Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2615: Challenge the fourth clone

Chapter 2615 Challenge the fourth clone

Chapter 2613 the fourth clone

The ancient exercises, even with the experience of other people's cultivation, are very difficult to comprehend.

Ding Hao wants to complete his cultivation within a year, this is simply an impossible task!

During this year, the ancient emperor **** king did not idle, he began to fully control the entrance of the ancient Hong site!

"Ding Hao, aren't you busy practicing "Shen Yan Lu"? I will fully control the entrance of the ancient Hong site. Even if you drive out in time, you should not enter the ancient Hong site!" Sen laughed.

Time passed day by day, and the day when the ancient Hong Ruins opened its doors was getting closer and closer!

"It's not good! The ancient emperor **** king used runes to block the entrance passage we built for many years!" A **** king hurried into the tall palace.

In this palace, under the statue of Ding Hao, Shengyang Ancient God King and others are practicing "Yan Shenlu" cross-legged.

They have been here this year, and the improvement brought to them by practicing this exercise is also very huge.

However, it is precisely because of this that they neglected to guard against the ancient emperor, and this allowed the ancient emperor **** to use runes to completely block the entrance passage they had built for many years!

"It's over! That is to say, when the ancient Hong site opens, we won't be able to enter the first time! Instead, we must get the approval of the ancient emperor and **** to enter the passage!" The ancient **** and king of Shengyang all gritted their teeth with anger .

There is another ancient **** king who is the top strongest king of the royal family!

After Ding Hao preached the world and published "Yan Shenlu" to the public, the ancient emperor also made a decision to believe in Ding Hao and learn this ancient exercise!

Not only the ancient emperor, but also many ancient **** kings who were originally attached to the ancient emperor, have now become loyal followers of Ding Hao!

"Our current strength is strong enough. Don't be afraid of that guy from the ancient emperor at all!" The ancient emperor snorted coldly, and said, "Let’s set off now to find the ancient emperor! If he dares not to open the blockade, then we will attack by force , To seal off the layer outside the entrance passage and completely smash it!"

"set off!"

The ancient emperor is only a widow, but he is very cunning and blocked the entrance.

Soon after, a group of strong men came outside the entrance passage and saw the figure of the ancient emperor with white hair and high crown standing in the entrance passage!

A layer of golden light curtain blocks the passage, preventing everyone from entering!

"Haha! There is still half a month before the opening of the ancient Hong Ruins. If you want to come in, you can betray Ding Hao and become my faithful!" The ancient emperor laughed loudly behind the light curtain.

"Bastard! You are so shameless!" The ancient emperor roared and said, "Gudi, do you think this layer of your seal can block all of us from attacking?"

"Of course!" Gudi Yinsi smiled and said, "I have connected this layer of my rune seal to the entire passage! If you recklessly attack, then the entire passage will completely collapse. , Then no one should go to the ancient Hong ruins!"

"Shameless! You are too much!" The crowd was gnashing their teeth, but the ancient emperor's method was really amazing. He tied his rune blockade to the entire passage. If everyone really attacked with all their strength, they would collapse. All over!

"The ancient emperor! Don't you fear that the jade will be burned? We will break this passage, and then you will not be able to enter the ancient Hong site!"

"Then everyone don't go in!" Ancient Emperor still said shamelessly.


At the moment of their stalemate, on the vast square on the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace.

Suddenly there was a black beam of light rising into the sky, and then another golden beam of light, like a fierce fountain, went straight into the sky;

And these two huge beams of light began to attract each other after the eruption, entwining each other, and banging loudly!

At this moment, every layer of the entire Black Moon Palace was shaken, and no one knew what had happened!

This violent vibration lasted for several days.

Suddenly one day, the vibration stopped completely and never happened again!

But on the square on the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace, a young cultivator **** slowly stood up!

He was wearing a majestic white-bone armor, his eyes were like electricity, and two stars flashed on his forehead!

"Ancient miracle!"

Legend has it that in the most ancient times, when the gods entered the realm of gods and kings, miracles would light up their foreheads!

In later generations, when certain powerful gods enter the realm of gods and kings, this kind of reversion will also occur!

This kind of reversion is not bad, but very good!

It shows that the cultivation technique and ability of this **** is very close to the super power from the ancient times!

Ding Hao did not expect that after he was promoted to the gods, the "ancient miracles" on his forehead would also be lit up. It seemed that it was closely related to his practice of "Yan Shenlu"!

"No matter what, I have now entered the realm of God Sovereign, and my strength is even better!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ding Hao felt that countless powers were pouring out of his body. The two-system exercises he practiced were more in line with those of the ancient times!

"My cultivation direction is absolutely right! In ancient times, it was the Light Element and the Dark Element that grew up with each other instead of becoming enemies like they are now!"

Ding Hao raised his brows, "There are still three short days before the ancient Hong Ruins open!"

He knew that his subordinates were very worried about him at the moment, and he originally wanted to walk out of the Black Moon Palace directly.

But through the tribute content sent in by outsiders, he learned about the situation outside, "The ancient emperor, the shameless old man, even blocked the entrance passage. If I leave the Black Moon Palace now, after I go out, I will be helpless! It is better to challenge him! Take a look at the fourth clone of the Dark Saint and see if there is any turning point?"

Right now, Ding Hao took a big step and walked into the last small palace in front of him!

The fourth clone of the Dark Saint appeared very tall, surpassing the three clones in front, and her face was filled with fortitude!

The achievements of the Dark Saint can not only be brought to her by cunning and cruelty, but the biggest characteristic of her character is fortitude, unreturnable, unforgiving, unforgiving, uncompromising eyesight, all walk into this The people in the small palace trembled in their hearts, knowing that this one is not easy to deal with!

Ding Hao didn't worry too much, he was already mentally prepared for the difficulty of this game!

"Dark Saint, I know this is your fourth clone, and your strongest clone! I'm ready to start!"

The sacred power suddenly gathered frantically from all directions, and the tall dark saint statue became lifelike. Soon, like the resurrection of the dark saint, a powerful figure exuding a terrifying aura slowly walked out. The world around Ding Hao also changed instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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