Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2932: Not to sell to you

Chapter 2932 is not sold to you


The fruits of Luye Tribe are very popular, just like the talking fruits that Ding Hao brought out last time.

When they came to the sales counter, many people had already swarmed here, all waiting to buy the fruits of Luye Tribe!

Ding Hao stood in the distance and watched. He saw that there were a lot of Green Leaf Tribe fruits sold this time, many of which he had never seen before!

Ling Xing said, "There are hundreds of fruits of the Green Leaf Tribe, each with different effects! Some can increase combat effectiveness, some can increase perception, and some can increase endurance! In short, each is different, and the types of fruits are also divided into The top, the middle and the bottom! The talking fruit that you took out last time is just one of them! This time we are going to buy some fruits that will improve our perception. When we learn runes, we can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Ding Hao's heart moved when he heard this.

He brought close to 50,000 points this time, and now he has only used 33,000, and there are still more than 10,000 points. He plans to buy some fruits of the Luye Tribe.

"This batch of the Luye Tribe fruits organized by us was contacted by a certain genius offspring of Luye Tribe! Everyone lined up, and the purchase quantity should not exceed 20 per person!" the store shouted.

In front of the counter, there was already a long line.

Ding Hao followed Ling Xinghan Meijie and was also in the line.

He has taken the fruits of Luye Tribe, and he has a deep understanding of this and the effect is very good.

"It's no wonder that the Luye Tribe is so cowardly in the sub-world. The fruits produced by their tribe are indeed very popular!"

Listening to the people around him, Ding Hao also secretly admired him!

This time he went back to not only learn the top runes of the Heavenly Purple Sword Art, but also a few dodge and defense runes, and also try to study the ancient runes he just purchased. So he decided to buy some fruits to improve his perception!

Following the team slowly moving forward, Ding Hao and the others came relatively in time. After a while, it was Ling Xing's turn.

Because Ding Hao was in the front line, Ding Hao first said, "Bring me ten fruits for improving my perception; five fruits for improving combat effectiveness; and five fruits for healing! "

Ding Hao calculated it, so that the total price of 20 fruits is 15,000 points, just enough to use up all the remaining points on him!

The clerk standing at the counter was too busy to look up, and hurriedly prepared 20 fruits.

But just when the clerk was preparing to trade with Ding Hao, the owner of the shop suddenly walked out and said, "Stop the transaction! Let's not do this transaction!"

"What's the situation?" The people buying around were all stunned.

Because there are still a lot of fruits in front of me, why are they suddenly not selling?

Ding Hao was also inexplicable. He was already ready to pay, and the shopkeeper suddenly said not to sell.

He asked doubtfully, "The shopkeeper, there are so many fruits here, why stop selling?"

"Not to stop selling." The owner snorted coldly, "Are you a student Ding Hao from Sifang Academy? I just don't sell it to you, others will still sell it!"

Ding Hao questioned, "What's the reason for this?"

"Do you think about who you offended?"

Hearing this, Ding Hao suddenly realized that he offended the genius Di Ye of the Luye Tribe at Sifang Academy, but what was puzzled was that the owner didn't know him, so why did he come out to stop the sale?

Ling Xing thought of something, and whispered, "The shopkeeper said just now that it was sourced from the young geniuses of the Luye Tribe! Could this young genius be Di Ye?"

After understanding this, Ding Hao suddenly guessed that Di Ye should be behind this shop. Because taking clan items out for sale on the black market is not something worth showing off, Di Ye hid behind and did not show up.

"Never mind!" Ding Hao took a sigh of relief. Who said this was the source of goods from the Emperor Ye organization? It is excusable for others not to sell to themselves.

So Ding Hao could only go to one side.

But what made Ding Hao angry was that when he walked away, the shopkeeper said again, "Neither of you will sell, go out!"

This makes people angry. Ling Xing and Han Meijie did not offend Di Ye, and now they are also forbidden to buy them. Di Ye has done a little too much!

Ling Xing and Han Meijie were solely responsible for the disaster because of Ding Hao, and could not buy the fruits of Luye Tribe!

"If you don't sell it to the three of you, get out quickly!"

Seeing the arrogant shopkeeper, Ding Hao's face was very annoyed, and he said angrily, "Di Ye, you steal the fruits of your clan for sale, do you have to be shameless? If the elders in your clan know about it, you must punish you!"

After being scolded by Ding Hao, Di Ye and some of his men couldn't help but walk out triumphantly.

Di Ye is still so noble, his face is cold, his eyes are like stars, and he doesn't even bother to argue with Ding Hao.

And his doglegs shouted, "Ding Hao, you don't use these to threaten people! What do you have? You have the ability to report to the Luye Tribe, do you see anyone listening to you? It's funny, I Tell you, the three of you don’t want to buy anything from Luye Tribe in the future!"

Ling Xing and Han Meijie were also furious, and Ling Xing said angrily, "We can't afford to buy things? What's more, Di Ye, I haven't offended you!"

Di Ye looked at the three people in front of him with the lower half of his eyes, and snorted coldly, "I won't sell you three garbage from the bottom of the Sifang Academy. You are not worthy to eat the fruits of my Luye Tribe! "

When Di Ye said that, the cultivators who were on the scene looked over with mockery!

"It turns out that these three people are the lowest-level students of Sifang Academy. It's really correct to say that they are rubbish! The lowest-level students, haha, a group of people waiting to be expelled at any time!"

Listening to the ridicule coming from the surroundings, Han Meijie was so angry that tears rolled in her eyes. Although she had fallen to the lowest level, with her efforts, she had now returned to the middle level and had a chance to enter the upper level!

Ling Xing roared angrily, "Di Ye, do you want to be so excessive? We are all out of the bottom class now, and Ding Hao is a member of the genius class of the upper class! You may enter the top class anytime! Why do you insult us like this? "

With a smile on his face, Di Ye waved his hand casually, "Kick them out."

Suddenly, several powerful men with rune weapons in their hands surrounded them.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses. Ding Hao has seen the strongest Chaoheng use rune weapons. He doesn't want to do anything with these people.

But when he left, Ding Hao turned his head and said, "Di Ye, there was no hatred between us! But you have repeatedly targeted me like this, which has aroused my anger! If you only target me, that's all. , But you are still disrespectful to my friend, Di Ye, you wait!"

"Hahaha!" Di Ye and others burst into laughter suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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