Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2621: A willing heart

Chapter 2621 I'm afraid of people


"This brocade box..." Ye Wen was surprised again, covering her small mouth, not knowing what happened.

Other servants nearby also gathered around. Looking at the mirror box, someone said, "Is this a wrong delivery?"

As soon as this person spoke, someone next to him immediately agreed.

"Yes! Huang Yu is just the lowest servant and maidservant, and she doesn't even have the ability to practice. How can someone above the gods send her something?"

"I think too! This must be a wrong delivery!"

"So?" A tall male servant came out, reached out his hand and grabbed the brocade box, and said in his mouth, "I will keep things, and I will give them to the master for disposal!"

Seeing this brocade box was about to be taken away, Ye Wen was still stunned, because she didn't believe it was something for herself.

But just as the male servant stretched out his hand, just about to grasp the brocade box, suddenly, a flower appeared in front of his eyes.

A young woman wearing a yellow gauze gown appeared in front of him. The woman slapped her hand when she raised her hand and slapped the male servant's face, "Looking for death! Don't you dare to grab things from Huang Yu?"

The male servant was beaten and his face flushed, only then did he see his divine lord, Huang Yueer!

"God Lord! I really didn't want to grab it, I just wanted to give it to you! This is something the **** sent me, how dare I take it for myself?" The male servant fell to his knees with a fright. , Kowtow quickly.

"If you really want to be your own, you are already a dead person!" Huang Yueer snorted and said, "Don't say it's you, if I want to grab this brocade box, I will die! This is a real big man, looking for a healing medicine for Huang Yu to travel thousands of miles!"

"What?" All the servants present looked at Ye Wen with shocked expressions. Probably they didn't expect that this brocade box was really given to this lowest slave!

But Ye Wen had already thought of something, her eyes trembled, "Could it be him?"

"Huang Yu, no, you should be Ye Wen!" Huang Yue'er suddenly smiled on her face, "Just open it and see!"

When Huang Yueer called out her real name, Ye Wen already understood everything. She stretched out a hand and opened the brocade box floating in front of her. A crystal clear medicine inside was shining brightly. , A very strong sacred breath volatilized from this pill!

Huang Yueer looked envied and said, "Sister Ye Wen, in fact, over a hundred years ago, Lord Ding Hao has already begun to help you find an antidote to treat the toxin of the red eye black hair! This kind of antidote can only be used in Only the ancient treasures of heaven and material can be found! So after so many years, I saw that the pill is by no means a modern thing, it should be the ancient pill, it is very precious, and it must be hard to come by!"

"It's definitely hard to come by!" Ye Wen nodded, her eyes blurred, tears of joy instantly covered her face.

She is not happy that her own poison can be solved immediately. What she is happy is that Ding Hao hasn't forgotten her at all, even for a moment!

Ding Hao hadn't come to her for so many years, so he didn't forget her.

But because she was afraid of embarrassment, she didn't come to meet her, but secretly looked for the medicine she really needed!

This friendship is simply priceless. Who can do it in the world?

The more Ye Wen thought about it, the more moved she was crying so hard that she couldn't help herself. The servants standing next to her were all dumbfounded and secretly said in her heart, how could this lowest-level servant who is so ugly and incapable of cultivating be the same as the superior Lord Ding Hao? How about connecting?

"Sister Ye Wen, don't cry anymore, Lord Ding Hao has worked so hard to find the pill for more than a hundred years, you can take it!"

Ye Wen waited for so many years, she couldn't wait in her heart for a long time, the opportunity was right in front of her, she no longer waited, and put this ancient detoxification Dana into the entrance!

In just a moment, a sweet breath spread from her mouth all over her body.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Wen has undergone a reborn change. Her ugly face has returned to its original shape. The body that cannot practice can also sense the sacred power. Every pore of her limbs seems to be opened, and she can feel this. Wonder of the world!

"It turns out that this is the feeling of a real god!" Ye Wen opened her beautiful eyes, and reconsidered the world.

Huang Yue'er stretched out her hand and said, "Sister Ye Wen, Lord Ding Hao, they all said you are very beautiful, it's time for me to see!"

When the black mask on Ye Wen's face was removed, a flawless face appeared in front of everyone.


All the servants present were stunned this time. Ye Wen, who they thought was very ugly, who knew that she was so beautiful!

If this is the case, this woman is someone from the Lord Ding Hao... It seems that it is not impossible!

Thinking of this, all the servants present all threw themselves and knelt in front of Ye Wen, "Senior, forgive me! We have no intention of offending!"

Especially the strong figure who wanted to **** the brocade box just now, kneeled and kowtowed, "Fare! Forgive! I don't know!"

Ye Wen showed a tolerant smile on her face and waved her hand and said, "Well, let's get up! I have been here for so many years. I am so ugly and unable to practice. No one of you has bullied me. I am very grateful. How can you punish you?"

While they were talking, another rune appeared in the air, wearing black gauze and a very good figure, An Liu came out and smiled, "Sister Ye Wen, when I recognized you in Black Moon Holy Land , You don't admit it alive and dead. By today, you should admit it, right?"

"Sister Anliu!" Ye Wen recovered physically and no longer had those worries. She immediately stepped forward excitedly and took Anliu's hand, her face flushed, "I was too strong back then, afraid of embarrassment and afraid that you would look down on me! That's why I didn't admit it, I was wrong!"

An Liu smiled and said, "It's okay now. You will go back to the core of the dark hall with me in a while! There are the best training materials and resources there. I guarantee that your cultivation level will be improved quickly. After all, you are originally. The qualifications are very good! Also, Xiaobi and the others are also practicing there, you will be very happy to see old friends!"

"That's great." Ye Wen asked again, "Where is Sister Xiaoyu? She is the one she wants to find the most!"

An Liu shook his head, "I don't know, I probably haven't found it yet! But I believe that as long as our husband finds it carefully, he will be found sooner or later! This is beyond doubt!"

Ye Wen's eyes became firm, "You are right, there is nothing difficult in the world, I am afraid of someone with a heart! Our husband is a person with a heart, so whatever he wants to do is absolutely successful!"

(End of this chapter)

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