Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2754: Seven Bridges

Chapter 2754 Seven City

Chapter 2752 Seven City

"The turbulent hurricanes that appear here have a certain pattern! And before the turbulent hurricanes appear, nearby Tingli will also change, so the treasure hunters who come and go here will not be involved in it. !"

He Xixi said as he took Ding Hao and others forward.

Ding Hao followed the footsteps of a woman in front of him, without falling a step, and following along, there was no danger.

As you move forward, the turbulence becomes more violent, and hurricanes continue to appear.

Sometimes the hurricane is close to the body, but Hosisi is really very professional. He walks firmly, and the people behind fully believe in him and follow his footsteps.

A few days later, Ding Hao and the others finally saw a small city floating in the air ahead.

This small city as a whole is wrapped in a circle of seven-colored light and fog, through this light and fog, you can vaguely see the various buildings erected in the city!

Although the surrounding turbulence was very violent, it was all blocked by the mist, and the small city was suspended in the air, like a colorful island in the raging sea.

"There is a city there!" Not far away, another team, probably a newcomer, saw the city in the middle of the sky in front of him, and he was ecstatic in his heart. He quickly drove up the clouds and flew into the air.

But as soon as he took off, he was caught in a hurricane that suddenly appeared, and he immediately lost his balance!

Immediately, another hurricane appeared, and the two hurricanes pulled each other, dragging the newcomer farther and farther, and finally disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of all the people present changed slightly.

The real Jiu Tuo who walked in front coldly snorted, "Stupid newcomer, going out like this will be dead! There is also a newcomer in our team, please look carefully, don't talk nonsense, otherwise the consequences will be the same as the dead!"

Ding Hao didn't respond to Jiu Tuo's unkind tone, his face calmly replied, "Thank you senior for reminding."

Seeing his tone, the real person Jiu Tuo couldn't say anything more, everyone kept going.

Wangshan ran to death. Although he saw the small city in the sky not far away, it took a day and night to finally come under the small city.

He Xixi opened his mouth and said, "A senior treasure hunter discovered that there is a safe area without Tingli turbulence in the mid-air! Therefore, seven strong men from the seven clans joined together. These seven strong men use their own power to Call Tingli and gather to become this small town! Therefore, the name of this small town is called the City of Seven!"

"So that's it!" Ding Hao nodded. The small city supported by seven giants, so it was called Qibang City, and it really deserves its name.

Because this safe area is in the middle of the air, so the small town is also in the middle of the air. Everyone came to the city, and there was a little disagreement.

According to the real person of Jiuliu, he would continue to move on to the ancient cave that He Xixi discovered.

But what Ho Xixi meant was that he was going to enter the city of Seven, and take Ding Hao around to get to know him.

"I just said what to do with this waste? We are here to explore treasures, not sightseeing. If he wants to enter the city of Qibao, let him go alone, let's leave him alone!" Jiu Tuo is really impatient Said.

Ding Hao was also a little annoyed when he saw this person like this. He didn't offend this ugly guy himself, but was repeatedly targeted by this person.

He didn't want to enter the city of Qichang for sightseeing, but wanted to see how to enter the city of Qichang. This is very important. No one knows what will happen in the future. Maybe he Ding Hao will come alone in the future. Qibang City, when you reach the city, you don't know how to enter. Isn't that depressed?

He Xixi smiled and said, "It's okay! Anyway, I want to enter the city and buy the latest batch of turbulence location maps! You are waiting below, I will bring Ding Hao in, and I will be back soon!"

"It's really a lot, then go!" The thin and tall old woman said impatiently.

As he said, He Xixi began to call Tingli around him, "Ding Hao, you learn how to call me."

"Okay!" Ding Hao knew that there was a special way to enter Qizhu City.

Enough Tingli was used to form a giant pillar of light mist, which was like a tall stone pillar, leading directly to the small city light mist above.

"Let's go!"

At the order of Ho Xixi, Ding Hao soared up in the mist, and soon penetrated the mist and entered the small city.

When his figure flashed, Ding Hao was already standing on the stone road of a city, watching from left to right, this is really a small town, surrounded by colorful light and fog, the city looks very comfortable, nearby shops, people are all going to and from. The treasure hunter of the big color race.

"The people who come here are treasure hunters, they buy supplies here, but the price is very high." Hosisi said.

Ding Hao didn't say much, and followed him.

Soon Ho Xixi walked into a tavern. He was a frequent visitor here. After entering, many people raised their wine glasses to greet him, "Sixi is here, do you want a drink?"

"No, I have something else."

He Xixi greeted the people passing by and came to the side of the tavern. There are a lot of crystals on the wall here, and different words are written under the crystals. Some say "Southeast", "Northwest", "Lower Left", "Sky" and so on.

Hosisi raised his finger to a crystal and said, "I want that one."

"Ancestral domain." The old man who sold map crystals smiled, "Sixi, you have discovered another great thing! Every time the ancestral domain is taken out of treasure, it is a shocking event! I don't know where it is from the ancestral domain. One piece?"

Ho Xixi laughed and said, "Look at what you said. I'm just looking for it, there is no target yet!"

"okay then."

He Xixi paid enough Tingyu crystals, exchanged for this map crystal, and brought Ding Hao out of the tavern.

Ding Hao said, "Senior He Xixi, can you let me have a look?"


Ding Hao took the map crystal, swept it with his own mind, and immediately understood.

What is recorded here is not the map, nor the situation in the ancestral domain, but the distribution map of the turbulent flow of Tingli on the way from here to the ancestral domain!

Hexi West Road, "The place where we are now is a relic in a very distant age! The Tingli here is very chaotic and violent, and it changes every few days! So every treasure hunter will regularly buy routes Tingli turbulent current distribution map! And this map is also time-limited, we have to return to the treasure hunter before the map becomes invalid! Otherwise, we will be trapped in the treasure hunting location! If you are lucky, you will encounter other treasure hunters If you are unlucky, you will get lost in the ancestral domain and end badly!"

"I see." Ding Hao nodded and returned the map crystal in his hand to He Xixi.

He Xixi said again, "Also, Tingli Turbulence is changing at any time. Even if you have this map in your hand, you can't believe it completely, you still have to be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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