Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2770: Troubles

Chapter 2770

Chapter 2768

This is the first time Ding Hao has refined ancient crystals.

He followed Hosisi and the others, gathered a very pale mist of Tingli, wrapped this huge ancient crystal, and used the Tingli it possessed to refine the crystal, and suddenly there were strands of it. Lines of power emerge!

"It can be absorbed!" He Xixi and others who were guarding the law nearby reminded in a low voice.

Ding Hao nodded slightly, and then opened his mouth to swallow the mist of Tingli in front of him and the wisps of power into his mouth.

According to He Xixi's cultivation method, as long as the mist of Tingli is spit out, the strands of power will merge into Ding Hao's body, nourish Tingli's breath, and make Ding Hao stronger!

But at this point, Ding Hao got stuck!

He breathed out Tingli mist, but the strands of power couldn't blend into his body!

"What's the matter?" Ding Hao tried back and forth many times, but still couldn't succeed.

Later, He Xixi and the others all saw that something was wrong and asked, "Ding Hao, what happened? Why have you not succeeded in refining for so long?"

Ancient crystals can be used to enhance the breath of Tingli; and this kind of ancient crystals of the best quality, when used, have great effects, and can be refined in the fastest time!

But Ding Hao did this for a long time and still sat motionless.

"Let me try again!" Ding Hao continued to work hard.

However, the time he experimented was too long. The strands of power in the ancient crystal slowly disappeared into the void, disappeared into the invisible, and did not merge into his body at all!

"It was completely wasted! What's the matter?" Ding Hao was very puzzled.

But at this moment, a voice rang in his ears, "Stupid boy, you can obviously swallow other people's breath, and the effect is better than these ancient crystals! You go directly to swallow the living, why use these ancient crystals? crystal?"

Hearing this, Ding Hao was shocked and immediately asked the ancient will in his body, "What do you mean? Could it be that my Tingli breath is different? If I want to practice, I can only swallow the Tingli breath of others. You cannot use ancient crystals!"

The ancient will in his body coldly dropped the two words, "Yes!"

"What!" Ding Hao was completely dumbfounded.

No wonder he couldn't refine the power in the ancient crystal. It turns out that the ancient crystal is useless to him. There is only one way for him to cultivate, and that is to devour other people's breath of strength!

"Does this have something to do with my special Tingli breath? What kind of race does this colorless Tingli breath represent? Did you bring this to me? Talk quickly!"

But the ancient will in his body ignored him and fell silent again.

"Ding Hao, what's the matter with you?" He Xixi and others looked at Ding Hao in confusion, wondering if Ding Hao succeeded.

"It may be the first time I refining, and I am not sure of the essentials." Ding Hao casually responded.

"Then did you succeed in the end?"

Ding Hao said, "Successful, thank you everyone for protecting me!"

He Xixi and the others breathed a sigh of relief, "Success is good. The ancient crystal you got just now is the largest in size. It would be a pity if it was wasted!"

Ding Haoxin said, it is really a waste!

But this matter was related to his Tingli aura, he didn't dare to tell the truth, he could only be vague, and said, "Then we continue to slaughter these black monsters!"


Everyone took turns to obtain ancient crystals and refine them on the spot to improve their cultivation!

This allowed everyone's enthusiasm to come into play. Everyone couldn't wait to slay monsters, **** ancient crystals, and improve their cultivation!

Only Ding Hao frowned, and he was secretly annoyed. Watching other people's cultivation and strength continue to improve, he could only stop, and he had to hide this from being discovered!

"Ding Hao, this time it's your turn to get the ancient crystal again!"

"Don't rush to refine this time, everyone will continue to kill the black monsters!"

Ding Hao could only find a way to delay. After several rounds of delay, everyone was a little doubtful. Why didn't Ding Hao get the ancient crystal to refine it in time?

But fortunately, as everyone's strength increased, from six people to kill a black monster, slowly reducing the number of people. Later, Xie Qingyou was able to introduce two or three black monsters at once and kill them at the same time!

In this way, the real Jiu-liu said, "Since everyone’s strength has improved, there is no need to join together to kill! We can spread out and form teams, so that the efficiency is faster and we get more ancient crystals. Strength also improves faster!"

"That's good!" He Xixi said, "Then we will form two teams!"

The real Jiu Tuo and Tian Haitian and his wife formed a team and went out to kill the black monster; He Xixi, Wu Peng, and Ding Hao also formed a team and went to another direction to kill the black monster!

"Ding Hao, you have harvested a lot of ancient crystals now? Why haven't any of them been refined yet! You see, our strength has improved a lot, but your strength has not improved!" Gradually, Wu Peng also felt incomprehensible to Ding Hao's behavior.

"That's it. I like to collect enough ancient crystals and refine them at once!" Ding Hao could only continue to sloppy.


The three of them formed a small team and continued to fight. After using a lot of ancient crystals, Hexixi and Wu Peng both increased their strength, and their faces were ecstatic.

Wu Peng said, "Captain, thanks to you this time! If it weren't for you to bring us to explore the treasure, our strength would not increase so fast! Now my strength is close to the strength of our clan leader! I believe I will wait for this exploration. Bao is over, I can go and do a job with a patriarch and deputy patriarch!"

They have improved a lot this time, and their self-feeling is also quite expanded.

He Xixi laughed and said, "I also feel that my strength has improved a lot, this time I really made a lot of money!"

Speaking of this, Ho Xixi asked again, "Ding Hao, you have a lot of ancient crystals! Didn't you say that if you have enough ancient crystals, you will refining it at once? Or I and Wu Peng will help you protect the law. , You refining right here!"

"No need." Ding Hao quickly waved his hand and said, "I don't need to protect the law, you can go on your own! With your current strength, you two can kill a black monster without me joining the team! I asked to leave the team. Find a safe place to practice by yourself!"

"This..." He Xixi and Wu Peng looked at each other, guessing in their hearts that Ding Hao might have some cultivation techniques that they didn't want them to see, so they said, "Then you pay attention to safety, let's go first!"

(End of this chapter)

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