Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2828: The Day of Breaking the City

Chapter 2828 The Day of Breaking the City

Chapter 2826 The Day Of Breaking The City


Amidst the desperate cry of the angry beast, watching the villain Ding Hao helplessly, he abruptly cut a bone from his body!

This bone is also extremely precious to the angry beast, representing its supreme dignity!

If there is no such angry dragon bone, what would it be called an angry beast?

It's just that there is really no way, Ding Hao was too "cruel", cut off the bones of the angry dragon alive, and then fled quickly.

For Ding Hao, it would consume too much energy to kill the angry beast. All he needed was this bone. After getting it, he quickly took this bone and fled back to the space where the colorless tribe was located!

Entering the space, he began to close the door and polish this angry dragon bone.

Polishing it into an angry dragon slashing method, the current Zhongting Region has long been lost, but Xingyu has a detailed record. Ding Hao slowly took this angry dragon bone according to the method in the record. The condensed formation, condensed into a truly powerful weapon, Anger Dragon Slash!

As time passed, the battle in Juling County continued.

Speaking of this earth-shattering battle, it has gone through a whole year!

The reason why it can be delayed for such a long time is because there was an accident in the battle, and the army's head coach Tian Xuan-sun was injured!

Originally, according to normal conditions, it was already difficult to support Juling County in about half a year, the city wall was broken everywhere, and the Tingli crystal in the city was exhausted! But at this moment, the head coach Tian Xuan Sun is eager to get the final success, leading some palm-sovereign disciples into the city!

Tian Xuan Sun thought that their group of people, like a sharp knife into the enemy's heart, will completely knock down the enemy!

However, in his battle, he did not expect the strength of the resistance of Sulling County at all. Not only did he severely wound Heavenly Great-grandson, but he also killed a lot of palm-sovereign disciples!

As a result, the morale of the army was greatly affected. After the great-great-grandson was seriously injured, the princes from the major counties and counties were dissatisfied with each other, and the strength of the offensive was greatly affected; and in the Juling County, the old prince had Although the Tingli crystals were exhausted, by mobilizing the power of the people in the city, everyone took out their own treasured Tingli crystals to deal with the battle!

Therefore, Juling County became temporarily safe again.

This kind of back and forth fighting, fierce battles every day, the number of casualties continued to rise, but the Juling County was still not breached!

After such a long battle, all the people in the Sulling County have been exhausted, and everyone is overwhelmed. After one year, it is really overwhelming!

"The situation is really unfavorable lately!" The old county king's face was even more haggard, and the armor on his body was covered with dark red blood. He sat on the throne and sighed, "We in Buling County really did our best! Half a year's time. It’s abruptly dragged on for a year! It’s hard to drag it down again!"

Recently, Heavenly Great-great-grandson's body has gradually recovered, and the entire offensive army has increased to a certain extent.


The old princess and his officers just stopped to rest when they heard another noise coming from outside the city.

"Everyone, be careful, just look at what the great-great-great-grandchildren did?

Although the soldiers in the city were exhausted, they could only force themselves up. Looking out from the city wall, I saw the crusade army outside, with flags flying, very mighty, and the mountains roared with excitement like a tsunami. !

"what's going on?"

The defending soldiers in the city of Juling County were all puzzled, wondering why the crusades outside were so excited? !

The old princess and the young princess Yong Shu and the others also climbed the city wall and looked outside the city, wondering what happened there? !

Just when everyone felt a little confused, the crusaders outside began to line up again. Standing in front of the battle, it was the Great-great-great-grandson who had almost recovered from his injuries. He was wearing a black armor and looked very majestic.

Tian Xuan-sun looked proud and shouted, "Rebellious thieves in Beastling County, I now declare good news to you! Not long ago, I just got the news that my ancestor Master Palmer has returned! When he listened. He was a little angry when he said that I led the army to attack you here, so he decided to set off immediately and come here to help us break the city!"


In the city of Juling County, everyone's faces were earthy, everyone was dumbfounded!

The people in the city waited for a whole year, waiting for Ding Hao to appear; but unexpectedly, a year later, Ding Hao did not come back, but ushered in Master Palm!

"How good is this?!" There was a little morale in the city, and it disappeared in an instant.

Master Palm is the strongest person in Zhongting Region, and he has controlled Zhongting Region for hundreds of millions of years. No one can compare her power in Zhongting Region. Everyone heard that Master Palm is coming, and some people directly scared him. I had to kneel down on the spot, even crying!

Not to mention the people in these cities, even the old princess and his children with the strongest fighting will, as well as all the soldiers present, were stunned by the news!

"Okay! If Master Palm comes, we will all be dead ends!" Everyone is dumbfounded, the bad news is so scary, no wonder the army outside will be so excited!

Another person opened his mouth and said: "Why not, let's break through! Break out of the city and disperse. From now on, everyone will change their faces, change their names, and go to other counties and counties to live their lives quietly!"

Although this person's statement is good, it is very difficult to implement it. Outside this city, there are millions of troops!

Moreover, the great-great-great-grandson’s voice came again loudly, "Everyone! Master Palm is on the way here, do you really want Master Palm to take action? Or let Master Palm see our victory? Now I have issued an order to launch the most violent attack, and I must completely defeat this rebellious city before Master Palm arrives!"


Millions of armies from all directions immediately launched an attack on the city at the same time. These attacking soldiers received the news from the Lord Palmer. They were all excited and vigorous. On the other hand, the soldiers in the city were terrified and their morale dropped to the weakest. Can't resist at all!

"No! Isn't today the day our Sulling County perished?"

The old princess took a group of people and stood on the highest part of the city wall, watching the devastation, the gaps in all directions, the influx of enemy troops...

All of their faces were desperate, and Uncle Yong and Young Princess also looked haggard. At this point in the battle, they were already unable to fight back.

Uncle Yong sighed with emotion, "It seems we can't wait for the arrival of Senior Ding Hao!"

The person next to him shook his head and smiled bitterly, "You people are too naive, Ding Hao must have known the news a long time ago, but he was afraid to come here too! Do you still expect him to help? It's a joke!"

But at this moment, the young county lord flashed his beautiful eyes, "It seems like..."

(End of this chapter)

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