Peerless Immortal

Chapter 2951: Make great contributions

Chapter 2951 made great contributions


In the past two months, Ding Hao had a good knowledge of the environment of the ancient immortal site, and he also knew clearly that among the giant rune beasts stationed at all the intersections in this circle, one of them was a female beast, which was bred recently!

"Escape from there, the highest degree of safety!"

The situation in front of us is very critical, it can almost be said that it is imminent.

If, according to the strongest person, Chaoheng, let Ding Hao delay time inside the ancient immortal ruins, it would be death!

"No! I can't listen to Yuan Qi's arrangement, I want to escape! I escaped from the intersection where the mother beast was stationed, and the key is to rely on the white ape!"

During this period of time, Ding Hao worked hard to build this white ape, with 13 runes integrated on his body, mainly for fighting and defense!

"What I am proficient in is the rune of avoidance! But what I laid on the body of the white ape is the defensive rune, which is to make it my stand-in at the critical moment, and to resist injury for me!"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao let out a whistle, and quickly rushed towards the intersection with his pet white ape!

In the previous escape, Ding Hao deliberately ignored that intersection, so the number of rebellious immortals stationed at that intersection was not many.

Now Ding Hao flees frantically, and has brought an astonishing number of fairy clan rebellions and a large number of rune beasts!

"Bastard! Ding Hao, you actually want to run away?"

In the sky, a huge face suddenly appeared, this is the face of Master Huang Long!

"Ding Hao, as a spy for the host system, you dare to sneak into my territory! You are looking for death. You should know that I have been operating at the ancient immortal site for so many years, how can you let this little thing escape?"

Venerable Master Huang Long didn’t need to do it himself. He just yelled and screamed. Loud rumblings came from all sides of the ancient immortal ruins, and huge tentacles rose. All these were raised by the rebels of the fairy clan. The rune beasts were blocked at every intersection, leaving Ding Hao nowhere to escape!

"Don't care about him, run away!"

Ding Hao lowered his head and took his pet, the White Ape, to sprint through the ancient immortal ruins. This route was carefully planned by him in the past two months.

As he had predicted in advance, this road was much safer than other routes. After beheading a few rune beasts that had followed him, he finally came to the intersection!

At this intersection, the mother beast has also poked her head out!

This is a weird rune beast with a large number of tentacles. When it was shot, it was covered with green barbs, and there was venom on the barbs!

This kind of venom all comes from some venom runes fused on his body, after being poisoned, there is no cure at all, it is very dangerous!

"White Ape, come on!"

Ding Hao’s pet White Ape suddenly rushed forward and turned into a white figure. There are not many escape runes on the White Ape, but more defensive runes. In a blink of an eye, the White Ape was wrapped in a large number of tentacles. In it!

"It's almost time, go!"

Ding Hao knew that this rune mother beast was gestating a small beast, so his strength could not be fully released. Now all the attacks were attracted by his pet white ape, and he could just use this moment to escape!

Boom boom boom!

Amid the loud noise, Ding Hao rushed out frantically. Behind him, a large number of rebellious immortals and tens of thousands of rune beasts had already killed them frantically!


Ding Hao gritted his teeth. Even though he had calculated and thoughtful, there was still a huge danger in rushing this giant rune beast!

Escape! Escape!

Ding Hao fled like crazy. He didn't have time to write runes, but took out his rune pen!

The runes recorded in his rune pen are exactly the escape runes he is proficient in, but in a blink of an eye, hundreds of escape runes have emerged outside his body! At this moment, there are hundreds of tentacles madly killing from all directions!

Bang bang bang!

At that moment, Ding Hao almost thought that he was going to die. As long as one of the hundreds of tentacles caught him, he would be finished and he would be completely trapped to death!

Everything was just in the blink of an eye. A few seconds later, when Ding Hao stood on the periphery of the ancient immortal ruins, an ecstasy suddenly appeared in his heart!

"I came here! Hundreds of tentacles, none of them hurt me! This is not only my strength, but also my luck! Hahaha!"

When Ding Hao laughed wildly, he looked back and saw that the white ape had been wrapped in countless tentacles. The poison was very deep, and he was still struggling hard at this moment! While Bai Yuan looked at his owner Ding Hao, his eyes were firm!

"It's really a human being inferior to a beast!"

According to conscience, Ding Hao’s integration with this white ape is to block the bullet for himself at a critical moment. He had prepared for the life of the white ape in exchange for his own life; however, at this moment, Ding Hao’s heart is really touched. , He believed in Yuan Qi, but Yuan Qi lost the chain at a critical moment. Instead, this artificial fusion rune beast that the host system was not allowed to save himself desperately!

"White Ape! I will remember you!"

Ding Hao looked at the rune beasts rushing over, immediately turned his head and ran away.

Soon after, Ding Hao had escaped from the ancient immortal site.

As soon as I escaped, I saw a huge golden ship-shaped flying palace in the sky far ahead.

In front of these large flying palaces, there are some small flying palaces. On these small flying palaces, there is one person standing on each, all of them are powerful and powerful, with a black rune giant sword behind them, all of them are Is the strongest of the fairy clan!

At the forefront of the strongest immortal clan, there is a middle-aged man with black hair and beard.

"Yuan Qi, they came very quickly!" Ding Hao rushed up when seeing these people.

"You escaped? Very good!" Yuan Qi was overjoyed when he saw Ding Hao.

Although Yuan Qi uses Ding Hao as a pawn, he can abandon it at a critical moment! However, this chess piece is still very useful, if it can not be abandoned, of course it is the best! Therefore, Yuan Qi was also very happy to see Ding Hao. He quickly asked, "Where are those materials?"

"I will report to you now!"

Although Ding Hao is quite disappointed with Yuan Qi, he will not show a single trace on his face. His goal is to get more resources and training to make himself stronger! When he is strong enough, he will not be regarded as a **** by others!

In a blink of an eye, Ding Hao transmitted all the information he had obtained over the past two months at the ancient immortal site to Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi pressed his hand on the chakra between the eyebrows, received the information, swept it with his heart, and was immediately ecstatic.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many fairy clan rebellious here! So many illegal rune beasts! There is even the characteristic image of the teacher Huanglong, and all the defensive measures! Very good, great! Ding Hao, you have done a lot. !"

(End of this chapter)

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