ding Hao raised his hand, rolled up the two objects in front of him, and left the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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