Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2719: Seventh challenger

Chapter 2719 The seventh challenger

Chapter 2717 Seventh Challenger

"Hong's Holy Beast wins!"

"Hong's Saint Beast can stay in this palace!"

"Hong's Holy Beast wins..."

Hong's Saint Beast kept advancing, without even resting on the way, challenging upward one by one palace.

He has never failed this way, and all his opponents have been defeated by him!

What's more shocking is that every time he goes to a palace, he will challenge the strongest in the palace!

Soon, the sacred beast of Hong has arrived at the fifth-level palace, and it can be said that it has reached the top of the ancient Hong world cultivator!

"This guy is not easy to provoke!" The **** watched Hong Zhisheng walk in, his face turned pale, and he quickly hid behind everyone.

Sacred Beast Hong glanced at a certain strong man in this palace, "You! The descendants of Gu Hong's blood! In this palace, you are the most powerful! If I challenge you, I will defeat you. The chance is 100%! The chance of killing you is also 95%!"

The strong man in the palace came out and snorted coldly, "Who are you? A arrogant and ignorant newcomer!"

"Haha! I am arrogant and shameless, I think you are arrogant and ignorant!" Hong Zhisheng laughed loudly, then shouted violently, "Then I will challenge you!"

Although the strong man in the palace did not enter the sixth-tier palace, his strength was already very strong, and he only lacked the last bit of strength to clear the customs. He thought he had reached a considerable height in the entire Guhong world.

Unexpectedly, a madman walked out in front of him, saying that the chance of defeating himself was 100%!

"Arrogant, even Xuan Yue, the most powerful person in the upper-level palace, dare not say that the chance of defeating me is 100%!" The strong snorted and walked into the battle space.

After entering the battle space, Hong's Holy Beast took out a very huge black sickle as before, and chopped it back and forth!

His fighting skills and the techniques used are very weird. When the battle started, the strong men of the descendants of Gu Hong suddenly felt the pressure!

"Why is this guy so strong?" Gu Hong's descendant looked shocked and blurted out, "Even Xuan Yue is not so strong!"

"What is Xuanyue?" Hong Zhisheng showed a cruel expression on his face, and the huge black sickle in his hand continued to press down!

"Do not!"

The descendants of Gu Hong just took three swords abruptly, and felt that he could not receive the fourth one!

"It seems that this is really a strong man!" The descendants of Gu Hong just said crazy, but after discovering that the holy beast was really powerful, he immediately decided to give in!

Therefore, when Hong's Saint Beast was cut down with the fourth sword, he immediately shouted, "I admit defeat!"

He may feel the danger, and at the moment he admits defeat, he turns into a white light, wanting to rush out of the fighting space!

But behind him, the huge black sickle was still cut down!

Just after this battle was over and the opponent had already conceded, the black sickle split this descendant of Gu Hong in half!

"Oh my God!"

Outside the battle space, everyone else looked pale, this Hong's Holy Beast was too fierce!

What shocked everyone even more was that after Hong's Saint Beast dragged the corpse of this ancient Hong descendant into the battle space, the huge sickle in his hand chopped back and forth, chopping the corpse into small pieces! Then use your big hands to pick them up one by one, stuff them into your mouth, and eat them all!

"God! What the **** is this?" The outside title Hong Du was dumbfounded.

There have been so many titles in the history of Hong, and I have never seen such a brutal and bloodthirsty guy. It is really terrible!

The sacred beast of Hong spent a little time to eat the descendants of ancient Hong cleanly, then took the sickle and walked out of the fighting space.

When it came out, everyone in the entire palace backed away in fright.

Hong Zhisheng used his silver eyes to coldly sweep everyone in front of him, only then used his eight spider claws to walk out of the apse.

"Where did this thing come from?" The demon turned pale, looked at the palace behind, and said to himself, "I'll have fun this time!"

Hong Zhisheng climbed the steps and entered the sixth-level palace.

After entering the palace, the light and shadow in front of him changed, and the Peak Monster King walked out of the apse.

When the Peak Monster King saw this guy named Saint Beast, his face suddenly changed, and he said, "You have the breath of Ting Yu!"

The sacred beast ignored it, swept it with silver eyes, and said, "The blood of the lower demon slave! My chance of defeating you is 100%! The chance of killing you is also 81%!"

Peak Enchanting King roared, "The breath of Ting Yu! You must be from Ting Yu! You are not qualified to enter the sixth-level palace! You leave me, get out!"

However, the sacred beast snorted coldly, directly released its huge black sickle, and rushed over!


Although the Peak Monster King is very powerful, it is still not a rival in front of this holy beast.

After it resisted desperately for a while, it was no longer able to stop it. The strength of the holy beast was too strong!

"Stupid thing! If you don't give in, the chance of killing you will be increased to 100%!" Saint Beast still said coldly and ruthlessly.

The Peak Monster King knew that he was hard to resist, but he lived for so many years to execute the will that Gu Hong left behind.

Now the powerful Gu Hong has long since disappeared, but the Peak Enchanting King is still faithfully executing the will of the year, blocking all opponents who are not allowed to enter the sixth-level palace!

"No! This is my mission! Life from Tingyu must never enter! Block..."

But at this moment, a huge black blade swept across, and the peak monster king who had lived for countless millions of years was instantly beheaded!


After slaying the Peak Demon King, the saint beast, who had always been cruel, chopped back and forth with the black sickle in his hand, slicing the Peak Demon King into pieces.

However, Hong's Saint Beast did not swallow the corpse of the Peak Monster King, but snorted coldly, "Lower Monster Slave, blood is not worthy of being eaten by me!"

After speaking, Hong's Holy Beast held its head high, holding a huge exaggerated sickle, and walked into the sixth-level palace.

When he approached, a voice sounded from the upper and lower level six palaces at the same time, Boom!

The bell rang, and the seventh challenger entered the palace, and the palace gate at the back was closed. No challenger could enter the palace again!

Seeing another challenger enter the palace, Xuanyue and the others sitting in the top seat greeted the past, wanting to congratulate a strong man, and also want to see the last challenger who walked in. Who is he? !

"Who is this?" Xuan Yue and the others didn't know anyone, the guy who walked in.

Even what kind of life group this guy comes from, you can't tell at a glance, but what everyone can tell is that this guy seems to be very nasty!

(End of this chapter)

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