Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2730: Looking for light

Chapter 2730 Finding Light


Ding Hao has become the master of Gu Hong's world. The next step is to enter Tingyu.

But the strong in Tingyu are like clouds, Ding Hao's strength is limited, if he can get a lot of light spar.

This kind of light spar happened to have a restraining effect on Tingli, so after Ding Hao entered Tingyu, wouldn't he be invincible?

Lie did not dare to conceal Ding Hao’s inquiry, and immediately said, “I bought a light spar at a high price! The friend who sold it to me said that this light spar is very strange and can be restrained. Ancient blood! The more ancient, the more effective!"

"Who is this friend?" Ding Hao's face sank.

Lie replied, "I don't know him either, I got to know him through the introduction of the trading nation in the ancient Hong world!"

In the world of Guhong, there are an astonishing number of life races. These life races have their own characteristics. Some are particularly fond of trading and earn the difference; or introduce buyers and sellers to know them and earn intermediary fees!

"It's okay. I have become the ruler of Gu Hong. If an order is issued, which trading nation dare not come?"

Ding Hao immediately issued the order.

At the same time, the descendants from the Protoss and the representatives of the Yemeng tribe where the earth is, all came to the sky palace and met Ding Hao.

Standing on the high platform, Ding Hao declared, "From today onwards, the Protoss from the God Realm and the Human Races from Ye Meng are all the pinnacle races of the ancient Hong world! Enjoy the honor, and other major life races must be given Enough respect, salute when you meet, don't attack!"

In the world of Guhong, the pinnacle race has great rights!

Originally, all the cultivators of the Protoss lived in palaces controlled by Zechou. Now that they become the pinnacle race group, they can have their own huge palaces.

In the world of Guhong, all palaces have owners, but it doesn't matter.

The life race that Meiba and Nightmare belonged to have now lost their guardian gods. They wanted to restore ancient Hong, but they died away!

Ding Hao did not need to be polite to such people and such ethnic groups. With an order, a large number of offspring of these two ethnic groups were massacred, and all those who survived fled back to their own world, not daring to survive in the world of Gu Hong!

The two huge palaces thus vacated, one for the Protoss and the other for the Humans, were just allocated.

The three women, Leng Xiaoyu, Yewen and Anliu who followed, were also named the master madam by Ding Hao and lived in the Sky Palace. For the strong among other tribes, Ding Hao gave a large number of treasures and inheritance in the Sky Palace.

In this way, Ding Hao's Protoss will become stronger in the shortest time!

On the side of the sacred world, the training resources obtained are constantly increasing. The strong will continue to enter the ancient Hong world, and the protoss will rise in the shortest time and become a veritable peak race!

Gu Hong world is like this, strength represents everything.

If any ethnic group has a truly strong, this ethnic group can rise; and in this ethnic group, after the strong falls, the status of the entire ethnic group will plummet!

This is the truth of the ancient Hong world, there is nothing fair or unfair!

Ding Hao, after all this, representatives from several trading nations came to the Sky Palace.

"I have seen Lord Gu Hong!" The appearances of these representatives are unique.

Some representatives actually have the same structure as several houses on their bodies, and people who want to buy and trade can enter different houses to conduct transactions; some representatives have multiple faces and can handle different transactions at the same time; The life race is very shrewd and calculating. Even a small amount of profit can make huge wealth in their hands.

However, Ding Hao is the ruler of Gu Hong, and these people are not stupid and dare not conceal anything from Ding Hao.

Ding Hao called Lie out and asked, "Which trading nation do you see?"

Lie quickly chose one of them, and Ding Hao asked the others to retreat, and then asked, "Is anyone in your group introduced and traded this item?"

The strong man in the ethnic group looked at the light spar in Ding Hao's hand and said, "You don't need to ask others, I know about this! The guy who sold this item lives in a remote corner of the Guhong world! This guy doesn't The name, I don’t know which life race came from, it’s very peculiar! You know drinking all day long! If you want to find him, I will send someone to catch him!"

Ding Hao smiled, "It seems that this person has a little story. You don't need to catch him. I just happened to be idle. Just a trip."

Lie also said, "Since the master is in this mood, Lie is also willing to accompany him."

Ding Hao gave the Sky Palace to Leng Xiaoyu and the others to manage, and then found a black flying boat from the Sky Palace, and everyone rushed to a corner of Guhong's world.

While flying on the Flying Boat, Ding Hao was not in a hurry to practice, drinking and chatting with Lie and the strong man who traded races all day long.

Everyone was chatting and getting along was a pleasant one. The name of the strong man in the trading race was Lingrong.

Ling Rong asked suspiciously, "Master, according to what I know, the first thing that the former strong dominates is to find the cultivation techniques handed down from the sky palace. Practice and upgrade; the second thing they do is to sort out all the treasures in the sky palace and arm themselves! Why do you dominate you, do not do these two things?"

"Hahaha." Ding Hao laughed, "Because I am strong enough, I don't need to practice."

Ding Hao said this not because he was arrogant, but because he did.

The former ruler of Guhong is also the strongest in the world of Guhong;

But this time, Gu Hong dominates Ding Hao, it's different.

Ding Hao was able to win the dominance throne after defeating the sacred beast of Hong. His strength is unprecedented. Moreover, Ding Hao has learned all the runes of Gu Hong from ancient times to the present, which is equivalent to all the exercises of Gu Hong. However, he didn't need to spend time learning those exercises at all.

As for the weapons, he also took a look at them. Although they looked good, they were not as good as the sickle in the hands of the holy beast.

What does this show?

It shows that the truly powerful weapon is still in Tingyu, and the technique that Ding Hao wants to practice is also in Tingyu!

His real goal is Ting Yu!

That's why he put aside everything and concentrated on looking for the light spar. The black treasure boat flew in the endless starry sky. Wherever he went, the major life races found that this was the arrival of Lord Gu Hong, they all knelt and cheered. .

Ding Hao ignored him, and after flying in this way for several months, he finally came to a very remote place in Guhong World, where several Guhong Pagodas stood alone.

(End of this chapter)

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