Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2854: Immortal remnants

Chapter 2854 Immortal Remains

Chapter 2852 Immortal Remains

In ten years, with the full help of Ding Hao and Fuxi, Ye Kong's strength has also been significantly improved, and he has also begun to learn the runes of the Gaishixian!

Finally, on this day, Ye Kong's face showed a pleasant surprise, "If I remember correctly, it is very close to the ruins of the Gai Shixian Clan!"

"it is good!"

Ding Hao and Fuxi were also excited. In the past ten years, they have been advancing all the way, learning the runes of the Geshixian Clan along the way.

During the study, they exchanged with each other again, and after this exchange, they have strengthened their determination to learn the runes and exercises of the Gaishixian clan!

"The runes of the Gaishixian clan are very clever! I have gone through several circles, and I will study runes carefully in each of them. According to my opinion, although the runes of the Gaishixian clan are the most difficult to learn, but the power and the contained The energy is amazing!" Ding Hao said his opinion.

Fuxi also said, "It's really very powerful! I have studied these years, and I feel that there is a world behind each rune of the Gaishixian clan! So these runes are very difficult to learn, for so many years , The number of runes that can be understood is limited! It is because there seems to be a world hidden behind it, and the real meaning of this rune can be understood only by fully understanding the world behind it!"

Ye Kong listened to them and said with a wry smile, "I thought God's will, and threw me there, it was my bad luck! But now it seems that God's will love me the most, and he threw me in such a good place! It’s just that I don’t know how to study, so I was thinking of a way to leave!"

Ding Hao laughed and said, "Thanks to you so that we can pass the news to us, let us also study and learn! If you finish studying alone, how can we have a chance to catch up with you?"


In the hearty laughter of the three people, the huge ancient tree towering into the clouds suddenly became one part, and an ancient and mysterious area appeared in the middle.

"That's it!" Ye Kong said, "Here is a large area with the same ruins! Although many ancient trees have grown in the ruins, there are still many ruins in the ancient palaces in some areas. It looks very spectacular!"

Ye Kong was revisiting the old place, he had just come here, and walked here all over the place.

Now it happened to take Fuxi and Ding Hao around here to watch the situation here.

Ding Hao, as the one who knows the runes of the Gaishixian clan best among the three, hurried over and studied the runes on the huge stone in front of him.

These huge stones, despite being beaten by wind and rain for hundreds of millions of years, still stand here, and the patterns on them are vivid.

At the bottom of the stone, there is a circle of runes of the Immortal Clan. Ding Hao looked at it and nodded and said, "Yes! This is really the relics of the Immortal Clan! Make a fortune! If we can make this All the runes in the ruins have been learned and transparent! Then our strength will increase crazily!"

Fuxi said, "That would be great! Actually, I already have the strength to rise to Upper Tingyu! But when I get there, my chances of promotion may not be great! Maybe I will be troubled by the King of Tingyu. ! Therefore, it is better to improve here! In the future, we will have enough strength, when the time comes, our three brothers will rise up to Tingyu together!"

Ye Kong nodded, then pointed to the runes under the huge stone pillar and asked, "What do these runes mean?"

Ding Hao said, "The meaning of these runes is actually very simple, just to suppress the ghosts under this huge stone pillar! The Gai Shixian clan has an ancient rule that under each of their stone pillars, an enemy's heroic spirit will be suppressed! Only! Kill enough enemies to build a bigger palace!"

"That's how it is!" Ye Kong suddenly realized, "It seems that this immortal clan is also a fighting nation! Encourage the clansmen to fight, keep getting stronger, and keep climbing the peak!"

Fuxi nodded with emotion, "In fact, this kind of spirit is exactly the same as that of the cultivators of my generation! We came out of the earth and experienced world after world! The higher the higher, the higher the peak! It is still there! Constantly climb higher peaks! We are also a fighting nation, three fighting brothers!"

Ye Kong asked again, "Then if we tear down the stone pillar, won't the ghosts here come out to attack us?"

"That's not true." Ding Hao shook his head, "These ghosts have lost their fighting ability when they were suppressed and entered under the stone pillars! And after so many years, most of these ghosts have died, even if they are not dead... …" Ding Hao smiled slightly when he said that, and said, "Then we can't open it either! Because the runes of these celestial immortals are too sophisticated!"

Ye Kong suddenly said, "If you can't open it, then you can't open it! Let's watch you say it for a long time, amuse us!"

All three laughed.

Ding Hao asked again, "Second brother, you once said that there is a teleporting beam here! Where is this beam of light?"

The three of them searched the ruins for a long time. Although they saw a lot of runes, they didn't have any inheritance content. Ding Hao could only understand the runes he knew, and he had no idea about many new runes.

They want to dig up these stone pillars and slabs, but these stone pillars and slabs are all carved with suppression runes, they don't even want to destroy!

"So the opportunity now is all transmitting the beam of light!" Ding Hao said expectantly.

"It should be over there, I will take you there."

After ten years, they came to the ruins in front of them, but in the ruins, there was nothing but ruins!

The only hope is to transmit the beam of light!

But what is strange is that when Ye Kong took them over, he was dumbfounded, clutching his scalp and said, "I remember it is here! Why not? Is it because I remembered it wrong? Impossible!"

It turned out that the teleporting beam he had seen at the beginning has now disappeared without a trace.

Fuxi said, "Second brother, think about it again! After all, this has come and gone for decades, can you really remember it wrong?"

"No, how could I remember this thing wrong?"

While the two of them were discussing, Ding Hao walked over and watched carefully, touching the soil and the vegetation growing out on the ground with his hands.

He said with certainty, "It should be here. Look at the vegetation growing in this circle, it is obviously different from the vegetation growing in the distance! Someone should have made the teleporting beam disappear!"

"Can the teleport beam disappear?"

"Yes." Ding Hao said, "When I went to find the angry beasts, the time I found them in the sky, the low-end space behind the teleporting beam was broken by me, which caused the disappearance of the teleporting beam! I suspect that it is the same here. phenomenon!"

"If it's like Cangkong and the others..." Fuxi guessed in surprise, "Isn't it possible that the descendants of the Gaishixian clan may live behind?"

(End of this chapter)

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