Peerless Immortal

Chapter 3058: Looking for skyfire

Chapter 3058 Looking for Skyfire

Chapter 3056

"Ding Hao, you are nothing but this! Don't try to be strong anymore, you die!"

In this world of monarchs and ministers, when the monarch speaks, the courtier must execute!

Tian Chou's huge figure is getting bigger and bigger, Ding Hao's body is getting smaller and smaller, the contrast is getting sharper and sharper!

"Die!" Countless voices and countless strengths gathered in Xiang Ding Hao's body!

These forces gathered together, like a big hand, ready to tear Ding Hao apart at any time!

"Dead!" Tian Chou's violent roar sounded crazily in this world. This is the power of the old rune, and it is also Tian Chou's strongest attack!

"It's over!" The owner of the black ship is strong enough to resist the power of the world of monarchs and ministers. He clearly sees that Ding Hao is getting weaker and weaker!

He knew that Ding Hao's strength could not resist the strongest strength of the veteran!

Ding Hao is a dead end next!


But at this moment, the black ship owner's eyes condensed, and a dazzling light flashed in his eyes.

I saw the extremely small Ding Hao, suddenly raised his head, his eyes became extremely firm!

"Do you want to resist?" Tian Chou lowered his head and snorted contemptuously, "All your resistance is useless, die!"

While speaking, his extremely huge black figure suddenly raised his hand downward and pressed...


The violent power fell from the sky again, and hundreds of millions of runes rushed into Ding Hao's body instantly, almost tore Ding Hao's body directly!

"He no longer has the ability to resist!" A look of despair finally flashed in the black ship owner's eyes. He is already hesitating now, should he take action?

However, at this critical moment, Ding Hao's figure suddenly rose, and the rune spear in his hand urged again with all his strength, pulling out a dazzling spear shadow!

"He's still resisting!" A surprise flashed in the eyes of the black ship owner.

But Tian Chou was shocked, and then furious, "It's useless! Your resistance is useless! It's purely invalid, death, you only have a dead end!"

After finishing speaking, his huge figure pressed down again, leaving tiny Ding Hao nowhere to escape!

However, at a moment when the difference between the two powers was very large, Ding Hao ignored the pressure from other parties, but turned his body into a dazzling white light, and under the full attack of the Xikong spear, he attacked this A certain point in the world!


When Ding Hao's gun shadow hit this point, there was a loud bang from the entire world of monarchs and ministers.

It was collapsing in all directions, and Tian Chou's huge body shrank crazily!

"How is it possible!" Tian Chou's horrified face was full of shock.

"He actually broke Tian Chou's veteran rune?" The black ship owner's face was also incredible!

Under this loud noise, Ding Hao smashed the runes of the monarch and ministers world, but Ding Hao also knew that his strength was not enough to kill Tian Chou at present, so he simply used this time to escape to the side of space!

Surrounded by a large number of flying palaces in all directions, there are a lot of black skull tribe cultivators standing on them!

When they saw Ding Hao killing and rushing over, they paled with fright!

"Dead!" The Xikong gun in Ding Hao's hand was merciless, pulling out countless lights and shadows, tearing the flying palace in front of him and the Black Skull Tribe cultivator above them to pieces!

Then, Ding Hao's figure rushed to the distant origin forest from this breakthrough, disappearing without a trace!

"How is it possible!" Tian Chou didn't chase Ding Hao. He knew that he wanted to chase but couldn't catch up. He stood motionless, unable to believe his strongest rune, and let Ding Hao escape from it!

The owner of the black ship said in a mocking tone, "Tian Chou, it seems that your strength is really not worthy of being a veteran."



Standing on the golden flying palace, Ding Hao let out a sigh. He was able to break through at a critical moment, thanks to the help given to him by Candle Dragon.

At the beginning, Zhulong was completely maimed by Tian Chou's trick, and his fate has since gone downhill.

However, although the Candle Dragon was maimed, his mind is still normal. For so many years, Candle Dragon has been thinking about whether there are loopholes in Tian Chou's Monarch World Rune?

Under this thinking, after countless years, Candle Dragon finally thought of something, this is the loophole in Tian Chou rune!

Therefore, before the battle, Zhulong told Ding Hao of this loophole in advance. Although Ding Hao was not enough to defeat Tian Chou by virtue of the loophole, it shouldn't be a problem to escape! This is why Ding Hao dared to play this game with Tian Chou!

"Tian Chou, you are a veteran, and your strength really surpasses me! But sooner or later, I will have enough strength. When I go back this time, I might be able to trample you under my feet!"

Ding Hao thought of this, and immediately moved on, looking into the distance, "Big Brother and 2 Brother, I'm looking for you!"

The sub-world is very vast. Nearly 100 billion people live within the security zone of the host system. However, the origin forest outside the security zone of the host system has a much larger area, and an astonishing number of rune beasts and immortals live here. Family rebellion!

In the very remote forest of origin, some fairy clan rebellions are already very powerful!

These rebels even have the strength of the veteran level, so even the strongest dare not easily go to shoot! What's more, the rebellious fairy clan has raised an astonishing number of rune beasts, some of which are as powerful as the elders!

So even the veterans in the host system are not willing to go out easily!

After flying for a few days, Ding Hao immediately put away his flying palace, and then walked in the primeval forest!

"I used to disguise the rebellion of the immortal clan for a while in order to investigate Master Huang Long! Now it seems that it is time to disguise again!" Ding Hao's figure moved, putting on a black robe on his body, and then alone Walk in the origin forest.

Ordinary immortal remnants will be suppressed by the power of the origin forest and will not walk alone like this.

However, the rebellious immortals have been active in the forest of origin for a long time, and walking like Ding Hao is their normal way of walking.

Sure enough, Ding Hao slowly merged into the rebellion of several other immortals.

"Where are you going?" Ding Hao got acquainted with these rebellious immortals and asked.

"Because of the need of the exercise method, we are going to look for the sky fire this time! I heard that there is a sky fire production in the nearby Origin Forest. If you can get it, you can increase the strength of my rune beast a lot!" A fairy clan rebelled Tao.

Another immortal clan rebellious also said, "I am also looking for Skyfire!"

"It seems that there is a sky fire in this area!" Ding Hao's heart was secretly moved, and he also said, "You are not going to hide it, I am also looking for sky fire! It is better to make a company together, if you can find sky fire, we will divide it equally!"

"That's the best, let's act together!"

(End of this chapter)

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