Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2757: Wilderness insect field

Chapter 2757 Wilderness Wormland

Chapter 2755

"These are the monsters!" Ding Hao looked at the dense black underneath, feeling his scalp exploding.

At a glance, there is no bounds, all these black monsters are really scary!

When they were about to approach the land of the ancestral domain, the black monsters also found them. Among them, there were some strange monsters. They smashed into the sky, and suddenly emitted a bright plasma, rushing into the air!

This kind of plasma has powerful power, among which Tingli crackles, if it is hit by it, the practitioner is very dangerous!

"Be careful, everyone!" He Xixi avoided these plasmas and raised his hand.

They are always expeditions, and have been prepared for this, releasing an astonishing number of puppets.

This is a giant insect that is specially raised by humans. It has a strong attraction to the monsters on the ground. Therefore, when these puppet insects are released, they immediately attract the attention of the black monsters, and they all rushed up;

And these puppet worms, after being frightened, will decompose into 3 to 5 and flee in different directions.

The black demon insects on the ground have all focused their attention on the puppet insects, and will follow them!

When those puppets that decompose are overtaken, they will continue to decompose!

In this way, after such decomposition several times, the puppet worms became very small, and the black monsters lost their targets and had to give up!

And when the puppet insects attracted away the black monsters, the land in front of Ding Hao and them suddenly became a vacuum zone. Without the insects, everyone hurriedly landed.

Boom boom boom!

The mist continued to explode, and He Xixi led Ding Hao and the others down from mid-air and stood on the ground.

"Finally arrived on land!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

He Xixi said, "Time is pressing, don't miss it! Now that we have reached the ancestral continent, then we will immediately go to the treasure hunting area I found!"

As he spoke, a giant beast was released.

This behemoth is black in its entirety, and looks eighth similar to those monsters. On the back of this behemoth, there are several small cages like cages.

Then He Xixi said, "Everyone enters the compartment according to their pre-arranged position! If you can be fooled by the black monster, don't attract the attention of the insect! If it is discovered by the black monster, everyone is in position and resists!"

"Okay." All the treasure hunters present had their own carriages, and everyone flew into the carriages.

The carriage is hung on the back of the black giant beast. Because the black giant is huge, the carriages are not conspicuous from a distance.

Ding Hao watched the others walk into the car one by one, and asked, "Senior He Xixi, which car should I enter?"

He Xixi said, "You are weak and inferior to others! If you are asked to guard a carriage, it will be a death! At the highest point of the monster's body, there is a relatively safe carriage! When there is no major danger, that The carriage won’t be attacked, you just hide there! If we can’t hit your position in a fight, just protect yourself!"

"Ok, thanks."

Since Ding Hao is not going to fight, Ding Hao has nothing to say. Could it be that the highest point on the back of this black behemoth, there really is a small square carriage here, he lowered his head into the carriage and sat cross-legged!


This black behemoth panted heavily and, under the command of He Xixi, walked towards the depths of the ancestral domain...

This giant beast is actually based on the search and cultivation of the black monsters. Therefore, it is difficult for the black monsters to find that the giant beast is a different kind. Ding Hao sat in his carriage, quietly looking outside, as this giant beast Passing by the black monsters, the black will never find anything at all.

Ding Hao felt that the carriage he was sitting in should have gone through a certain setting, marked with some special breaths and runes, so that the black monsters could not find their tracks.

The black behemoth kept advancing, speechless all the way.

On the fourth day, a will suddenly came from the carriage where Ding Hao was.

"It's the method used by Ho Xixi!" Ding Hao's face moved, waiting for Ho Xixi to speak.

After a while, Hosisi said anxiously, "There is a group of monsters ahead, and the ability to detect and sense is amazing! It is possible to discover the special features of this black behemoth at any time! In a moment, you must not act recklessly, I will not Do it, you guys don't do it either!"

Ding Hao and the other treasure hunters all nodded and promised, "We all know."

Soon, the black behemoth walked in an area controlled by weird monsters.

These monsters are very weird, like fleas, can jump high and fly very fast.

Ding Hao and the others felt the danger, so they all hid in their respective cars, watching the situation outside quietly.

As soon as they saw the black giant beast approaching, these monsters rushed up one by one. On the black giant beast's back, they used their sharp teeth to bite the skin on the surface of the black giant beast's body, and then sucked blood vigorously before leaving.

"Sure enough, it's the same as flea pests."

Ding Hao was thinking secretly in his heart, and saw that outside a carriage below, what did a black monster suddenly sense?

This black monster did not even **** blood, but walked carefully to a certain carriage.

This carriage is where the female cultivator Xie Qingyou lives. Xie Qingyou is very disgusted with these black bugs. Seeing this monster getting closer and closer, she also picked it up!

Xie Qingyou hid in the carriage, motionless.

But even so, he didn't escape these black bugs with powerful detection capabilities, and this guy actually started ramming into the carriage.

Xie Qingyou couldn't hide it anymore. From her hidden carriage, there was an instant strong Tingli converging, and then a sharp blade of light came out of the carriage!


In the light of the knife, this black monster was split in half with a single knife, and the black insect's blood flowed out.

The black monsters around were very keen. When I felt the changes in Tingli, and saw the sharp light of the knife, all the monsters in all directions suddenly rushed over like chicken blood!

He Xixi's expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted, "Friends, don't pretend to be fake anymore! I have been discovered by these bugs. Everyone will try their best and not leave a living!"

Hearing a crash, the light curtain wrapped around his car disappeared instantly, the car he was on became a small platform, and Ho Xixi's figure was revealed!


The sound kept ringing, the light curtain disappeared one by one, and one strong one after another appeared in the vision of the monsters.

Thousands of monsters from all directions suddenly became excited and rushed in madness. Under the command of Ho Xixi, the black behemoth also began to speed up to escape, but there were still many monsters starting to attack the black behemoth. Climbing up the beast's body...

(End of this chapter)

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