Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2776: Tingli Master

Chapter 2776 The Master of Tingli

Chapter 2774 Tingli Master


On the small hills, there are hundreds of treasure hunters, and these people are going to rush into the cave with the strong gold element.

Only hearing Ding Hao's warning, many people hesitated!

However, there are also some treasure hunters with a hideous look on their faces, "This is called Ding Hao, but it is the treasure hunter who went in with Hexixi and the others! How powerful can they be? Those golden powerhouses rushed in. Now, what are we afraid of?"

Thinking of this, dozens of treasure hunters gritted their teeth and rushed into the cave.

Seeing these dozens of treasure hunters rushing into the cave, the faces of hundreds of other treasure hunters behind showed greed again.

But at this moment, the door of the Dong Mansion was closed with only a bang!

"That's it! Let's continue to explore our treasures at ease!" The other hundreds of treasure hunters had to temporarily let go of their greed.

Besides, those are the six golden-type powerhouses who rushed into Ding Hao's cave mansion first. They entered the cave mansion and were watching everywhere. Suddenly, an invisible force suddenly gathered.

"No, what's the situation?"

They found that their bodies were locked in a very small space, unable to leave, and their attacks could only stay in the space!

"No, I'm stuck in it and can't get out!"

"I am also trapped in a small space!"

When the six of them panicked, the six isolated small spaces moved quickly toward the depths of the cave.

The scene changed in a blink of an eye. The six of them were already standing in a luxurious palace. They were looking for Ding Hao, whom countless thousands of miles were looking for. They stood in front of them at the moment, with one hand behind them, with great momentum.

"Ding Hao, your kid is looking for death!" A golden-type strong snorted coldly, "With you as a newcomer, your strength is limited! When you came to Tingyu, you dare to offend our entire golden-type race! Now give you a chance. Take out our golden Tingli crystal, and then hand over your evil crystal! Kneel down and beg us for mercy, you still have a chance!"

"What are you kidding?" Ding Hao sneered, "I don't know how to live or die, you are already here! It's still so arrogant! I don't know what to say if I kneel down and beg you for mercy!"

"Ding Hao, don't you just have that evil crystal?" And another golden type expert shouted loudly, "You have a seed, and then use that evil crystal, you can see that it is still not working. ?"


Ding Hao's expression changed, he first raised his hand, took out the small evil crystal, and used his own power to move it.

Suddenly white light shone out and fell on this golden type strong man. People did not expect that this golden type strong body just trembled and laughed, "Ding Hao! Your evil crystal is not working. Now, can you still kill us? You can't do it! You will definitely die this time!"

Ding Hao's unsuccessful evil crystal suddenly failed. He was puzzled for a moment, and then he took out the big evil crystal.

"Oh my God, he actually has two evil crystals! This one is really big!" All the six golden powers shouted in surprise.

For them, as long as one evil crystal is so precious, Ding Hao actually has two in his hand!

In fact, they were still wrong. Ding Hao had three evil crystals in total, and one was placed on the cave mansion console to control this cave mansion. The crystal that originally belonged to the master of the cave mansion had been refined by him and became him. All one crystal!

When Ding Hao took out the biggest evil crystal to illuminate the person in front of him, Ding Hao was shocked again to discover that this huge evil crystal had also lost its effect!

"What's the matter?" Ding Hao was dumbfounded.

According to his long-term experience, the cultivators in Tingyu will be affected by the evil crystal, and even Ding Hao himself was irradiated by the evil crystal and lost his resistance!

"Why not this time?"

In Ding Hao’s doubts, the voice of the ancient star fish of Will came from his ears, and the star fish said, “The runes of the Seven Clan Contract are written on their bodies! The so-called Seven Clan Contracts are the seven colors of Tingli Clan. The contract made is specially used when cruising against our colorless system! The power contained in this contract rune can make the effect of the evil crystal fail!"

"So that's it." Ding Hao asked again, "Then how can I break the contract they made?"

Starfish said, "It's simple and simple. You only need to get the Tingli crystal that is the largest of their race in this layer, and you will have the Tingli controller representing their race! Then you can use the authority to remove these people in front of you. The contract, then they are not protected by the contract rune!"

"Haha!" Ding Hao couldn't help laughing. "Golden powerhouses, speaking of it, I really have the largest gold crystal crystal in your gold system! I will relieve you of the seven clans set in your body. contract!"

While talking, Ding Hao raised his hand again and took out another huge golden crystal.

After taking out this crystal, Ding Hao, under the guidance of Xingyu, obtained the authority of the golden system on this level!


The hundreds of treasure hunters who were exploring treasures on the hill all raised their heads in surprise, and saw that their heads were covered with golden thunder, and a large amount of thunder fell from the sky, covering the sky. The scene was very spectacular!

"What's going on? How did the golden Ten Thousand Ting Festival get our Ancestral Domain Hill here?" The treasure hunters all looked up.

Soon, the staggering number of thunders in the sky disappeared, and only the largest golden thunder turned into a golden cloud, floating in the sky above Ding Hao Dong Mansion. As long as anyone approached, the cloud would fall. A flash of lightning made a click, a loud noise!

"What's the situation?" The treasure hunters present were even more stunned. "Does this kind of scene mean that the golden race has changed their main city? Only the sky above the main city can have this kind of spherical thunder!"

It was also at this moment that the patriarch and the people in the main city of the golden element all walked out of the house, looking at the sky dumbfounded!

Staying on top of their main city, the golden spherical lightning symbolizing authority, disappeared!

This also means that they are no longer the masters of Golden Thunder, nor are they the main city of the Golden Element!

"No!" The patriarch of the golden element yelled, knelt down and said, "This is because our ancestors abandoned us. We have lost the totem! No, are our golden elements going to perish?"

However, there are also some golden-type strong men who came out and said, "The patriarch does not need to worry. I just received the news that the six strongest members of my clan have been assisted by the seven giants from the Central Ting Domain! Let them have the ability to fight evil. The ability of a different crystal! As long as they can find the rebel Ding Hao and retake the crystal, the main city will still be ours!"

(End of this chapter)

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