Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2633: 20th Elder

Chapter 2633, Chapter 20 Elder

Chapter 2631 Chapter 20 Elder

"First place, the metal clan Tai!"

"Second place, Shadow Clan Aslan!"

"The third place..."

In the sky, every time the palace owner reported the name of a strong man, the strong man suddenly stood out, flew into the air, and accepted the honor.

The hundreds of millions of strong players present are very limited in the number of rankings, and they are all truly powerful people!

Ding Hao was also looking at these real powerhouses enviously, knowing that the number of Gu Hong steles he got this time was limited, and he couldn't rank them.

But what he didn't expect was that the huge bald figure continued to say, "No. 20, Protoss Ding Hao!"

This time the owner of the palace will select a total of 20 winners to become elders, and when reporting the name of the last one, he even mentioned the Protoss Ding Hao!

"How is it possible?" Not to mention the people around, even Ding Hao himself was dumbfounded.

"Why?" Ding Hao's friend was dumbfounded and asked loudly, "Why did I get 19 ancient Hong stone tablets, but didn't make it into the rankings, and he only got 5 stone tablets, so he became 20th? What's the matter? wrong?"

In the midair, a light fell, and Ding Hao rose slowly in the light.

The palace owner didn't need to explain to everyone the reason for his ranking, but Ding Hao knew very well that he would be able to make him into the 20th place.

It's not because he got enough Guhong Stone Tablets, but because the number of Ancient Hong Stone Tablets he felt was astonishing!

Although others have obtained a lot of Guhong steles, the content of the steles that Ding Hao felt is even greater, which is beyond comparison with others!

Therefore, Ding Hao got lucky to become the 20th elder of the Guhong Palace!


In the air, 20 scepters were dropped.

The huge bald figure said, "My elders, soon I will enter the retreat! After I retreat, you can use these 20 scepters to manage this huge ancient Hong palace! Each of you has it. Own authority, manage a certain range! But when you encounter important matters, you need to get together and use 20 scepters to call up the ultimate power in the ancient Hong palace!"

"Follow the master's order!" Ding Hao and the others took their own scepters and saluted midair.

The bald figure said again, "I don't have any other gifts to give you. There are some remaining stone tablets here, so I will give you all of them!"

After he waved his hand, golden light flashed in the air, and the 20 strong men present each got hundreds of ancient Hong stone tablets!

"So much!" Ding Hao's expression was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a good thing to become an elder.

"These steles will be taken back to my Protoss in the future, and the people will be very happy!"

Ding Hao took the stele down, and the huge bald figure slowly disappeared in the air.

The metal tribe’s Thai is the strongest. He is also the number one elder among the 20 elders. He holds a scepter in his hand and says, "Every elder, from today, I will manage the entire huge palace complex, the most central one. Palace group! I am responsible for all the taxes and treasures received here!"

In the world of Guhong, people with strength should not be humble at all.

Tai has enough strength, of course he will control the fattest piece of fat and manage the most central palace group!

The remaining elders all followed the same pattern, each managing a group of palaces.

Everyone who manages their own palace group will get enough benefits, and sometimes for a certain palace group, the elders will fight endlessly!

At the end, Ding Hao said, "My strength is the weakest, and I don't want to compete with everyone for the management right of the palace group! I just want to get the management right of the small palace at the entrance of Guhong Palace!"

As the 20th elder, Ding Hao knew that he had limited authority, did not compete with others, and had very limited needs.

So when he said, none of the other 19 elders expressed objection, and all agreed.

"It's so good. Although I manage a small palace, everyone who enters the ancient Hong palace has to leave genes and rune characteristics with me, just to find a way to the earth!"

Right now, Ding Hao released his flying palace and ran to the entrance of Guhong Palace!

A few days later, he came to the entrance. Back then, he was just a young cultivator traveling in the world of Guhong, but now he is here and has become the manager of this place!

When he walked over with the scepter, the life races standing at the door stepped forward and saluted, "I have seen the elders!"

Ding Hao said, "Let me enter the small palace where I receive runes!"

After he entered this small palace, he immediately closed the door, used the scepter, and began to call all the records of this small palace!

The entire small palace was instantly bright and radiant, and countless powers surged back and forth in it. I don't know the records left here for many years. Today, they have all been read out and appeared in Ding Hao's mind!

"There are three people with genes matching the earth people in my memory! Their names are Lin Meng, Fuxi and Ye Kong!"

"The records of these three people are all very far away. I don't know if they can be found?"

Ding Hao was in the record, and it was these three people who found a perfect match, but these three people are still not in the Guhong Palace, no one knows this!

Soon after, Ding Hao walked out of the small palace.

Although he has obtained these three names, he still doesn't know where to find these three people.

However, he has some ideas!

"Before me, there are 19 elders. These 19 people will divide and manage the entire ancient Hong Palace! I only need to find the 19 elders separately and ask them to find these three people within their jurisdiction. I can find their news!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao began to search piece by piece.

The 19 elders in front of him, although they are stronger than him, are willing to help with this kind of effort.

In the blink of an eye, several years later, in the hands of a certain elder, the most distant news of Lin Meng was found.

"Lin Meng, a strong man, once visited the Guhong Palace in a very distant era. After obtaining a large number of Guhong Stone Tablets, he should leave the Guhong Palace and start his own race of life!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao continued to search.

He didn't find any records about Fuxi, but found some records about the most recent strong man Ye Kong!

"This strong man named Ye Kong lived in a small palace in the ancient Hong palace hundreds of millions of years ago! That small palace was closed there recently, Elder Ding Hao, if you are interested, you can Go and see for yourself!" said the management elder in charge of this piece.

Ding Hao's eyes lit up, "Then I will go to Ye Kong's former residence to take a look!"

(End of this chapter)

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