Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2856: Interbrow chakra

Chapter 2856 Interbrow Chakra

Chapter 2854 the eyebrow chakra

"Sure enough, someone!"

Ding Hao and the three of them hid behind the white mist, their eyes lit up!

I saw a figure of a person walking faintly in the beam of light that opened up to the sky. At this moment, there were runes in the beam of light, and it was impossible to see the characteristics of the figure.

"Are these people left behind by the Gaishixian clan, or are they descendants of my colorless family?" Ding Hao was also thinking secretly in his heart.

But just as they were guessing, there was a figure in the beam of light, who stretched out his head outside the beam of light.

When the person stretched out his head, the three of Ding Hao and the others at the scene also watched carefully at the same time.

This is a man with his head outstretched, which made Ding Hao and the others feel surprised. This man looks exactly the same as an ordinary cultivator, but at a glance, he can't see the other's Tingli breath at all. Instead, he is here. Between the eyebrows, there is a half-month mark!

Seeing this person's appearance and the half-moon mark on the center of his eyebrows, Ding Hao and the three almost blurted out, "The descendants of the Gaishi Immortal Clan!"

The young man with a half-month mark on his eyebrows glanced out and then retracted his head.

In the white mist, Fuxi, Ye Kong, and Ding Hao looked at each other, and there was a look of horror in their eyes!

According to the previous three people's guesses, Fuxi guessed that they were descendants of the Gaishixian clan; Ye Kong guessed that they were cultivators living in the Ting Beast Forest; Ding Hao guessed that they belonged to the colorless clan!

Now it seems that Fuxi guessed it right!

Although Fuxi guessed correctly, she was still dumbfounded at the moment, and said in a low voice, "I just said casually at the time, I really didn't expect that in our world, there will be descendants of the Gaishi immortal clan!"

This is definitely a shocking news, let alone in the middle Ting domain, I am afraid that if you go to the Ting domain and announce this news, it will also cause worldwide shock!

According to the records in the ancient books, countless billions of years ago, all the people of the Celestial Clan had completely abandoned the upper, middle and lower layers of Tingyu, leaving all of them, leaving none! But who knows!

In a secret location in Zhongting Region, there still exists the descendant of the Immortal Clan!

"Too shocking! If this news goes out, it will really change the pattern of the upper, middle and lower layers of Tingyu!" Ding Hao whispered.

"Not bad." Ye Kong said, "These descendants of the Immortal Clan who stayed in the Middle Ting Region can definitely change the entire Ting Region with the power they master! It's only peculiar that these people, if they are strong enough since many eras, And why not develop and grow? Why not occupy the entire Tingyu Region? With the talents of the Immortal Clan, I think this is not difficult for them!"

"Something must have happened." Fuxi guessed, "Although these people are descendants of the Gaishixian clan, countless epochs have passed! Their strength should be limited in some way, and it cannot be like the original Gaishixian. The clan is so powerful! Otherwise, why haven't they stepped out here since so many epochs?"

Ding Hao also nodded secretly. Everyone's guess is reasonable. After all, hundreds of millions of years have passed. Even if this place is remote, I believe that a human settlement can be found! But the descendants of the Gaishixian clan who live here do not want to get out of here, nor do they want to occupy the world, let alone contact with other cultivators of Tingyu!

what is this? What's hidden in it?

In the midst of everyone's speculation, there was a faint roar in everyone's ears, like the sound of a huge object breaking? !

Everyone was taken aback, Ding Hao shouted for the first time, "No! These people are destroying the space behind the teleporting beam again!"

Ding Hao is experienced in this. Last time, the connecting space behind the teleporting beam was shattered, so the teleporting beam soon disappeared!

"We must never let them destroy the teleportation beam!" Fuxi stood up suddenly.

Now the situation is very clear, if the teleporting beam is destroyed, it will take 38 years to reappear!

Ding Hao and the others would never be here, wait another thirty-seven years!

Thinking of this, all three of them stood up straight, and Ye Kong smiled boldly, "Then let us rush in and see the strength of these descendants of the Immortal Clan!"

Obviously, the people here don't want to deal with people outside. If the three of them go in and persuade them, I am afraid that the other party will never pay attention to them, and even send more people to kill them!

Therefore, Ding Hao reminded, "Looking at them, there are probably three people! After we rushed in, we should not talk nonsense with them, but take surprise attacks! Otherwise, we may not only be defeated, but may be surrounded and die. deal!"

Who knows how strong the descendants left by the Gaishixian clan are? Who knows whether it is good or evil?

After rushing in, use the Thunder method to kill the opponent first!

"Okay!" The three nodded, rushed out of the white mist and rushed to the huge beam of light in front of them!

The three people in the beam of light were busy with their own affairs and didn't even notice. Three people rushed in.

When Ding Hao and the others rushed into the beam of light, a white light flashed in front of them, and a dark connecting space suddenly appeared!

In this connecting space, you can see three men with marks on their eyebrows, constantly carving runes on the ground, wherever the runes go, the space is shattered! These runes are very peculiar. After the space is shattered, the runes still exist! Later, when the space is reborn, the runes will continue to shatter the space!

Seeing this scene, Ding Hao knew why it took more than 30 years for the beam of light here to recover? !

It is precisely because of these runes that have existed for a long time, after the space is reborn, the runes will break them again! !

Therefore, as long as these runes exist for more than 30 years, the space can never be regenerated, and the transmission beam can never be regenerated!

When the three of them rushed in, the faces of the three men with marks on their eyebrows were all startled, and at the same time they dropped the weird rune carving pen in their hands, turned their heads and fled!

"Never let them escape!"

Ding Hao and the three of them had agreed long ago. After they rushed in, they immediately divided into three groups, each blocked one, and shot with all their strength!


Speaking of which, Fuxi kills the fastest. This guy raised his hand and threw his javelin. His special crystal fire javelin is amazingly powerful. A dozen javelins directly pierced a descendant of the Geishi Xian into a hedgehog. This person died on the spot. !

Ding Hao was the second fastest to solve the problem. He released terrifying power from his body and turned into a sky-shattering purple sword. The sword light slashed down, directly beheading the descendant of the Geishi immortal with a half-month mark on the eyebrows!

After these years of cultivation, Ye Kong's strength has basically caught up with the other two people. It doesn't take much effort to kill the people in front of him, but Ye Kong thinks more. He wants to catch a living, and interrogate him. what's going on? !

(End of this chapter)

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