Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2618: Open block

Chapter 2618 Open Block


Those who want to leave the Black Moon Palace should leave immediately after hearing the alarm.

Ding Hao also considered that Leng Xiaoyu might also leave during this time, so after he walked out of the fifth floor, he immediately ordered his people to control the exit of the Black Moon Palace, and if he saw Leng Xiaoyu's figure, immediately report to him.

Walking out of the fifth floor, hundreds of black moon remnants gathered in the outer hall.

These black moon slaves have all become Ding Hao's younger brothers. Each black moon slave is more powerful than a contemporary **** king. Ding Hao brought all these black moon talents out and formed a mighty figure behind him.

Just as Ding Hao swiftly marched outside the Black Moon Palace, the confrontation between the ancient gods of Shengyang and the ancient emperors had reached the most critical moment.

"Quickly, in half a day, the ancient Hong Ruins will open the door, don't you want to become my believers?" The ancient emperor and king laughed coldly.

The rune lock he added to the outside of the passage is quite useful. The Sun King and the others cannot crack it. If they break it forcibly, the entire passage will collapse!

"The ancient Hong site is about to open!" After 100 years of waiting, the door was about to be opened, but it was locked out of thin air. You can imagine the anger in everyone's hearts.

However, there are also some **** kings and gods who have more active thoughts in their hearts. They secretly thought that we might as well betray Ding Hao and believe in ancient emperors and gods. As long as we can enter the ancient Hong site and gain the ancient heritage, does it matter who we believe in?

"If no one really wants to enter the ancient Hong site with me, then I will go in alone!"

The ancient emperor **** king smiled gloomily, and as he said, he was ready to leave and go to the other side of the passage first, to prevent Shengyang and the others from actually defeating the passage.

However, at this moment, a faint voice came from far away.

"Old Emperor God King, do you want to leave without waiting for me to come?"

"Ding Hao is here!"

"The Lord God is here!"

The **** king and **** king present were all excited. Everyone waited for 100 years to wait for Ding Hao to leave the customs; finally, at the moment when the ancient Hong Ruins were about to open, Ding Hao successfully passed the customs, and his cultivation was also promoted to the god!

"Congratulations to the Lord God for promotion!"

"Lord God, you are here, it is great!"

Shengyang Shenwang and others all rushed up with excitement, Ding Hao has not appeared these years, they feel that the dragons have no leader.

"Fortunately, I did not disappoint everyone. I successfully broke through and defeated the fourth clone of the Dark Saint, and then I left Black Moon Palace!"

"What?" All the people present were shocked. Although most of them have never entered the fifth floor of the Black Moon Palace, the incident has gone viral recently, and everyone vaguely knows the situation in the fifth floor.

I also know that the four clones are very difficult to deal with; the ancient emperor **** king can achieve today's achievements because he once defeated the fourth clone!

And now Ding Hao has also achieved this, defeating the fourth clone of the Dark Saint with the cultivation of the gods, which is even more shocking than the ancient emperor's back then!

"Nonsense! You are a little cultivator who has just entered the level of the gods, how can you defeat the fourth clone of the dark saint, you must be bragging, I don't believe it at all!" The ancient emperor stood behind the rune light curtain with a cold face .

"Why do I need you to believe it?" Ding Hao sneered and walked over.

The ancient emperor laughed and said, "It's useless to say that all of you are preparing for the 100-year ancient Hong Ruins, and now it belongs to me! Even if you defeat the fourth clone of the Dark Saint, you will not be able to enter the ancient Hong Ruins! Wait for my future Coming out of the ancient Hong site is the time to take your life!"

"How do you know I can't go to the Guhong site?" Ding Hao's face was full of mockery.

The ancient emperor smiled sarcastically, "Have you not seen clearly? In the passage in front of you, there is a circle of rune light curtains that I laid down to form a huge lock net. Without my consent, none of you can Come in!"

"Really?" Ding Hao laughed, and said again, "Ancient Emperor God King, I have long heard that you can achieve today's achievements, which is to obtain a copy of ancient times from the fourth clone on the fifth floor of Black Moon Palace. Cultivation technique! So after I defeated the fourth clone this time, I just asked casually, what technique did you take back then? She told me that it was a very powerful ancient battle rune technique!"

"What?" Hearing Ding Hao's words, the ancient emperor who was still very arrogant just now suddenly changed his face.

For so many years, he has relied on this powerful technique to call the wind and rain in the entire dark world; but who knows, Ding Hao said it!

"You really defeated the fourth clone?" Ancient Emperor God King's expression was shocked.

"Not only did I defeat the fourth clone, I still have a surprise for you!"

Ding Hao sneered, stretched out his fingers, and wrote back and forth on the rune light curtain in front of him. Ding Hao’s fingertips wrote golden runes one after another. Each time he wrote a rune, it would fall on the rune light curtain in front of him. Unlock the locked runes one by one!

"What?" This time the ancient emperor's face is all dead, "How is it possible? How could you unlock my ancient rune? Could it be that the reward you asked for the fourth clone is the same ancient as me? Battle rune?"

"No." Ding Hao had a faint smile on his face, "The rune technique I want is a rune technique that can restrain you!"


The subordinates behind Ding Hao heard what he said, and they all cried out in excitement. Ding Hao has this kind of rune, what is there to fear the ancient emperor?

Shengyang God King said overjoyed, "Lord God, you are so amazing! We are completely helpless by his rune lock! And as soon as you come, you can successfully open this rune lock for us, the ancient emperor, you think To restrict us from entering the ancient Hong site, you dream!"

In the short time they spoke, Ding Hao's finger painting was completed, and the rune lock that the ancient emperor was so proud of was completely opened by Ding Hao.

Boom boom boom!

The light curtain rune quickly turned, and then there was a loud bang, and the rune light curtain on the surface of the passage dissipated.

Ding Hao moved into the passage and said firmly, "Old Emperor, you will never want to dominate in the dark holy land! Because this ancient rune that can restrain you, I will Preach the world! Let all people in the world exercise restraint on you! Are you not strong? If all people in the world can restrain you, what are you talking about being strong?"

"Poison! You are poisonous!" The ancient emperor and **** king almost spit out blood.

He is proud that this ancient battle rune is what he lives on; if Ding Hao spreads the method of restraining this set of runes to the world, then his ancient emperors and kings will instantly fall to the bottom of the valley. People will fear him again!

"Boy, I won't tell you anymore. Guhong Ruins will open soon. Goodbye!" Gudi sneered and rushed to the other side of the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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