Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2678: Dissatisfaction

Chapter 2678

Chapter 2676

"Six ways of alternation monster king, really strong!"

The nine elders are facing different directions, avoiding the blow of the giant axe!

The nine originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape to a step, but this evildoer king was very cunning and his movements were very agile, blocking everyone's path forward!

"No, we can't be broken up by him, so there is no chance!" Chosen's face condensed, and he said, "You three elders attack his upper third road, and your three elders attack his middle third road. The three of us are responsible for his third road!"

After the division of labor, everyone immediately began to take action.

This enchanting king is too tall. It's okay to say that when attacking Xia San Lu, Ding Hao who attacked Zhong San Lu and Shang San Lu can't reach such a high position at all!

But this is not a problem. In the previous battles, everyone has obtained some natural treasures. After taking them, not only can you greatly increase your strength, but also your body can become huge!

Ding Hao took a few strangely shaped treasures of heaven and material, his body suddenly swelled, and his body size was almost the same as the monster king.

Then, Ding Hao waved his hand and released the Gu Hong giant sword.

He holds the Guhong giant sword in his hand like a giant, struggling to slash and kill the six alternate evildoers!

The other elders are the same. They all use the treasures of heaven and earth to grow bigger, and then use weapons to launch full attacks!

This kind of battle is really effective. The six alternating attacks on the monster king's body are different, and the effects are different. Ding Hao and the others attacked in different categories, and soon everyone discovered the different weaknesses of his different parts!

"Dodge his strong attack, and fight his weakness with all his strength!" Choosing another in this battle, commanding calmly, shows that he is also an extraordinary generation.

Boom boom boom!

Loud noises continue, and various colors of light, shadows, magical shadows, and animal shadows continue to flash crazily!

Although the Six Alternating Monster King is very powerful, it becomes very sad for a long time to be attacked by someone staring at his weakness!


There was a sudden, irritable roar from his mouth!

After this angry roar, his various strengths instantly increased a lot, and Ding Hao and the others were beaten back again and again.

"It's over, I can't stand it anymore, he is crazy, it's terrible!" An elder shouted anxiously.

The other elders were all in a hurry, facing the crazy monster king, everyone felt that they were not opponents at all.

However, Ding Hao's eyes condensed, holding a huge sword in his hand, gritted his teeth.

He said, "Elders, as far as I am concerned, this monster king has reached the point of doing his best! Everyone blocked his last wave of attacks, and he has nothing to do!"

"What? This is the last wave of attacks?" All the elders were encouraged by Ding Hao, and they all raised their spirits.

"If it is the last wave of attacks, it is also possible! As long as we block this wave of attacks from him, he will be very skillful and let us pass the test obediently!"

Thinking of this, all the nine elders raised their spirits, gritted their teeth and insisted, no matter how crazy this evildoer king is, he will never take a step back!

Ding Hao's guess was correct. The enchanting king roared hard and released all his power. Although the power is terrifying, it cannot last!

After a while, the monster king's attack weakened instantly, not only could not move forward, but stepped back!

The eyes of the nine elders all lit up, "Haha, Ding Hao, you really are amazing! You guessed it!"

Ding Hao was also bold and laughed, "Then it's time for us to show our prestige!"

The style of painting changed suddenly. The nine elders who had been crushed and beaten, launched a fierce attack; but the monster king who was still going crazy just now is retreating step by step, and finally his heels came to the end of 66 steps. Can't go back!

With a final bang, this huge monster king was beaten to the ground!

"Hahaha!" The nine people grew old into nine shadows and rushed directly to the 67th step, all laughing loudly.

In the previous battle, it was too difficult to win, but it was also too easy to win!

Directly knocking down the most powerful monster king in this level, this is what they had never thought of before!

"It turns out that the evil king is nothing more than the same. This battle gives us more confidence. There are three evil kings below. As long as we have fought all of them, we will be able to enter the ancient Hong Palace!" The victory of this battle seemed to be fought to everyone. Everyone was very excited with a shot of chicken blood.

But apart from the excitement, some elders thought of something.

An elder said, "Choose goodbye, when we killed the heavenly enchanting golden armor giant on the 65th step, a golden pearl fell from him! What is it? Show us all!"

Choosing goodbye was immediately embarrassed, and he hesitated for a while before he said, "It is a treasure of heaven and earth with enhanced strength. When dealing with the six reincarnation monster kings, I took it away!"

"So..." Everyone looked at the choice with suspicion on their faces.

At that time, all the nine elders killed the evil evildoer of the heavens, and the golden pearl that fell out should be divided equally.

Choosing someone else to steal this treasure, and now that it has been consumed, is simply unbelievable.

At this time, another elder walked out and said, "Choose goodbye, did you make a mistake?! I was the closest to you and didn't see you taking this golden jade! And as far as I know, this thing is not taken. , But refined on weapons and armor!"

Choosing to be exposed, he said in anger, "Believe it or not! I have taken it. Are you going to kill me and see if there is in my body?"

Everyone is helpless to choose not to make such a rogue statement.

However, in everyone's minds, this shameless guy has been scolded in a mess. The image of the captain he once formed in everyone's hearts also collapsed, thinking that he is just a selfish and despicable villain!

Choosing to pick up this golden jewel was originally intended to be refined on the safety step of this level to his own weapon.

But when everyone was entangled in this matter, he couldn't take out the refining, and could only say, "Everyone simply take a break and prepare to move on!"

"Go ahead, your uncle!" The elders were very upset, sitting cross-legged, with a negative intention of sabotage.

Ding Hao sat next to him without speaking. He raised his hand and took out the golden stone he had obtained from the body of the Five Elements Covering the Heavens Monster King in the previous level, and began to refine. He wanted to refine his second An ancient Hong weapon, a super sharp gun!

Ding Hao prepared this sharp gun to contain both the power of the ancient Hong world and the characteristics of his own sacred world. Combining this power, the enemy will be unstoppable in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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