Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2751: Three conditions

Chapter 2751 Three Conditions

Chapter 2749 the three conditions

"I don't agree to carry useless people in the treasure hunt!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I don't agree. Treasure hunting will be in danger! If we want to hunt for treasures and protect him, it is very likely that the entire army will be wiped out and everyone will be unlucky!"

"Yes! I've heard about it a long time ago, there is a young newcomer in the group! The strength is very weak, it seems to be called Ding Hao!"

In the quiet room of a certain Tongtian Sword Tower in Bihai Yinsha City, treasure hunting expert He Xixi was discussing with several team members about the treasure hunting trip this time.

Just as Xixi had anticipated in advance, the others in the team were unwilling to bring Ding Hao with this oil bottle!

After all, things like treasure hunting are also very dangerous. If everyone wants to protect Ding Hao, then the whole team will probably be dragged into the water! What's more, if you bring one more person, you will get one more person after you get the treasure!

"Everyone, we just brought him in, he doesn't participate in our distribution!" Hosisi said.

"That won't work! It's just a burden!" Everyone expressed their opposition.

He Xixi had no choice but to say, "Ding Hao was recommended to me by Gu Ruo! Gu Ruo has given us a lot of help from the classics over the years! Tell me, which one of you did not learn from the ancient classics he provided, Found some benefits?"

The five treasure hunters present were silent upon hearing this.

To explore the treasures of the sages, the most important thing is to be able to find the ruins of the sages!

And these clues must be found in the clicks of the classics!

And these ancient classics are all from Gu Ruo!

"If it is the person introduced by Gu Ruo, I am really embarrassed to shirk." said a woman in the palace costume from the treasure hunting team.

As soon as she spoke, a man next to her was her Taoist companion, and he also said, "The person recommended by Gu Ruo shouldn't have a big problem. If he doesn't participate in the distribution, then I agree that he will enter the team!"

However, there are also people who are more difficult to talk. A weird old man with several huge sarcomas on his back said, "These young people, they have not learned their skills yet, so they want to go out to explore treasures! It's so lofty! If you get to those. In the ancient cave mansion, he talked nonsense and moved us, and killed us!"

There is also an old woman who is thin and tall, also coldly snorted, "Also, if he wants to join our team, then I will not protect him! Whenever he is in danger, let him deal with it! If he agrees, then I will also No comments!"

He Xixi's face was embarrassed. If Ding Hao didn't allocate from their treasure hunting income, couldn't talk nonsense, and there was no one to protect him, then what would Ding Hao do with his team?

However, the other members of the team were reluctant to bring a fuel bottle. He Xixi had no choice but to say, "Then I will go back and ask this Ding Hao. If he agrees to our terms, let him enter the team! What if he If the conditions are harsh, forget it!"

"Better he doesn't join our team!"

"Well, let's talk about other things now."


Time is hurried, and three months are almost here in a blink of an eye.

Among the barren mountains in the distance of Bihai Yinsha City, at the foot of a certain mountain, there was a bang, and the rocks rolled.

At the bottom of this stone mountain, a hole was suddenly opened, and a young cultivator walked out of the hole.


Ding Hao took a breath of outside air, and after nearly three months of cultivation, he refined all the Tingli breath he had in his body.

This allowed the Tingli aura in his own body to be stronger than ever. When his Tingli aura became stronger, the color became lighter and lighter, and now there was only a hint of silver.

"I must quickly find out the reason, otherwise I will soon reveal my stuff! By then my Tingli aura will become completely colorless, and even the cultivators in Bihai Yinsha City will doubt me!"

Thinking of this, his heart moved, and he immediately called an astonishing amount of Tingli from all directions.

Tingli turned into a mist, wrapped his body, and then cut through the sky, rushing towards Bihai Yinsha City at a very fast speed.

Soon after, the light mist with a hint of silver burst open, and the figure of a young cultivator jumped out, just standing at the gate of Bihai Yinsha City.

"Now I can call more and more Tingli, and the flying speed is no longer slower than others!"

Ding Hao thought about walking into Bihai Yinsha City and ran directly to the shop of Gu Ruo.

Gu Ruo's classic store is relatively remote, Ding Hao went around and walked into this Tongtian Sword Tower.

When he walked into the ancient shop, Ding Hao was taken aback. Today, the small shop, which is usually sparse, had several people.

"Ding Hao, you are finally here!" He Xixi immediately greeted him.

"He is Ding Hao?" The old man with a few sarcomas on his back said with a cold snort, "I don't know how to be strong enough, and I don't know how to come soon! Actually, so many of us are waiting for him! Young man, unreliable!"

Ding Hao looked awkward when he heard this, and said, "This is..."

He Xixi introduced, "This is my teammate."

Immediately, he introduced to Ding Hao one by one, the woman in the palace costume was named Xie Qingyou, and she was with her Dao Lu Tian Haitian; the old man with several sarcomas on his back was nicknamed Jiu Tuo Zhenren; and that one The thin and tall old woman is called Master Hengzhen; there is also a big man with a stout body named Wu Peng.

"I have seen all the seniors." Ding Hao hurriedly saluted these people.

These people looked at Ding Hao's Tingli breath, the silver was very dim, and they couldn't see the colorless part.

"Sure enough, Tingli's breath is very weak, a very weak newcomer!" Jiu Tuo real person said very uncomfortably, "Ding Hao, we have discussed it, it is okay to take you there! But we have three conditions, you must promise us There are three conditions before we can go to treasure hunting with us."

"Okay, please tell me, senior."

The thin and tall old woman said first, "The first condition, you must not participate in our distribution of treasures; the second condition, you must not talk about it, or we will kick you out of the team at any time; the third condition, that If you are in danger, we will help you if it is smooth, and if it is not smooth, we can only watch you fend for itself. You have to figure this out!"

"This is too harsh!" Gu Ruo couldn't help but walked out and said, "Ding Hao's strength is not good, follow you, just ask you to protect! Now that you say this, why does he even give you crystals? As travel expenses?"

Real Jiu Tuo coldly snorted, "Who wants his crystal? If it wasn't for Gu Ruo's face, we wouldn't have brought this oil bottle!"

Ding Hao looked at the contemptuous faces of these people and didn't get angry. He smiled lightly, "Yes, I can promise your three conditions!"

(End of this chapter)

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