Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2656: Dangerous journey

Chapter 2656 Dangerous Journey

Chapter 2654 Dangerous Journey

"Colorful lake!"

After walking in the black armor woods for four months, I finally saw a different scenery, everyone was excited!

However, Hong Zhizhezhu had a gloomy face and said, "The last time I entered the land of Guhong, I have never seen a colorful lake. It is a bit weird, everyone should be careful!"

Although Hong Zhizhezhu had once entered the land of ancient Hong, he couldn't be completely clear about this place. He also had a lot of things he hadn't seen before!

Soon after, everyone has come to the colorful lake.

Looking at this vast surface of water, Hong Zhi's selection and catching were all amazed, "The last time I came, I saw many lakes in the land of ancient Hong! But I have never seen seven colors!"

When Ding Hao was in the star realm, he had seen a colorful lake formed by Xing Wushuang's power.

Thinking of this, he said, "Is the colorful lake water in this lake just some kind of power?"

Although everyone is very curious, with the previous experience of the black armor tree, everyone dare not touch the colorful lake.

On the contrary, Hong Zhizhe was bold enough to catch the master, stretched out his huge arm, and gently stroked the colorful lake in front of him with his palm!

What people didn't expect was that when his palm just touched the colorful lake water, the lake in front of him was distorted and deformed, and these colorful lake water slowly formed a colorful giant out of thin air!

"My God!" Hong Zhizhezhe was dumbfounded, and blurted out, "Where is the lake? This is a liquid evildoer at all!"

After this colorful giant stood up, he was furious, and said, "Who wakes up my dream? Is it you?"

All the elders present paled with fright. Hong Zhize grabbed his hands and said, "Senior, it's not us! The person who awakened your dreams has already gone!"

Originally, he thought he could fool it by telling a lie, but this colorful giant has lived much older than them. At the moment, he sneered, "You awakened me and committed a capital crime! Now I dare to be fooled. To me? You stupid lives, give me death!"

After that, a colorful giant fist fell from the sky!

Hong Zhize caught and yelled, "Run away!"

Everyone turned their heads and fled, Ding Hao didn't care about hiding his strength, so he rushed!

In the midair, suddenly there were a few more lights and shadows moving quickly!

In the land of Guhong, the air is forbidden; but it is not completely forbidden. It is still possible to fly to a height of close to the ground within two or three meters!

Because of the high-speed movement, everyone did not dare to fly into the black armor forest again, but followed Hong Zhizhe to rush into a loess plain, and the colorful giant behind was in hot pursuit! The figure of the Colorful Giant is much taller than Hong Zhizhe, and one step is enough for Ding Hao and the others to fly far!

"My God! This thing goes too fast! I can't get rid of it at all!" The few elders who flew at the end shouted anxiously.

Originally, these elders were still thinking that Ding Hao was at the bottom anyway; but he didn't expect that he was really in danger. Ding Hao's flying speed was much faster than them. They were the real crane tails!

Moreover, more dangerous things are still happening.

As Hong Zhizhuo said before, the greatest danger in the land of Guhong is not the danger seen!

When they were flying at a height of two meters above the ground, someone suddenly saw that there was a long ground protrusion on the yellow ground below!

Obviously under the surface of the loess ground, something terrible is flying with them. Which way they fly, the protrusion on the ground turns to which way!

It is like a long line appearing on the yellow earth, getting longer and longer!

Soon this long line has caught up with the last elder!

The elder who flew at the end was pale and shouted, "Is there anyone to help me? Hong, help!"

Hong Zhi Zecun was also helpless, and flew in the front and shouted loudly, "You have to save yourself and speed up the flight!"

"I have already flown the fastest..."

The elder hadn't finished saying a word, and from the long line on the ground, a huge iron cyan long worm suddenly rushed out!

This long worm has no eyes or ears at all. It only has a huge mouth. In the terrifying huge mouth, you can see rows of white teeth over and over again. I don’t know that there are tens of thousands of them, in a spiral shape, deep into the body of the worm. !

"Do not!"

In the heart-piercing roar, this elder was swallowed by this huge long worm and chewed!

This elder is not as good as the elder who destroyed his body before. He did not even escape his own will. The body of this long worm was full of teeth. He chewed all the way. The teeth were hundreds of meters long. Even steel can be ground. powder!

"This guy is finished!"

Although the flying elders felt sad, they all breathed a sigh of relief, because after the long worm swallowed the elder, they stopped moving forward.

However, the danger has not passed!

Hong Zhizezhu suddenly exclaimed, "Everyone, go!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked back, and saw that on the loess ground, suddenly there were a dozen more long lines!

Boom boom boom!

The dry loess on the ground all collapsed and exploded, and dozens of long lines all rushed towards them from different directions!

"My mother! This is too dangerous!" The remaining 18 elders were all scared to pee. Although everyone is an old monster who has lived for so many years, it is true that one danger follows another like today. It is psychologically unbearable!

Ding Hao also looked pale, and followed Hong Zhize's buttocks, flying to the limit, and the 17 elders behind him were immortal, he would not die!

"I wipe!" some elders cursed secretly in their hearts, dare to love this kid had always been hiding his strength before, and when he really encountered danger, he ran faster than a rabbit! Sinister, too sinister!

However, at this moment, everyone has no time to say anything, then run away!

Whoever runs to the end is waiting to die!

I don't know how long they ran, and finally let them all escape. It turned out that the long worms under the dozen long lines did not know what happened, and collided with the colorful giant!

In this way, the two sides fought and drilled more long worms from under the loess ground!

Ding Hao and the others were standing far away, and they saw the loess flying up, the extremely tall colorful giant's fists were constantly slamming down, and hundreds of meters long worms were rolling back and forth in the air, but these long worms were also very fierce, biting a piece of the colorful giant The colorful body will not let go, tear it back and forth!


The colorful giant roared to the sky, caught the long worm and threw it out!

Ding Hao and the others retreated madly in fright, and the long insect smashed not far away; but the long insect was not afraid of death, and ignored Ding Hao and the others, turned around and rushed back to fight the colorful giant!

But this long worm's mouth really tore off a piece of colorful skin of a colorful giant. Hong Zhize's wink was bright, and he walked over and put this piece of colorful skin into his pocket. Ding Hao and the elders could only look around. No gain.

(End of this chapter)

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