Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2761: Black stone statue

Chapter 2761 Black Stone Statue

Chapter 2759 Black Stone Statue

"The passage has been opened, everyone come in!" With He Xixi's order, Ding Hao and the six of them quickly rushed into the small door.

When all six of them rushed into the school gate, a large number of treasure hunters from all directions rushed over.

These hundreds of treasure hunters have been here for so many years, searching for treasures, using various methods to open the ancestral cave.

But there are very few people who can succeed.

Some treasure hunters have studied this cave for tens of thousands of years, and that cave has been researching for tens of thousands of years. After a circle, a cave has not been opened, and it has consumed millions of years!

You said that in their hearts, how not anxious, now that they see other people's caves open, they all can't help it, wanting to rush in and get some cheap.

But when they rushed over, they found that Ding Hao and the six of them were already holding various weapons, blocking the entrance of the cave, with a desperate expression.

"This is the cave we opened. It has nothing to do with you. Get away quickly! Otherwise, I will fight you desperately!" Jiu Liu and others put on an expression of fighting desperately.

Ding Hao also had a solemn expression, holding his Gu Hong sword in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

After all, the treasure is touching, and the battle here can happen at any time.

Those hundreds of treasure hunters also knew that they were unreasonable, so they didn't speak, and looked at them with red eyes.

When they confronted each other, He Xixi was already in the cave, researching and operating quickly, the rune that closed the door!

The patience of the hundreds of treasure hunters outside is limited. Gradually, their final sanity has been covered by their own greed, and their eyes are getting redder.

A treasure hunter suddenly shouted, "The cave mansion here is not his own, kill them, let's go in and grab the treasure!"

The battle is on the verge of breaking out. Although Ding Hao and the others occupy favorable terrain, they are limited in number after all!

The treasure hunters outside are already ready to rush in, some want to grab the treasure, some want to kill, all eyes are red.

Fortunately, at this moment, Hosisi suddenly exclaimed with joy, "Okay!"

With only a bang, the gate of this ancient cave mansion suddenly closed, blocking all the jealous treasure hunters outside.


The people present took a long breath after waiting for this, Xie Qingyou touched his chest and said, "I was really scared to death just now! These treasure hunters were all human before seeing the treasure; but when they saw it , They all become ghosts!"

Wu Peng cursed, "They dare to come in! I have made enough preparations just now, whoever comes in will kill anyone!"

Ding Hao said, "If they really make a concerted effort to rush in, then we can't stop it at all!"

"These people won't work together!" He Xixi walked over with a smile and said, "Well, now this ancient cave mansion belongs to us!"

"Hahaha!" The seven members of the treasure hunting team all laughed.

Now that the door of the cave has been completely closed, no one will come to enhance the treasure with them. Everything here belongs to a few of them!

But Ding Hao is not among them. According to the treasure hunting agreement signed by everyone in advance, Ding Hao is not eligible to receive the treasure hunting income!

Ding Hao didn't mind, he didn't come here to get treasures, he mainly wanted to pursue his own life experience!

"Then let's go!"

Everyone set off immediately and headed deep into the cave. Although He Xixi was the captain, he didn't know the situation in the cave.

He said, "Everyone form a formation, be careful! Ding Hao is not strong enough, you stand in the center!"

"Huh! Useless things, cumbersome!" Jiu Tuo Zhenren couldn't help but sneered.

Wu Peng replied, "Who said he was useless? In the ancient soul valley outside, he also killed a lot of ancient souls! I can see clearly, you are lazy!"

Majestic Jiuliu suddenly had nothing to say, and finally let out a cold snort, "Anyway, as long as he doesn't distinguish our treasures, it doesn't matter to me!"

The treasure hunters formed a circle, Ding Hao stood in the circle, and he didn't want him to take action. He just happened to be able to observe this cave.

The first thing that appeared in front of them was a very simple passage, a path paved with gravel on the ground, and a dry pond next to it!

Everyone slowly walked across the path and came to the center of the path. Granny Hengzhen's eyes lit up and she pointed to the bottom of the dried-up pond and said, "What do you think it is?"

Everyone looked over and found that there were many black stone statues at the bottom of the dried-up pond.

These black stone statues are only slap-sized. Hosisi told everyone to be careful, and then he carefully walked into the bottom of the pond, picked up a black stone statue, watched it, and threw it up.

After a while, all the treasure hunters present had such a black stone statue in their hands.

"What is this? I can't feel the magical effect?" All the treasure hunters studied for a while, but none of them felt it. What is the function of this black stone statue?

But at this moment, the real jiu-liu pointed at Ding Hao and said, "All the treasures here are ours, you are not qualified to get it!"

It turned out that Ding Hao also held such a black stone statue in his hand. At this moment, Ding Hao's face seemed a little different.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ding Hao regained his smile and said, "I'll take it for a look, not rob you!"

When he said that, he put down the black stone statue and looked at him like this. Xie Qingyou said, "Nine tumors, don't you need to do this! This black stone statue is not a good thing. He also exerted a little effort. Pick it up and see what happened? "

"Of course you can, I'm afraid he steals!" Jiu Liu said with a cold snort, "This black stone statue looks useless, but who knows what it will be in the future? Take them up and put them away. Everyone counts the number. equally distributed!"

Although it is rubbish, it is also the **** left over from the oldest time. Who knows what it will be used in the future?

Then Hosisi took out all these stone statues from the bottom of the pond. There were more than one hundred stone statues in total. Six of them each took over 20.

Ding Hao stood beside him, his face cold, without warning.

Even though he just took it with his hand and looked at it just now, he felt that the stone statue was still very weird, and this stone statue had the effect of absorbing the breath of other people's strength.

Ordinary people don't feel this effect at all, just because there is an ancient will in Ding Hao's body, which also has this effect.

So these two effects are similar, Ding Hao, only then felt it.

Each of these people in front of them brought more than 20 stone statues of this kind. I believe this is definitely not a good thing for the six treasure hunters of them!

Ding Hao originally wanted to say, but looking at the attitude of the real Jiu Tuo, it was better not to say it, and he smiled faintly and stood beside him with his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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