Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3036: Clean up the portal

Chapter 3036 Clean up the portal


"The first assessment is over!"

When the first assessment was over, more than 300 people who participated in the assessment all walked out of the light curtain.

However, when they came out and looked back, they found that the light curtain behind some of them had turned red.

"The light curtain turns into red examiners, and they are all eliminated in this round!"

"What?" Hearing these words, everyone was stunned.

Although everyone knows that players can be eliminated at any time in this assessment, but I did not expect that this is the first level!

More than 300 people were eliminated, more than a dozen people. All of these people have reversed the meaning and made all the strict law enforcement loose. Therefore, they disobeyed the fundamental meaning of the host system and eliminated it on the spot!

However, more people can understand the meaning of the host system and successfully pass this level.

"The second assessment, ready to begin!"

When the eliminated players cleared the field, there were only 290 people left on the scene.

For the seven assessments of the strongest assessment this time, the seven assessments were not notified in advance, so everyone was quite worried.

In the starry sky, a huge light gate suddenly rose.

Yuan Qi flew out from behind the light gate and said, "Becoming the strongest host system, the biggest job is to perform the tasks of the host system! All of you here, some of you perform more tasks, some of you perform fewer tasks! But one thing to point out is that if some tasks involve your own tribe or your relatives, it depends on how you perform them!"

After Yuan Qi finished speaking, he said again, "You can now enter the mission control room, and each of you will receive a message! You can publish tasks based on this message. I want to tell you clearly that these tasks will be released. , Will be accepted and executed immediately! You can figure it out!"

"What do you mean?" Many people didn't understand Yuan Qi's meaning.

Everyone does not quite understand, what is being assessed at this level? Even Ding Hao seemed a little bit understanding, but even so, these 290 people flew into the light curtain in front of him.

"This is the mission control room of the host system?" Ding Hao looked at the space in front of him, and hundreds of millions of runes were constantly flashing in front of him, like a super terrifying server, processing all the information in the entire sub-world.

Standing with Ding Hao were more than two hundred other examiners. It was the first time that everyone came under this scene and their eyes were shocked.

When everyone was shocked, everyone's eyebrows moved.

Ding Hao pressed his eyebrows with his hand, and suddenly a will from the host system came, "According to the report, the third brother of the leader of the Banyue tribe secretly cultivated rune beasts! This matter has been verified to be true. However, the rune beasts he cultivated should No harm has been done yet, just the beginning! As the strongest member of the fairy clan, you can now issue a task based on this report!"

After receiving such a request, Ding Hao suddenly realized.

It turns out that the host system is to test their loyalty. If the strongest member of the fairy clan encounters their own tribe, can they still enforce the law impartially? Can you continue to be cold and strict?

Ding Hao is not actually the son of the leader of the Banyue tribe. Ding Hao has no feelings for the third brother of the leader of the Banyue tribe.

At the moment he did not hesitate to release the task, "This person has cultivated rune beasts secretly and has become a rebel of the fairy clan! According to my personal understanding of the rebellion of the fairy clan, it is difficult for these people to look back. It is likely to cause huge consequences! So I am now issuing a task, summoning the hunters of the sub-world to kill it, task rewards, 180,000 points!"

When he announced the task, the host system jumped out again, "Remind! After the task is sent, it will be announced in the entire host task system immediately, please publish it carefully!"

Ding Hao sneered, "I know, this is not a joke! But no matter who, as long as he becomes a rebellious immortal clan, he must clean up his door! Not to mention my third uncle, not even my father!"

When Ding Hao sent out this task, he immediately received a message from the host system, "The second assessment, passed."

Ding Hao passed the test and walked out of the crowd. When he walked out, he looked at other people, and they all had embarrassment on their faces!

For many people, law enforcement is very strict, but for their own tribesmen, it is difficult to start; if the mission is too heavy, your tribe will be suppressed, and if members of your tribe are killed, the tribe will also treat yourself Great views!

In addition, the reports received by many people are not as simple as Ding Hao. For example, in the Luye Tribe, Di Ye received a report saying that the Luye Tribe deliberately sold the green leaf fruit produced by the black market to earn points and let Di Ye publishes tasks and makes decisions!

Di Ye's decision is quite difficult to make!

If he makes the decision too cold, and the green leaf fruit cannot be sold to the black market in the future, his tribe will lose a lot; but if he does not do it cold enough, the host system will think that he is not honest!

Di Ye cursed secretly in his heart, who made this terrific idea.

Seeing Ding Hao come out easily, Di Ye gritted his teeth and announced the task, "From today, the Luye Tribe is forbidden to sell the green leaf fruits to the black market! All the green leaf fruits must be registered to prevent this from happening! And release the task. Those who do not change after repeated instruction will be sent to the hard labor point for hard labor!"

Di Ye is considered to be fighting this time, I believe that the Luye Tribe will lose a lot in the future, but Di Ye can't help it, he won't be able to pass the level without this.

Sure enough, when the mission was issued, the Luye Tribe was wailing, and the Luye Tribe scolded Di Ye up and down!

However, after the emperor leaf mission was issued, he immediately received a message from the host system, "The second assessment, passed."

This second assessment class is really difficult. Many people have waited for a long time without making a decision.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded above the head, "The countdown to the assessment time begins, ten, nine, eight..."

Those assessors who were difficult to make a decision, at this moment, can only grit their teeth and make up their minds to destroy their relatives righteously!

Soon after everyone completed the assessment, more people were eliminated in this level, and more than 30 were eliminated at once!

Either these more than 30 people did not kill their own tribe; or the decision speed was too slow, and they were finally eliminated by the host system!

"After the second assessment, it is now the third assessment."

The remaining 260 people walked out of the light curtain gate, Yuan Qi smiled and nodded, "I am very satisfied with your performance in the previous level! As the strongest person, we must always ensure the execution of the host system rules. , Even your family members and relatives can't violate it!"

(End of this chapter)

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