Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3039: Final assessment

Chapter 3039 Final Assessment

Chapter 3037 Final Examination

After the fifth assessment, Ding Hao still ranked last in the standings, and wanted to make it into the top three in the last two assessments.

This is simply an impossible task!

Now above the stands, there was a sound of laughter.

"Unexpectedly, the number one on the gold list has fallen to this point! I don't know a few runes. I really don't know how he became the number one on the gold list?"

"Sifang Academy is really getting worse and worse. I want to create these famous halls and want to be grandiose! But in the end it was just a scum!"

"And your Most Holy Alliance, I heard that you took great efforts to build this kid, haha! What you entrusted to is not human?!"

Facing a crowd of ridicules, all the bigwigs of the Most Holy Alliance did not change their expressions.

Because others don't know, but the big guys know in their hearts that their investment in Ding Hao this time is terrifying!

Although the Tianyu tribe has also made great efforts to invest in several powerhouses, it cannot be compared with the investment of the Holy Alliance!

Ding Hao has received such a huge investment, and his strength has achieved today's groundbreaking breakthrough. The final shot must be earth-shattering, shocking the world, and no one can shake it!

Therefore, the big guys just smiled on the faces of the surrounding noises, and did not refute them.

At this moment, examiners like Ding Hao and others have entered the venue for the sixth examination.

The sixth assessment has begun and has entered the actual combat assessment!

In this assessment, the main thing is to face an astonishing number of rune beast attacks. Everyone can make a full shot. At the end, count the number of kills and give points to judge them!

230 strong men entered a huge fence, and beyond the fence, there were hundreds of millions of rune beasts.

The levels of these rune beasts are not low. Among them, Luluo has seven or eight runes on his body, and the leader among them is as many as a dozen and dozens of runes. If the average fairy hunter is in Under such a siege, it is a desperate situation.

However, these 230 strong men are all young geniuses. The weapons and equipment in each person's hands are also very sophisticated. Their fighting will is no one can compare. Even if they are in desperate situation, everyone's heart is Full of excitement!


230 strong men burst into a roar.

This is the penultimate level. For many strong players, it is necessary to score points in this level and keep others away!

Not to be outdone, Ding Hao moved his figure to release his rune spear and rushed into the rune beasts in front of him.

But even so, Ding Hao did not urge the Xikong gun to release all its power!

After all, this long spear with the runes of over a hundred strong, if it is used with all its strength, it will shock the world and affect the last level, so Ding Hao kept his hands!

However, when the others reached this level, they could no longer keep their hands, and tried their best to kill the Rune Beast.

The rumbling noise continued, one by one, large and small rune beasts fell to the ground.

What people did not expect was that the number of rune beasts was too much, and under them such crazy slaughter, there were also rune beasts constantly coming into the fence!

"Everyone must guard!" I didn't know who it was, and he let out an angry roar.

At this moment, at a critical moment, the strong men put aside the contradictions between each other and fight the rune beast with all their strength.

However, in this battle, we can still see that someone is secretly trying!

The rune beasts that rushed into the fence were large and small, all of which were rune beasts with seven or eight runes, but some were huge and difficult to kill; some were slightly smaller, and one shot was one piece!

Some examiners are simply opportunistic. They deliberately avoid the huge rune beasts and kill a large number of slightly smaller rune beasts. They are not willing to suffer at all; but Ding Hao and other experts are at the point. Moment, turn the tide, take the initiative to withstand the biggest rune beasts!

"Haha! Kill happily, kill and kill!" Leng Lin, the strong man who had hatred with Ding Hao, laughed out loud and resisted a huge rune beast mercilessly.

"This person should be a strong opponent. In the next assessment battle, I hope I can meet this person and eliminate him!" Ding Hao's eyes flashed secretly.

Not long after the battle, the number of rune beasts was really like the tide, and everyone was unable to withstand it at all, and the fence was completely flooded with runes!

Just when Ding Hao wondered, should he use his big move?

Yuan Qi's bursting voice suddenly heard in his ears, "This is the end of the sixth level assessment!"

With a bang, the rune beasts in front of them all turned into countless light spots and disappeared without a trace.

The 230 strong men who had just gone through the battle took a long breath.

Yuan Qi said, "During this assessment, you did a good job! Some people are a little careful, and you may suffer some losses; and those who become the mainstay are the talents that our strongest people need. !"

After he finished speaking, the huge list behind him, the top ranking has undergone tremendous changes!

Those who want to be lazy and take advantage of the appraisal, the scores obtained this time are all very low, once they fell to the bottom of the list; but Ding Hao and their scores are rising rapidly!

The top three are all in battle, bravely going forward, but Ding Hao's previous foundation is too low. Although he added a lot of points this time, his ranking is still far away from 25!

"Haha! This time it seems that the strong of our tribe has hope!"

"Not bad! I didn't expect him to be so high this time!"

"Leng Lin, the hunter of the fairy clan, looks quite extraordinary! I heard that he is recommended by the host system. There should be no background. We can go and contact him!"

Everyone is talking about the top three of the list, and even the other top ten players in the top three.

But for Ding Hao, who ranks outside the 25th place, no one cares about it, and there is no idea even to talk about it.

According to previous situations, Ding Hao, a player who has not made the top ten in the penultimate round, is basically hopeless!

After passing the assessment of the sixth level, all 230 strong men sat down cross-legged and maintained their rune weapons and rune armor.

After a short maintenance, everyone's weapons and armor were restored to their best condition.

At this time, the list floating in the sky suddenly split from one list into three lists!

Yuan Qi's voice came, "According to the points and strengths you have already got, now one list is divided into three, you will be divided into three camps in the original list, and then start fighting! Stay in the circle at the end Three of them will get the highest score in the assessment!"

When the list appeared, three huge circles appeared in the starry sky, and all examiners were assigned to different circles!

(End of this chapter)

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