Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2726: Tingyu Beast

Chapter 2726 Tingyu Lower Beast

Chapter 2724 Tingyu's Lower Beast


An astonishing number of rune formations suddenly entered Ding Hao's body, and the scene was very shocking.

This scene fell in the eyes of everyone present, and everyone's expressions were different!

"Successful!" Xuan Yue and the three of them saw this scene with ecstasy on their faces.

They challenged each other, so desperately, it was nothing more than buying time for Ding Hao. Now that Ding Hao successfully completed his cultivation at the last moment, their efforts were not in vain!

And in the silver eyes of the holy beast, there was a hint of coldness.

He wasn't stupid either, he knew very well that Xuan Yue and the others were delaying time, it was probably because of Ding Hao.

Now that Ding Hao is out of customs, he doesn't know what kind of exercises he has cultivated, but in the eyes of the holy beast, none of them are useful!

"Stupid cultivator!" The holy beast said coldly, "Do you think that a set of two exercises can defeat me? Wrong, you are so wrong! I was able to defeat you because I used it. The concept of the exercise method is far superior to you! You are just descendants of Gu Hong, and you have learned some of Gu Hong’s fur! If the strong Gu Hong of the year were still alive, he might be able to defeat me, but you..."

In the sacred gaze of the holy beast, Ding Hao walked out of the fighting space and looked at the holy beast without flinching.

"Why, are you going to challenge me?" Saint Beast asked unceremoniously.


The holy beast sneered, "For opponents with Gu Hong bloodline in their bodies, I will not only kill them, but also eat their flesh and blood! Nightmare and Meiba are your lessons for you, don’t you think about it? ?"

Ding Hao smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, "As long as you have this strength, let you eat it!"

"Okay!" The holy beast stood up suddenly and said, "Come on!"

Ding Hao challenged the sacred beast, and the space on the battlefield opened up. Xuanyue and the others walked up and asked worriedly, "How is it? How sure are you?"

In fact, Xuan Yue and the others are very worried, because the strength of the holy beast is too strong, even if Ding Hao learns some new exercises and combat skills, he will be far from the holy beast!

"Don't worry, your efforts will not be in vain!" Ding Hao looked at the three people in front of him, and they all suffered serious injuries.

"Then be careful."

Ding Hao walked into the battle space, where Hong's Saint Beast was already waiting.

"Hongzhi Dinghao, I don't know where your courage came from to challenge me! But I want to tell you that the moment you come in, it is determined that you are already a dead person!" Saint Beast said arrogantly.

Ding Hao didn't argue with him, just asked, "Holy Beast, I heard you are from Tingyu! What kind of place is Tingyu? Come and tell me!"

"Do you also know Tingyu?" The Holy Beast said with a cold snort, "As you are about to be a dead person, I will tell you something! Tingyu is an area that can only be entered by the real strong. Forbidden to come out! Gu Hong’s ancestors were traitors of Tingyu. They escaped from Tingyu in violation of the rules! They opened up the world of Guhong outside! The most heinous thing is that Gu Hong and the others stole the most precious Tingyu before they escaped. Treasures, these **** things! Later, Ting Yu's top powerhouse discovered all this, and he chose to take action to wipe out all Gu Hong in this world!"

When the sacred beast said this, Xuan Yue and others could also hear clearly outside.

In fact, the disappearance of Gu Hong has always been a puzzle in this world that no one can answer.

Gu Hong, who was so powerful at the time and ruled the tens of thousands of people, seemed to die overnight without any sign.

It seems that this is not an accidental phenomenon. The Holy Beast should not have lied. It was a big figure from Ting Yu who personally took action to kill all Gu Hong in the entire world in an instant!

"My God! What kind of place is Ting Yu? How powerful should the big figures be?" Xuan Yue and the others were quite shocked.

For Xuan Yue and the others, their strength has not reached the ancient Hong era at all, and the strength of Gu Hong was very strong; and this big man from Tingyu killed all the ancients in the entire world before he shot. flood.

This strength, thinking about it, has already made people scalp up!

Zezhuo whispered, "Ting Yu's cultivation level seems to be very terrifying, no wonder this holy beast that sneaked out of Ting Yu can sweep us!"

Meng said worriedly, "I don't know what kind of technique Ding Hao has cultivated? This sacred beast is from Tingyu, and its strength is quite extraordinary, and its means are unprecedented! Can Ding Hao really defeat him? "

"Hope! Anyway, we have nowhere to go!" Xuan Yue sighed long.

They helped Ding Hao to delay time, and they were already standing in the same boat with Ding Hao and had no chance to disembark; if the boat capsized, everyone would be a dead end; therefore, they only had to pray that Ding Hao could survive this difficult time!

"Gu Hong stole Tingyu's most precious treasure?" Ding Hao's expression moved, and he asked, "What kind of treasure is Tingyu's most precious treasure?"

Ding Hao was actually a little skeptical, there was a very old will in his heart, this old will should be related to the so-called Ting Yu.

He guessed in his heart, is this ancient will the so-called Ting Yu's most precious treasure?

However, obviously he guessed something wrong, and the holy beast said, "Ting Yu’s most precious treasure is the generation of Ting Yu princesses! Gu Hong’s ancestors were bold enough to bring the Ting Yu princess out to elope and give birth to this one. Gu Hong of the world!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Ding Hao suddenly realized that the most precious treasure mentioned here is not an item, but a person!

Back then, the ancestor of Gu Hong did indeed have the ability to bring all the princesses of Tingyu out to elope, which is regarded as a love saint; not only that, this love saint is also a reproductive boss, and he gave birth to a whole world, which really makes people feel Shocked!

Ding Hao asked again, "Then who is in charge of Ting Yu now, is there a new generation of Ting Yu princesses?"

"Hmph! A cultivator with a lot of curiosity!" The Holy Beast snorted coldly, "Do you want to know? But I will never tell you! You have heard enough from me, but I tell you, Those are useless! Now is the time to fight, you wait to die!"

After speaking, the holy beast waved his big hand and immediately took out his black sickle.

Ding Hao's gaze moved, "I can't tell the level of your weapon, and the crafting method and materials don't come from the world of Guhong! Then this weapon must come from the Tingyu you said!"

"Your vision is good!" The silver eyes of the holy beast stared at Ding Hao and said word by word, "Tingyu is divided into three layers, the upper, middle and lower layers. As the guardian saint beast of the lower layer of Tingyu, I will kill you enough! Die!"

Go and read "New Agent Student" if you are a book freak.

(End of this chapter)

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